When You Are Mine

Chapter 244 - I Don't Care

It was true that the existence of the will was known to only few persons; his late father, Mr Williams, grandfather, and Hillary. Himself and his brother had just discovered this last night. But the question is, how exactly had Hillary come to know about the will? And from the way things were, it seemed she was in the know that the will was in her favour. So how?

"How did everyone find out about the will? I mean Grandfather and Hillary?" Jake curiously inquired.

"I told your grandfather about it. When it got to the assigned time to read the will"

"And Hillary?" Jake impatiently asked. His question made the man quiet, as he fell deep in thought. It was this point that Mr Williams also realized that was something he didn't know, and he had never thought about it.

He never told Hillary, and he was sure grandfather didn't. Grandfather had been angry with her for what she had done to his son, so he definitely wouldn't tell her about it.

"I don't know" He replied in a low and surprised tone. "She had called me on the very day the will was to be read and had asked for the venue and time" He paused again when some things started aligning in his head.

"I called your grandfather and informed about her call, and also to confirm the venue with him, and that was when he made his request to see the will before it was publicly read. Saying he was suspicious about Hillary's eagerness" He explained, as he recalled that day.

The man looked at Jake who had a deep and thoughtful look on his face.

"It could be possible your father must have informed her about it" Mr Williams reasoned. He didn't want to share the crazy thought that was going through Jake's mind at the moment.

Jake didn't say anything, but he thought about all the man had just said.

Jake understood why his grandfather had initially prevented the reading of the will without even trying to know it's contents, it was because of the sinful act Hillary had committed with Kyle that had led to the death of his father. Who would let such a person lay hold on their family fortune after that?

And he was sure his grandfather would never had mentioned the existence of the will to Hillary, and must have suspected something when she called Mr Williams.

So how then did she know about the will? And why had Kyle been excluded from the will even before he had shamed them with his wicked act?

Jake sighed out frustratedly, he had come here with questions hoping he'd get answers, but now he had even more.

The only way to answer all these questions and resolve his unspoken suspicion was to revisit the past. And there was only one person he could provide him with the detail of that day.

But he didn't think he was ready to face him yet.


...Mr Walker's office....

"Sir these are all the records for the past 8years that you requested for" A man dressed in a military uniform said as he placed a box containing some recordings and documents, on huge mahogany desk. From the stars and medals attached to his uniform it was obvious he was a high ranked staff in the military.

"Thank you" Mr Walker appreciated the man, while he nodded. It wasn't every day he gets to grant a favor to a man like Mr Walker, and with this he knows the man would be in his debt. It wasn't an easy task pulling out such materials and bringing it to the public, since it was against the work ethics, so he was sure the man understood the effort he had put into this. These were classified and as such should be kept hidden.

"Sir may I know why you're in need of these informations" The man inquisitively asked. It was normal for him to have idea what this was all about.

"It's for a case study" Mr Walker replied, making the man nod in understanding. He didn't need to press forward. He asked and he he got his reply. He knew how these things worked.

"Then I'll leave you to it" The man said as he stood up from his seat to take his leave.

"Thank you for your help once again Major" Mr Walker thanked him again as he stood up and shook the man's hand.

"It's no problem" He replied, before seeing himself out.

The man had only walked out when someone else walked into Mr. Walker's office, it was his oldest son, James Walker.

"Good morning sir"

"Morning son"

"You called for me?" The man said as he slowly approached the desk.


"I hope it has nothing to do with secretly garnering classified information from prisons?" He asked, pulling a seat.

"As a matter of fact it does"

"Then I'm not interested" He curtly replied, as he immediately turned around to leave. Mr Walker lifted his head to look at him.

"Even if it means seeing your mother in jail?" Mr Walker asked, making the young man halt on his strides. He slowly turned back and looked at his father and replied, "Yes, even if it meant seeing her in jail" his gaze was boring into his father's. Mr Walker sighed deflatedly when he looked at his son. James had always been the obedient and filial child. He had followed in the family's path and had always followed through every request made by family, but it seems even he had changed too.

There was no one to thank but his lovely wife, but then again this was actually his fault and not his wife. Because he was the one who failed as the head of the family and had let Vivian do whatever she wanted.

This was all his fault.

With his eyes locked with that of his son, he said, "Then don't do it for her, do it for your sister because her life might depend on it"

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