When You Are Mine

Chapter 242 - Mr William

Jake had set out for the location his grandfather had given him to find Mr William. He had headed out as early as dawn. He had a feeling to go about it way that morning, no reason why.

He sent out a message to Jade, because he knew he couldn't call her since it was still and he might get carried away with this little investigation. He could have hired someone for it, but that would risk exposing Mr Williams location to Hillary. He had to commend his grandfather for doing a good job at protecting the man all these years. He didn't even want to imagine what could have happened had she found the lawyer all these years. She would have long gotten their family fortune in her hands by now.

Jake looked at the man seated in front of him with an inscrutable look. He wasn't sure if the man knew much about the will, but he was really hopeful that the man would provide him with adequate information.

"Uncle William I'm sorry for bringing you here. I know it must be tiring for you and your family moving from one place to another. I'm deeply sorry, but I can assure this is only a temporary arrangement" He apologized to the man sitted in front of him. Mr William has been his father's attorney since he was a child. When his father had joined the company, he had picked Mr William to be his personal attorney, leaving the company's lawyers. They had been so close till his father's death.

The man was about to say something when someone brought in a bottle of water for him, as per the man's request. He waited till he was served and a had a fill of the water, before he opened his mouth to speak.

"It's okay. I'm used to this form of arrangement" He replied. He wouldn't lie that he wasn't surprised when Jake had showed up at the beach house which his grandfather had recently moved him to. He was aware that the Beau brothers weren't in the know about the situation of the will, but when he saw Jake he knew grandfather must have finally come clean.

Nothing can be hidden under the sun for ever.

"But still I'm truly sorry for all the inconveniences we might have cost you and your family over the years"

Jake couldn't begin to imagine how difficult it must have been for the man and his family staying in one place for a long time with restricted movement, and ocassionally moving house. He had heard from his grandfather that they had moved house a couple of times whenever his restless stepmother was closing in on them. And again he had made the man move from his latest hideout to another.

He had thought it wise to bring Mr William back with him, and arrange a place for him and his family somewhere in the city. It would be easier to access him whenever the need arise, if he was in the city with him.

"It's no problem Jake, your grandfather had treated me and my family well and has given me the settlement of a lifetime" The man replied with a polite smile, while Jake nodded.

"I'm sure he has, but it must have been difficult for you being kept in one place for a such a long time, and for that I'm truly sorry" Jake apologized again.

"Hahaha, Jake you don't have to apologize you're embarrassing me, your family has been more than good to me, and I understand how precarious the situation has been, and I willingly agreed to help your grandfather, I wasn't coerced into doing this. Your father was more than a friend to me, my firm today was all because of him, and your grandfather has been helping me to manage it from the sidelines. So you really shouldn't apologize to me. I have done better and try to convince Henry when he was alive" Mr William said with a sad smile. He was helpless at the time the will was signed, because he was an attorney, he had no right to convince or influence his client on how his properties should be distributed, but agreeing to stay hidden was the only he could help grandfather Beau when he pleaded with him to help.

He couldn't do anything about the will, if he did he could lose his license, but staying away was the best way he could delay the reading of the will.

Jake moved to the edge of his seat, his countenance has become serious, as he looked at the man.

"Then please help us one more time. I want to investigate this will. I'm sorry but I can't accept it. My father wouldn't do this to his children, so I can't help but find it suspicious be that we get next to nothing. And that's why I have come to you" Jake told him, while the man nodded in understanding. He already knew why Jake had called him, but he didn't know he was supposed to him other than how he was doing now.

"I'd love to help you, but I don't know how. This is a difficult situation"

"You don't have to do anything, you just have to answer a few questions and tell me what happened the day he sighed the contract" Jake told him, Makin the man narrow his eyes at him. He didn't know what the young man was up to, and it made him wonder how answering some questions or talking about what happened that day would the situation. But nonetheless he answered, "Okay"

Meanwhile at Hillary's living room, four burly men were currently sweating their asses off as they stood before the furious lady in trepidation. Her eyes were flashing red in anger and her gaze was murderous.

"You fools!" She growled lividly, throwing the glass of wine in her at them. It's content came splashing on their faces before shattering to the ground.

"You incompetent bastards! How dare you lose him? How dare you lose a man who I finally had in my grasp. How does he slip past your fingers, you morons" She cussed angrily.

"Boss it isn't our fault, we told you about his location days ago, you only gave your orders this morning"

"And I expected you to go immediately. So it's now my fault, that your imbeciles are lost him" She yelled as she picked up the vase from the top of the shelves and lunged it at the idiot who had just spoken. It smashed on his head and blood rolled down his face, but he didn't dare touch it.

"Get out, all of you get out" She yelled lividly.

The men could only bow and disappear from her sight.


"Hillary you've got to calm down" Shirley said calmly from behind her.

"Calm?" Hillary turned to look at Shirley, who instinctively took a step back when she met the woman's eyes.

"I can't be calm. Call that idiot and ask him why his information was wrong? Do it now" She ordered.

"Yes Hillary"

Hillary let out a mirthless and fiendish laugh. It seems grandfather Beau is begging death.. If that's what he wants she'll willingly grant it.

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