When You Are Mine

Chapter 175 - Miss Your Pretty Face

Blake held his phone in his hand as he sat behind his office desk. After confirming from Jake that Amy's number could now be reached, he suddenly felt hesistant towards calling her. Just yesterday he was moving mountains and crossing valleys, throwing threats at his brother just to reach her so he could check up on her. But now that he could, he suddenly found himself feeling nervous.

He looked at the number sitting on his contact list for a while but he still didn't dial it. He couldn't tell why he was feeling this way. Maybe because this would be the first time he would be speaking with her over the phone or maybe he was finally feeling guilty for turning her down.

Remembering Amy's attitude towards him after that night, his anxiety worsened.

But he had to call her, after all he has called her his friend. What kind of friend doesn't check up on his friend when he/she is sick? Blake took deep breaths to calm himself down before dialling the number.

He shouldn't be nervous he was simply calling to check up on her. He told himself.

Blake stiffened slightly when he heard her hoarse voice coming through the phone, "Hello" she said.

It was Amy's voice and from the way she sounded she must either be seriously sick or he had just woken her up from her sleep.

"Hey...beautiful" He called out softly with a nervous smile on his face, even his tone was nervous.

Blake wouldn't lie, he was having a hard time trying to sound as normal as he used to be before the whole confession thingy. He had only talked to her once after that night and that was the day he had seen her with that guy at the office.

Amy's eyes which were groggy flew wide open when she heard the voice. She removed the phone from her ears and indeed it was Blake calling. Yes she had his number all along, don't ask her how she got it. After crushing on him for so long she could easily identify his voice even from the deepest abyss and getting his number was a piece of cake. She just didn't have any reason to call him.

"Sir Blake?" Though she knew, she still asked anyway, as she sat up right.

"Yes pretty Walker, It's me" He confirmed with a smile. Smiling to the fact that she could recognize his voice though it was the first time they were talking on phone. she was truly attentive. "I guess I woke you up. I'm sorry" He apologized.

"No, no you didn't. I was very much awake before you called" Lies Amy, Lies! She chided herself. She was very much asleep before he called.

Blake was really calling her?!

"Oh okay...I heard you're sick, how are you feeling now? Are you getting better?" Blake asked with concern. Amy could feel her heart fluster when she heard his concern for her.

"Yeah I'm getting better" She replied.

"Are you sure? Are you really nursing yourself back to health or you're still working in your sick state? Why do I feel like you're working from your sickbed hmm? Tell me there's no work related stuff around you at the home" Blake inquired. He really doubted Amy would stay idle even in her sick state. That girl was a workacholic. She worked tirelessly and that has built her a good reputation at the company.

Amy chuckled lightly, "There's no working material close by. I'm truly resting right now. It's practically all I do" She hissed. Yeah, all she did was sleep, eat, and sleep...thanks to that brother of hers. To her she was already feeling better and should probably return to work already.

"Well you need to do that. You're not taking good care of yourself enough, that's why you fell sick. You should know how to work less and rest more"

'Of course he'll say that, when he practically hates working. What a slack off' Amy said in her mind.

"Sure I'll do that. Now I know better"

"Please do, and get better soon. I... we miss seeing your pretty face at the office.Everyone's missing the fierce boss Amy Walker" He teased.

Amy couldn't help but blush when he called her pretty. Blake always had this effect on her, even though he had rejected her, she couldn't get rid of the feelings she had for him in one day. They'll slowly go away and she hoped it does soon, even though certain part of her didn't want to. It wanted to be hopeful that one day maybe Blake would return her feelings and they would have that blissfull relationship she has always fantasized about.

"I also missed the office too. Wish I cam get back to work soon" Amy hissed again in frustration. She missed working, lying in bed all day was making her feel more sick than she was. She was someone who was always up and doing, and staying in bed doing nothing was irking her out.

"There is nothing for you to miss here okay. Just get your mind off work and stay at home. You need to recuprate fully so you can maintain that glow on your face okay" He said with a small smile, as he picture her face.

" Sure I will" Amy blushed again. This Blake would be the death of her, she was sure of it. All though she was feeling a little awkward and angry towards him, hearing him say these things made her heart flutter.

"Well I just wanted to check on you and see how you're doing. Now that I know you're fine and your voice is still as pretty as I remember it, I think I'll calm down now"

Amy fell silent for a couple of seconds, her cheeks were still heating up "Thanks...for checking up on me, I really do appreciate it" Amy said appreciatively.

"Don't do that"

"Do what?" Amy asked in confusion.

"Act like we are strangers. I'm sure you'll do the same for me, so don't thank me. I thought we are friends already." Blake said with a frown. Things might be a little awkward between them but he didn't want any form of distance between them.

"I guess we are" Amy replied, the smile on her face slowly disappearing. She hated it when Blake used that word.

"Then I'll let you rest now okay. I'll call to check up on you later" He told her.

"Okay" Amy nodded.

"Alright bye...for now" Blame said before ending the call. He sighed audibly.

He stared at the phone for as he heaved a sigh "That went well"

Amy laid back on her bed as she stared at the number which had just called her. Alot was going through her mind right now about Blake and her feelings for him. She didn't know what to do about them. She sighed frustratedly.

She'd have to push them to the back of her mind and focus more on the issue at hand. And that was getting better and finding Michael. Maybe after Michael has been found she'll think about her feelings and probably know what to do by then.



After what had happened earlier at the Cale's office, Jade was finally able to calm herself down. She was now looking forward to seeing Jake and spending some time with him tonight. Her heart raced in anticipation as she thought about it. She was also nervous. Realizing her feelings for Jake was making her feel somewhat conscious of herself. She didn't know how she would act in his presence now that she knew she liked him. Jake already had a huge effect on her before now, so she wondered how she would be now that she knew about her feelings.

Jade hurried to the rest room on her way to the elevator to touch up her make up as soon as work closed. She didn't want to look too shabby when she meets him tonight. She retouched the powder on her face. She was still on it when her phone rang. Her heart skipped a beat when she noticed it was Jake calling.

'Is he here already?' she asked herself.

"Hey" She said immediately she picked up the call. Her voice was excited.

"Hi. Are you done with work?" Jake asked even though he knew the answer to that and was currently waiting for her down stairs.

"Yeah I am, and you?" She asked, adding a little bit more gloss to her lips.

"Yeah and I'm waiting for you down here"

"Already? I'm on my way down" She said as she hurriedly packed her stuff into her bag. A smile appeared on her face as she thought about Jake's ceremonious way of waiting for her. She could imagine he was gloriously standing in front of the company with one of his beast drawing a lot of attention to himself. 

"Okay I'll be waiting" Jake replied before ending the call, a warm smile appearing on his face as well.

Jade's heart began to race even more. It felt like she was going for a first date even though she wasn't. She could feel butterflies in her stomach.

Jade gave herself one last look before dashing out of the rest room to meet up with Jake. Jade had only stepped out of the restroom when a figure stepped out of one of ten toiled cubicles.

"Is she really seeing one?" The voice spoke softly. "I guess i have to find out" The voice spoke before hurrying out of the restroom to follow Jade.

As soon as Jade saw Jake standing by the passengers door, with his back leaning against it with his signature smile which made him look extremely hand some was plastered on his face as he stared at her.

Jade walked closer to him and the more his face came into view the more enthralled she was by him. His well chiseled jawline, perfect brows and thin lips which suited his face perfectly made her blush helplessly.

Could someone tell her why she wouldn't fall for a guy like him?

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