When You Are Mine

Chapter 193 - Teaching You Some Manners

Flinging the door of Stephanie's office open, Jade stormed into the office. Setting her eyes on Stephanie right now, there was only one thing in her mind and that was turning that well powdered face of hers red with her palm.

Stephanie was shocked when she heard someone open her door without knocking. Her lips curled upwards when she saw the deep frown on Jade's face as she strolled in.

"What a pleasant surprise" Stephanie said in a taunting voice, a fiendish smile graced her face. "Wait! I think I know that look" Her smiled widened.

"Really you do?" Jade raised a brow at her as she approached Stephanie who was sitting behind her desk.

"Yeah it's..." She paused when Jade started walking around her desk.

"W–what are you doing?" She asked when Jade kept closing in on her.

"I thought I should come pay you a visit and tell you that your plan failed" Jade said calmly, but the under current behind her voice could not be missed. Anger and rage were evident in her eyes.

"And also to teach you some manners" Jade added. Stephanie's heart skipped a beat when she saw the cold and menancing look Jade was shooting at her. She wanted to stand up from her seat but there was something about the way Jade was staring at her that made her immobile. Jade gaze pinned her down to her seat.

"Do you know what I hate most?" Jade asked, but she didn't wait to Stephanie to reply so she continued. " It's people who think they can play God and who do nasty things behind my back" Jade said forcefully, her hands speaking with her as she slapped Stephanie across her face.

Stephanie saw stars the minute Jade's hand touched her face.

"You bitch how dare you?!" Stephanie spat out in anger, her eyes slowly turning red as she glared at Jade. Stephanie could not believe she had just been slapped by Jade. She tried to move but Jade's fiery gaze looked her down.

"How dare..? Bitch?" Jade scoffed in incredulity. She couldn't believe Stephanie still had the guts to still talk nasty.

"It seems I have to take it upon myself to teach you some manners" Jade spoke as she slapped her again. This time on the other side.

Stephanie gasped in shock when Jade slapped her for the second time. Her hands flew to cover her cheeks. They cheeks were burning so hard and it seems the nociceptors in her body had gone on a override making the other part of her brain to shut down, because she couldn't feel anything else but pain. She wanted to say something but her throat was burning just as much as her cheek was.

Jade took a step back as she took some deep breaths to calm herself. She thought hitting Stephanie would make her feel better, but right now she just felt like killing her. She pursed in lips as she tried to even her breath.

"You know at first I thought you maybe you were just a tiny little bitch, but it seems you're not just a bitch, you're also stupid and evil. I warned you never to cross my path didn't I? But you had the nerve to have me followed and sent pictures to frame me?" Jade felt like pounding on her. Stephanie dared to accuse her of using unhanded means in acquiring the contract, when she was actually the one who was guilty of such?

Stephanie tried to open her mouth to speak, but Jade spoke up first. "Deny you didn't send those pictures to the vice president?" Jade fumed.

"So what if I did?" Stephanie snapped, her hand still covering her cheek.

"I know you did. So I'm going to warn you for one last time, let this be the very last time you try to step on my toes and try to sabotage me. Because the next time you do..."

"What will you do?" Stephanie asked as she snapped herself free from whatever hold Jade had initially placed on her. She pushed her chair backward, stood up to her feet and took a step closer to Jade.

Jade squared her gaze on her, which were terribly scorching. "I'll send you to the mental asylum where crazy bitches like you truly belong, since you have chosen to remain mad" Jade snarled.

"I'm seriously warning you. Steer clear off my path. I won't be this nice the next time you try something funny" She warned, before turning around to leave. The sight of Stephanie was irking her out. How can one person be so evil.

Stephanie watched as Jade walked away. She couldn't let Jade have the last win. She was going to get back at her.

"Because you're now dating the rich and infamous playboy, Jake Beau, you think you can threaten me?" Stephanie asked, halting Jade on her strides. "Because you're now a wealthy man's woman you think you've become invincible? You think you can now walk in the air while everybody worships you?" Stephanie seethed, making Jade turn to look at her.

"So what if I'm dating Jake Beau, you want him too?" Jade asked with a sardonic smile.

"And what if I do?" Stephanie dared, while Jade frowned and her gaze turned menancing.

"You do don't you?" Jade asked in a deadpan tone.

"As a matter of fact I do, and don't forget I slept with him first. Did he tell how pleasurable and satisfying it was? I sure worked my wonders on him" Stephanie said tauntingly, a wicked smile spreading across her face.


Hey lovelies, I know some of you guys are complaining about the chapters being short.

The truth is a single chapter is about 1.5k words. But I've been dropping two chapters of about 1.2 -1.3k words daily.

I can write more but that will take a toll on my health. I'm really sorry if they are too short. But I want to believe that's because you guys love J&J and you want more...I mean I want more too.

I know you guys uses coins in opening these chapters and I can't thank you enough.. I truly appreciate you guys with all of my heart.

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