When You Are Mine

Chapter 170 - Platoonic

Amy's Room

"Guess who's here to see the sick princess?" Jade jeered as soon as she walked into Amy's room.

"It's the Pretty sick princess' bestie" Amy replied gleefully. She sprang up from the bed to hug Jade, but Jade abruptly stopped her.

"Don't you dare move Amy Walker. Get back on that bed else I'll spank you" Jade scolded with a mock-stern voice.

"You wouldn't dare" Amy stubbornly replied as she pressed forward and hugged Jade.

"My sweet baby" Amy said as she hugged Jade tightly.

"Has someone ever told you that you're damn stubborn?" Jade hugged her back but she was careful enough not to squeeze her just as much as Amy was squeezing her.

"Yeah someone just did" She pulled away from the hug, her smile not leaving her face.

"Good to have sincere someones' who can always tell you the truth" Jade said leading them back to the bed.

Jade gave Amy a scrutinizing look, a frown plastered on her face. "Amy what's wrong with you? Why do you look so lean? Have you been skipping meals?" She asked with concern, as she moved closer, her hand slowly tucking a stray strand of hair behind Amy's ear. Amy gave her a guilty look and did not answer, she knew Jade was about to scold her, so she might as well keep shut.

"It's because of the Michael issue isn't it?" Jade asked, more like she stated. Amy lowered her head and said, "It's not true"

"It's okay" Jade understood how Amy felt about the whole issue. If she was the one in Amy's shoes she might look worse than her right now.

"Has there been any update? What did the private investigator say" Jade curiously asked.

Amy's mood changed and a sad frown appeared on her face, and Jade noticed it.

"What is it? Did they find something? Have they found him?" Jade asked anxiously, while Amy slowly shook her head. "Then why do you have that look, like something terrible happened?"

"He's in jail" Amy told her in a small and teary voice.

"What? How did that happen? What did he do? Jade asked all those questions at the same time. She wasn't expecting news of Michael being in jail. It came as a shock to her. Well, she had mistaken him for an asshole and had wished him to rot in jail in the past when he broke her friend's heart, but after knowing the actual truth behind their unfortunate breakup, Jade didn't think Michael was someone that should be in jail.

"Mom locked him there"

"She did what?" Jade stood to her feet due to the surprise of hearing that. How could Amy's mom do that?

"And dad is threatening to divorce her if she doesn't bring him back in a week time. I feel like my family is going to fall apart because of me" Amy broke out in a sob, her palms covering her face as her shoulders shook slowly.

"Hey, that's not true" Jade sat back on the bed and wrapped her hands around Amy.

"It's true. Look at what's happening to Michael, it's because of me. I already feel like I was some sort of unfortunate being who brought chaos to his life, and now things keeps getting worse because of me. I feel so cursed right now" She sobbed even more. She wrapped her hands around Jade as she buried her head on Jade's neck.

"Shhh...don't say that, you're not cursed. You're far from that. You're a sweet, beautiful, lovely, blessed and favoured girl. You're a bundle of joy. You're my bundle of joy. I know you're feeling bad right now, but Amy never say such things about yourself" She comforted her, slowly patting on her back.

Jade pulled Amy's face up. She wiped off her tears and cupped her face with her hands.

"Amy look at me" She said softly making Amy to look at her with her red, dull eyes. Jade sighed in her heart. This was her first time seeing Amy look so broken and trodden. Her strong, bold and fierce friend wasn't there anymore. All that was left was a weak, frail girl.

Amy lifted her eyes to meet Jade's gaze, as she tried to stifle her tears. "I know things are very rough now, but never speak ill of yourself. This is not your fault. This is your mothers fault and not yours or anybodys, it hers and hers only. You loved Michael to a fault and I witnessed that love, but you can't say you're cursed because your mother chose to go on the wrong path and decided to leave choas at her wake? Amy you're the best daughter, sister, friend, lover, future wife anybody can have. So don't say ill things about yourself. All this is a phase, just to shake you up and build you. But have to be strong to fight and fix this, so you can come up at the other side victorious and happy. Believe me nothing is going to happen to Michael and if I know your mother well, she'll definitely let him go. She loves her image too much and would probably not give anyone a topic to talk about her. I assure you" Jade said while Amy nodded slowly.

