When You Are Mine

Chapter 219 - She Has A Claim To It

Jake's Office

Grandfather Beau could feel Jake's piercing gaze on him, but he pretended like he couldn't as he looked everywhere else but at him. He had all the answers to his questions but he didn't know how to start answering them. He knew he had to come clean to Jake today, and that was why he had come to the company in the first place.

"You can't keep mute about this, grandfather" Jake said in a serious tone, making grandfather Beau finally look at him.

"I'm not keeping mute. Do you want me to scold you?" He cocked a brow at him.

"Grandfather!" Jake called out in a firm and strong tone. He didn't have the time for all this dallying.

"Young Man, mind your tone. I'm still your grandfather" He glared at him and so did Jake. He knew his temper was no longer in par with that of grandson and it was time he said something. He sighed deflatedly as he sat up right.

"There's something you should know"

"You mean the one I've been hounding you to tell me?" Jake asked with a sarcastic tone, but grandfather Beau ignored him.

"Hillary isn't just after the company as you might think" He started.

"Then what else is she after?" Jake asked curiously.

"Everything" Grandfather Beau replied. Jake narrowed his eyes at him. His interest was very much piqued at this point.

"By everything, you mean the Beau family fortune" Jake wasn't sure if he was telling his grandfather or if he was asking. Grandfather Beau sighed as he nodded his head affirmatively.

"And how sure are you?" Jake asked. He wasn't doubting the fact that Hillary might be greedy enough to pine for their family wealth, but he also knew that is was an impossible task for her to do, except his grandfather k ew something he didn't, which of course was what he was about to tell him, hopefully.

"Because she has a claim to it" Grandfather Beau dropped the bomb. Jake didn't think he had heard clearly. What was his grandfather saying? Hillary having a claim to their family fortune, how was that possible? In what parallel universe was that even possible?

He locked gaze with his grandfather as he tried to process what he had just heard.

"What do you mean, by she has a claim to the family fortune?" Jake asked. His tone wasn't as calm as it was before.

Grandfather Beau lolled back on the seat as he maintained eye contact with his grandson. "Have you wondered why I gave those shares in the first place?" He asked.

"Are you referring to the question I asked six years ago?" Jake asked in annoyance. Remembering how his grandfather had carelessly thrown those shares – though they were small, they were still shares– to Hillary even when he knew he what she had done.

That was also one of the reasons why he had angrily let the country in the first place. He couldn't stand the idea of being in the same room having a board meeting with Hillary. He would have gone berserk and probably murdered her with his own hands at the time.

"Well I gave those shares because I thought they'll satisfy her and stop her from being greedy" He hissed exasperatedly. "Well I thought wrong"

"Yes you did. Because not that vicious woman has created a virus which is pulling this company down. You should have gotten rid of her all together" Jake snapped.

"And risk exposing the will?"

"What will?" Jake asked in surprise and confusion. His eyes desperately looking at his grandfather for clarification. Grandfather Beau hissed when he noticed the confused and anxious look on Jake's face.

Jake frown deepened when his grandfather started stalling. "What will are you talking about grandfather?" Jake pressed. He getting agitated by the moment and he was trying to hold himself down at the moment. The past 52 hours hasn't been easy for him, and grandfathers dallying wasn't making things better.

Grandfather Beau was about to say something when the intercom began to ring. Jake had no intention of picking it up, he wanted to know what his grandfather was talking about.

"You should answer that. Every call matters to you at the moment" Grandfather Beau adviced, making Jake hiss. He turned to look at intercom buzzing on his desk before he reluctantly got up to go answer it.


"Sir, Ms Jade Peterson is down at the lobby, should they send her in?" Patrick spoke from the other side of the phone.

"Jade?" Jake was surprised to hear that.

"Yes sir" The reconfirmed.

"What is she doing here?" He sighed when he realized he Just asked that out. Of course his secretary wouldn't know that. And he should know why she was there in the first place. She must have tried reaching him, to no avail.

He closed his eyes tightly and groaned out frustratedly when he remembered his phone which was still switched off. He must have gotten her worried.

How could he have neglected his woman like that, knowing she was going to be worried. He sighed for the upteempth time as he rubbed his hand down his face.

"Let her in" He said before dropping the receiver.

He was in so much trouble.

He turned to look at his grandfather who was staring at him with cocked brows and an inquisitive look.

He wanted to continue this conversation with his grandfather but that wasn't going to be possible anymore.

"What is it?" Grandfather Beau asked with a concerned tone, when he noticed how grave his countenance has changed.

"My girlfriend is here" He replied as he raked his hand through his hair. He didn't know how he was going to face her. She definitely going to be mad at him. They were both talking over the phone when he abruptly hung up and he had already broke his promise of calling her before that.

"Really?" Grandfather Beau beamed, making Jake to glare at him. Why was he looking excited?

"Ha, so I finally get to meet my granddaughter in-law?" He clapped his hand excitedly, completely forgetting about the matter at hand.

"Grandfather, you can't scare her by calling her that. She might feel embarrassed and overwhelmed and as it is she might be angry at me already" He said letting out another deflated sigh.

Grandfather Beau frowned when he heard him. "What did you do?" He asked.

"I forgot to call her and it's been days" He hissed as he walked back to the sofa, but he didn't sit.

"You forgot to call her? Son you can't do that. I know things has been hectic for you, but that doesn't mean you forget about your woman. That's why you're man, you must learn to balance both your love life and work. But don't sweat it I'm sure she won't be too vexed with you. Just be sweet with her and she'll forget all about why she was angry" He told him. Jake nodded in understanding.

"Grandfather I guess we'll have to continue our conversation back at home" Jake said, even though he badly wanted to find about what his grandfather meant with his words earlier.

"Yes we will, and also with Blake too"

"Hmm" Jake nodded affirmatively.

They were still talking when they heard a knock on the door. Jake heart skipped a beat when he heard it. He was undoubtedly sure it was his girlfriend by the door. He quickly made his way to it, and the moment he opened it, he was greeted with the beautiful yet worried face of his girlfriend.

"Babe" Jake called out softly.

"Hello Mr Jake Beau" She greeted back faking a smile, but Jake could hear the sarcastic tone underneath her words.

Jade turned to look at him the moment she stepped into his office. She paid intent look at his face, and her heart ached for him when she saw the stumble on his pretty face.

She stretched her hand to touch his face. "How are you?" She asked with concern.

"I'll be fine now that I have you here" He said placing his hand over the one she had on his face.

"Just so you know I'm very much angry with you" She said frowning.

"I know"

"Uhm" Jade also jumped her skin when she heard someone cleared his throat from behind her. She snapped her head to her left and that was when she realized there was someone else in the room.

She quickly turned to look at Jake who was now holding her hand in his. Her eyes surreptitiously asking who was that.

Jake understood her look and started walking towards his grandfather who was up on his feet.

"Babe meet my grandfather; grandfather, my girlfriend Jade"

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