When You Are Mine

Chapter 251 - Love Is Complicated

Jake kept trying Jade's number but she wouldn't take his call. She kept declining it and this was the fourth time she was doing it. He hissed out loud when she still didn't pick up. His heart was pounding really hard. He knew she was furious at him, maybe beyond furious, because he had actually promised to be in touch with her and had also promised to call her earlier this morning. How could he have forgotten such an important thing?!

He quickly sent a text to her. She could ignore his call but not his message.

Meanwhile at the Karaoke, the two best friends were watching their third best friend sing, with his not so likeable voice.

"Maybe we should tell him to stick to saving lives rather than causing us to suffer from ear bleeds with his disastrous voice" Amy said mockingly. She was glad Lair couldn't hear him or else he would demand for her blood for spewing such nonsense behind his back.

"Mmm" Jade absentmindedly nodded as she stared at her ringing phone. She could hear Amy but her attention was more on her ringing phone. She was torn between taking the call and just ignoring him. He should learn how she feels when she couldn't get to hear from him all day. She knew how busy he was most especially with the current situation at the company, but he must have seen her missed calls or messages. She has been calling him since she arrived the Karaoke with Lair. And he was only calling her now, she wasn't going to take it. He should get to feel how it felt when you don't get to hear from the people you love.

She knew deep down she was acting childish but she couldn't help but feel the way she was at the moment. She was still a girl with feelings and who wanted to be spoilt by the man she loves. A minute call wasn't going to kill him was it?

Amy who realized she has been talking to herself, looked at Jade's ringing phone and saw the name displaying on Jade's phone. From the cheesy name on the screen, 'Emerald' and the lot's of heart emojis attached to it she could tell who was calling.

"Aren't you going to take that?" Amy asked, her hand nudging Jade by the side to get her attention.

"Hmm?" Jade threw a questioning look at her.

"Your call, it's Jake right. You should take his call" Amy said.

"I don't want to" Jade replied angrily. She has spent the whole day thinking about him, about sharing the good news from work with him, and also about her surprise gift for him after this short break between them, but there was not even a call from him. Even when she had called and texted he didn't pick up or reply. It was obvious he hadn't even thought about her all day. That thought made her sad, so why should she pick.

"Why?" Amy asked in a concerned voice.

"Because–" Jade was about to speak up when her screen lit up with a message notification. She looked at it, and it was from Jake. It read ...

[Baby please I'm sorry, don't act like this. I'm going to come looking for and break my promise if you keep ignoring me] A pouting and pleading emoji was attached to it.

"You already did" Jade hissed with annoyance. What promise was she talking about? Didn't he break his to always keep in touch with her. She was about to ignore the message when another one came in.

[You know you're my only muse, baby it's going to be a sad day without hearing your voice. Your boo is sorry] He added a lot of kissing emoji to it.

Jade snickered when she read it, 'Her boo huh? She was booless!!

Her lips twitched when she received another message from him. This time it wasn't a text, but a picture of him with his soapy hair, his lips cutely pouted and his eyes shut tightly, maybe to prevent soap from entering them.

Alot of hearts, kissing emojis were attached to the picture.

Jade wanted to smile but she held herself back, she shouldn't let go of her angry emotions so soon. She wasn't going to let him sweet talk her out of this. But yet there was another text.

[I love you babe, and I'm sorry. Please pick up or I'll really come to the karaoke right now]

Jade's eyes grew big when she read his last message. How did he know where she was? Her phone GPS wasn't turned on or was it? She was about to check when Jake's call came in again. Because she was in the process of scrolling through her phone she mistakenly answered the call.

Jade hissed when she realized what she has done. She glared at the phone before raising it to her ear. She really didn't want to take the call, but she also wanted to speak to him.

Why was love so complicated?

"Hello" She spoke in a cold and angry voice. Jake heaved in a relief when he finally heard her voice.

"Are you still angry?" Were the words that came out of his lips first.

"What do you think?" Jade asked sarcastically. She gave an apologetic look to Amy gesturing she wanted to excuse herself. Amy waved her hand at her to go, and Jade did. She stepped outside the room, where Lair's horrible masculine voice couldn't be heard.

"That you love me and you miss me, and you shouldn't be mad at me because you love me?" He said with a small smile.

"Newsflash Jake Beau, I don't love you anymore" She snapped.

"Babe you Know you don't mean that"

"Oh I do" She gingerly said.

"Jade Peterson" Jake growled.

"Do you know what I'm doing right now?" She asked.

"What?" Jake asked suspiciously.

"I'm currently on a date with a very handsome guy, who's very rich and he has been singing for me. And right now your call is bothering us.. Maybe you should call later when I'm free and available" She taunted him.

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