"Now stop crying okay and give me an Amy special smile" Jade nudged her arm. Amy stifled her tears and tried to force a smile but it wasn't as bright as her usual smile, and in every way it looked forced.

When Amy finally calmed herself down, she pulled Jade in for another hug and said, "Thank you Jade, you're the best"

"And you're my bestest friend" Jade huged her too with a smile.

"Where's the man kisser?" Lair asked flinging Amy's door open, making the pair of friends snap their neck towards the door.

"Who's a man kisser" Amy asked in confusion, as she wiped the residue of tears off her face.

"Jade Peterson of course" He announced. "I caught her kissing a..."

"Where you crying?" He paused and asked with a slight frown forming on his face when he noticed Amy's puffed and reddend eyes.

"Not anymore" She rolled her eyes at him, when she saw the scolding look he was giving her. She immediately turned to Jade with widened eyes.

"You were kissing a man?" She asked in a fully surprised tone. Jade was about to die of embarrassment. She turned and glared at Lair.

"I wasn't kissing anybody. It was just a .."

"Peck" Lair completed her sentence with a hint of sacarsm.

"Exactly" Jade nodded.

"On your lips huh? With his lips slammed against yours and his tongue exploring your mouth like a plunge, you call that a peck" Lair said making Jade frown at him.

"That's not true" She blurted out. She turned to Amy, "Lairs' lying. You know how he can be right? He's just trying to mess with me by exaggerating things" She said throwing her bag at him but he dodged it.

"Really?Okay deny that a guy didn't bring you here? Or that his lips didn't kiss you" Lair was trying so hard not to laugh at Jade's countenance. She looked like she was about to murder him. He loved messing with her like this.

"It was just a peck" She declared firmly. Amy who was confused didn't know who to believe, but she knew deep down the kind of person her brother was. Jade was probably telling the truth.

"Who was he?" Amy asked instead.

Jade turned her head to the side, without answering Amy. She was feeling embarrassed.

"Jade?" Amy called out in a suspicious tone.

Jade pouted her lips and pushed it to the side, before muttering, "Your boss"

Amy was confused by her reply. She had many bosses. Ranging from the CEO, Jake Beau to her departmental director. Which could she be talking about? And why was Jade kissing her boss, or according was pecked by her boss.

Amy's eyes popped when a name came to mind. She didn't know why she thought about him, but from the vague memory of her drunk night at the club, she was sure it was, "Jake Beau?" She asked with surprise. "Please tell it wasn't him" Amy pleaded desperately.

"You know him?" Lair who was now very much interested in this asked.

"Shut up Lair!" Amy thundered, her eyes staring daggers at him. She didn't have time to answer him now.

"Jade please don't tell me you kissed Jake... that...that notorious, chronic, devilish womaniser?" Amy asked, more like she was pleading with Jade not to admit it was true. She would die if that was the case.

Jade looked at her, "Firstly it wasn't a real kiss. It was just a peck on the cheek. And yes it was Jake Beau, but don't make him look like a terrible person. His actually a good, cute and funny guy who has a lot to give and not just a mere womanizer" Jade said in Jake's defence, completely stunning Amy beyond words. Amy didn't see that coming.

"You can't be serious" Amy was dumbfounded.

"Ha, our girl is hooked and ready to be reeled in" He smiled sheepishly as he listened to both women.

"Lair I swear I'll kill you, if you say something else, not withsatanding that you're my lovely brother" Amy snarled. Lair raised his hand in surrender, but he pulled a chair forward to sit close to them.

"Jade, you can't around town with Jake Beau. His my boss and I can assure that that man is a dangerous male specie. He sleeps with everything he sees, and discards women like piece of trash. Sitting in his car is even dangerous. Jade you can't do that!"

"But he isn't that bad. He actually treats me well and hasn't made any advances towards me or anything like that. Our friendship is simply platoonic"

Amy kept quiet for a couple of seconds, carefully observing Jade. This conversation gave her a feeling of deja vu. This was how her relationship with Cale started.

Amy turned Jade to face her and asked. "You like him don't you?"

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