When You Are Mine

Chapter 178 - Knowing The Small Things

Naturally, Jake wouldn't watch a romance movie, but right now making Jade happy was his utmost priority, and if watching a romance movie would make her smile this brightly, then he didn't mind.

He noticed they were too close to the screen and Jade probably wasn't having a really good view of the screen. He knew he has to recline the seat backward.


"Hmm?" She responded absentmindedly, her eyes glued to the screen. This was one of her favorite part of the movie, where the female lead kept ranting out her secrets to the guy seated next to her in the plane, because she was scared they were about to crash.

Jake looked up at her, she was so engrossed with the movie. He scratched the back of his neck, as he thought about how he was going to recline her seat without it looking awkward, knowing well he had to lean over her to do that.

He sighed out loud before stepping out of the car, going around the car was the best option at the moment. Jade turned towards him when she heard the door unlock and she saw Jake stepping out.

"What's wrong, where are you going to?" She curiously asked shuffling gaze between Jake and the screen, but Jake simply ignored her and walked around the car to the other side -Jade's side -, her eyes carefully following him.

"Jake what's wrong?" She asked again, when he opened her door and gave her a look she didn't quite understand.

'Why the grumpy look?'

It wasn't until he bent down and reclined her seat that she finally got the memo.

Before she could utter a word he said, "You're welcome" hissing under his breath before returning to his side of the car.

"Thank you" Jade said smiling cutely at him as soon as he hopped back into the car, her smile completely disarming him. She returned her gaze back to the screen, she had to admit that the view was way much better than before. She stole a quick glance at Jake who was now leaning to the back seat doing God knows what. Her heart was swelling with so many emotions. Her feelings for him were growing by the second and she couldn't help it.

Oblivious to Jade's stare, Jake picked up the bags of food from the back seat and started to unpack them.

"Jade, here" He passed a plate of tortellinis with shrimps and veggies.

"Thank you" Jade received it with a smile. She would have rejected it, if she hadn't had a taste of it before now. Thanks to Amy who had forced her to an Italian restaurant on one of their outings.

They both ate silently while watching the movie, or rather while Jake watched Jade who in turn was watching the movie. He couldn't stop staring at her, taking in every inch of her beauty. His heart beating hardly behind his chest.

"That's one of my favorite movie. Jake thanks for bringing me" Jade turned to Jake after the movie ended. This was the first time she was paying any attention to him since she started watching the movie, except the time she had spoken to him when he reclined her seat, only if that counts.

"And thanks for coming with me" He replied with a small smile.

"Aren't we leaving too?" Jade asked when she noticed the other cars exiting the premises.

"Do you want to?" Jake asked her. He didn't want to leave just yet. Though they weren't saying much he liked the fact that they were both seated down in his car enjoying each others company.

"Well they might chase us out" She reasoned. She also didn't want to leave yet. Even though there was no movie to watch, she could still see his handsome face. It was more handsome than the male lead in the movie they had just seen. She had always had a crush on the male lead, but seeing Jake right now, she now thought the male lead isn't as handsome as she thought he was. He couldn't even hold water before this heavenly beauty sitting next to her. 

"Only if they want to get fired" He said nonchalantly. Jade was surprised when she heard that. That meant he owned the place right?

Jake chuckled when he saw the surprised look on Jade's face. He really didn't see the reason for her to look so surprised, after all Acrosoft was a multinational conglomerate. Though their focus was more on developing softwares, they also had different ventures. "You don't have to look so surprised" He chuckled.

"Well don't blame me. Sometimes you just feel like royalty especially with all this" She gestured to the vast land which they were parked in right now, and also referring to the huge empire under his management. 

'If I'm a prince then you'll be my princess ' Jake said in his heart. He was amused by all the cheesy lines that were going through his head lately.

"It's all my grandfather and father's hard work. I'm only reaping the benefits" He said. Jade looked at him, she really doubted that. From what she had read from articles and heard from Amy, she knew he was just being modest.

Jade looked outside the windows and noticed the stary-sky.

"There are so many stars tonight. Since we're not leaving, can we sit out and just gaze at the stars" She asked, expectantly looking at Jake. Was Jake going to turn her down? Hell no!

"Okay" He replied. Jade excitedly jumped out of the car and hurried to sit at the bonnet, where she lifted her head up to look at the galaxy of stars. The night was so beautiful, as it was full of stars and the moon was shining brightly.

Jake stepped out of the car too and joined her. Jade was surprised when she felt some warmth suddenly wrapped around her. She looked over her shoulder and saw Jake's jacket drapped over it. She surreptitously too a whiff of it and Jake's smell came wafting through her nostrils, making her cheeks blush.

'It smells just like him' Perv Jade thought to herself. She glanced at Jake and the thumping in her heart increased drastically. Jake was also staring at her, and he must confess that she looked so alluring under the bright moon light.

"I want to know you Jade" Jake suddenly spoke up, earning him Jade's attention as she looked at him intently, patiently waiting for him to continue.

"I want to know the small things about you. Things that might not matter, I want to know them all" He said in the most gentle and lovely voice he had ever spoken in. And Jade couldn't help but fall in love with it too. Her eyes were glistening as she watched him speak.

"Like what?" She asked turning her head away from him, before she blurts something out. She was having a heard time holding in her feelings especially with the way he was staring at her.

"Like your favorite color" He said.

"Blue" She responded. Jake smiled at the way she answered him while avoiding his gaze, but he didn't mind. He liked it.

"Favorite food?"


"Favorite artist?"

"Ethan Hills" She smiled when she remembered she had seen her once upon a crush artist.

"Favourite song?"

"I still love you by Ethan"

"Hmm, shoe size?"

"Eight" She blushed listening to all his questions, but she tried hiding it with her long hair.

"Have a boyfriend?"

Jade paused. Her response didn't come as prompt as usual. She cocked a brow as she fell in thought. Hasn't she answered this question before? She sighed and replied anyway, "No"

"Then can I be one?"

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