When You Are Mine

Chapter 264 - Good Show (2)

"Ms. Stephanie do you recognize the voice?" Jade asked innocently. Jade's question made the others look at Stephanie with curious gazes. Her abrupt reaction made her look suspicious. Majority of the people sitting there already had an inkling about what was going on.

Stephanie realized she might have just unnecessarily revealed herself. So she tried to Savage the damage she had caused. She toughened her gaze and glared at Jade.

"Of course not! What do you mean? I do not recognize that voice, it's not mine" She stupidly blurted out.

Jade cocked her brows to the side and calmly asked again, "Are you sure?" a sly playing on her lips.

"Yes of course" Stephanie reaffirmed, making Jade scoff in her head. She was digging a pit for her and she was willfully jumping in. She could tell those who were familiar with Stephanie already knew who the voice belonged to. And Stephanie's foolish reaction had just confirmed their suspicion and her present denial of her voice had just painted a stupid image of her. Jade shook her head in her mind and sighed resignedly. Stephanie was making things too easy for her. She must indeed be lacking a brain. She couldn't even pretend for long.

Jade hardened her gaze and looked at Stephanie.

"Ms. Stephanie, if you don't recognize the voice speaking then I'd advise you to behave accordingly. I didn't call your name except you know the voice from the recorder is yours. If it isn't then I'd advise you to sit back on your seat" Jade drawled, her eyes staring intently and angrily at her.

Stephanie gritted her teeth in anger as she glared at Jade. She was about to say something when the president spoke up first.

"Ms. Stephanie please be seated," He said in a curt tone. Stephanie snapped her head towards him but the dour expression on his face made her shudder.

"I'm sorry sir" She apologized and sat back in her seat. She surreptitiously glared at Jade while her hands under the table quivered with trepidation. She couldn't believe Jade had tricked her! Stupid bitch! She cussed in her heart.

'But what was she to do now? How does she get out of this?' She thought in her mind.

After listening to the whole recording, the majority of the people in the room had their eyes fixed on the very nervous lady who was trying to keep a calm look on her face but was shaking inside because she knew she was done for.

While Jade was playing the recording from her phone, Simon helps her to project a laptop to the canvas on the wall.

Jade brought out Mr. Alan's flash from her pocket and held it up.

"This flash was returned to our department this morning by one of the securities on night patrol. In it lies the same video which was planted in my flash" She intentionally used the word 'planted' to send her point home. Her eyes traveled to Mr. Alan who uncomfortably shifted on his chair as he looked very surprised to see his flash drive with her.

Jade tore her gaze from him and connected the flash to the laptop. Jade navigated through the documents saved to flash and it was clear to all who owned it. She opened to the pornographic video which had been planted in her flash but she didn't play it as it is very disturbing.

"Isn't that Alan's picture?" Someone in the room asked the person sitting by his side in a whisper.

"I'm afraid it is. What had this got to do with him? Is he involved in this too?" The other replied as they turned to glance at Mr. Alan who looked like he was about to faint. Beads of nervous sweat forming around his head.

Stephanie turned to look at Mr. Alan, but the man had his head lowered in fear, her face had turned black as she gazed at the man who was trying to avoid her gaze. Jade noticed the way the president and Mrs. Tracy looked at Mr. Alan and she immediately spoke up before things got out of hand. Stephanie was meant to suffer alone and the plan remains the same.

"Sir, I know what might be going through your mind but you should know there's more to it," She said making the president turn to look at her questioningly.

"What do you mean, Ms. Peterson?" The man inquired.

"Mr. Alan had been missing his flash for days, apparently someone took it to implicate him, but they had also forgotten this on my desk," Jade said looking at Mr. Alan who looked at her with a confused expression on his face. Jade looked away from him and reached out for what was lying in the pocket of her trousers, and she pulled out a well-polished pressed nail which someone was missing from her fingers.

Jade turned to Stephanie who looked like she was about to explode any moment from now with the nails in her hand. She looked at her with a fiery look in her eyes. "Ms. Stephanie does this look familiar?" Jade tauntingly asked, her brows perfectly tilted at her.

Stephanie's eyes widened to their fullest when she saw the nail in Jade's hand. Her heart skipped and the rhythm of her heart changed as it began to race frantically.

"Wh.. why...are you... asking me that?" Stephanie stuttered, her eyes darting to and fro. Jade's lips curled up to the side when Stephanie stuttered and the smug look on Jade's face suddenly flicked a bulb in Stephanie's head as she remembered Jade's words to her minutes ago.

'Don't stutter and or say inappropriate things in there'

"You evil witch!" She fumed and cussed. "You're trying to frame me up. How dare you? You're nothing but a mere intern–"

"Ms. Stephanie I'd advise you to keep it down this very minute" The president drawled, but Stephanie was too stupid to listen. She snapped her head towards the man.

"Sir she's trying to frame me" She cried out.

The person sitting next to Stephanie looked down at her hand which she was carefully hiding under the table.

"But Ms. Stephanie you indeed seem to be missing a nail"

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