When You Are Mine

Chapter 274 - One Beau Dead

The tension inside the conference room kept rising by the second. Everyone had there own thoughts going through their mind. Hillary's supporters were on a hot seat, while they impatiently waited for her to come show them a way out of this. If she hadn't threatened them with their dirty secrets they wouldn't be here in the first place. They'd never had dared to step on Jake's toes.

As the seconds went by while they were still under Jake's intense and murderous gaze, some of them began to break out in cold sweat. Were they really going to lose their shares because of that sinister woman?

They looked at their ring leader and he had a calm and unfazed look on his face. His calm demeanor sort of made them relax to a certain degree. He was the one with the largest shares among them and if he was this relaxed then they shouldn't be too worried right?

Jake's eyes scanned across their faces. He could read their expression.

'Idiots' He scoffed inwardly.

"That's 10% off the initial price" He announced.

"We can keep going if you want" He added in a calm and relaxed mood, informing them that he had all day to carry on if they so wanted. But that wasn't his plan. He knew waiting for long before fixing the software wasn't an healthy plan, because the person on Hillary's side was quite good and he couldn't take the risk of losing to her.

"CEO Jake why are you doing this? If you pursue this not only would we suffer, the whole company would" One of the men tried to reason with him.

"Not on my watch" Jake retorted. His confidence in his ability made them uneasy. They knew that he was indeed capable, and could bear the company up from crises. How did they not think of this before starting up this madness?

"Fine I'll sign" One of the shareholders surprisingly caved, making the others look at him with treacherous gazes in their eyes.

Mr Andrew looked at him and snickered, "Weakling" but the man didn't mind.

"Good choice" Jake said to the man, who in turn picked up a pen and quickly signed the document. He didn't have huge numbers of shares like some of them there, but if he made a walk with the deal Jake was offering him, he'd still be left a substantial amount of money. Enough with this foolishness. If the others wanted to burn then that was their choice. To him he has just made a wise move....and of course he did. After signing, Jake signalled Patrick to receive the document from him.

And as if that was the inspiration others needed, a few others also began to sign theirs. Mr Andrew couldn't believe the betrayal. He scoffed at the gullibility. They were all in this together. Hillary still had incriminating evidence against all of them, hope they haven't forgotten that?

Patrick retrieved all the transfer documents that had been sighed by the shareholders who still had sense in them.

Jake glanced at Mr Andrew who still had that unfazed look on his face. He chuckled out amusedly. The man's confidence in Hillary was intriguing.

He Surreptitiously signalled Patrick before he turned to look at the stubborn and foolish shareholders who still believed in their stupid queen.

"If one of my team members steps through that door with good news then consider my offer cancelled, because you'll be signing a new document other than the one in front of you. What do you say?" He asked.

The rest of the shareholders shifted uncomfortably on their seat while they looked at Andrew.

One leaned closer to him and whispered into his ears, "Why is she taking so long?" He asked, but Mr Andrew glared at him. He was also getting worried. What was he to do.

He was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.

'And where the hell was that vicious woman?' He asked himself panicly.


Hillary kept pacing at the front of the room, while anxiously waiting for Shirley to call her back and give her some good news. She had a feeling Jake had something to do with this, but she didn't want to believe it just yet.

"That bastard" She cussed under her breath, while her phone began to ring.

"This had better be good" She spoke into the phone immediately she answered it.

"Hillary, we've found him, but he said that it isn't his virus. Someone else had a similar created a virus similar to his into the software–" She frightfully reported. She knew this wasn't good news to Hillary and the woman might snap.

"Hillary?" She carefully called when Hillary remained quiet on the other side before she burst out a round of eery like laughter.

"Hillary?" Shirley called again in a low voice. She was worried for Hillary. Things weren't looking good on her side. And when she laughed like this, then scary things were currently going through her mind.

"That evil son of Henry" She said amid laughter. She couldn't believe Jake had just beaten her at her own game, using her whole plot against her while acting innocent.

"Hillary what do we do?" Shirley panicly asked when Hillary finally stopped laughing.


"Huh? Nothing?" Shirley thought she had heard wrongly.

"Nothing" She repeated, as she turned and glanced at the door before her with anger and hatred filled eyes. She knew if Jake really installed his own malware into the software, there was nothing she could do to savor the problem with such limited time. She'll accept defeat, but just for this time. Jake has beaten her at her own game, but there won't be a next time, she assure him that.

"Call Black, and tell him I want one Beau dead in the next two days but definitely not Jake" She evilly ordered before ending the call.

This should teach Jake not to mess with her plans next time.

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