When You Are Mine

Chapter 283 - Be Mine Forever

[Mature Content here, but I know you guys would shamelessly read. Hehehe]

A lot of feelings were bubbling through Jake's stomach and everything within him wanted to make this woman his. Telling him he'd die without Jade in his life.

She was his muse, his life, happiness, star and joy. She was everything and he didn't want to lose his happy pill in life.

Jade was also feeling emotional as she looked at him, her heart was pounding faster and butterflies were buzzing all over her body. She could see the love and sincerity in his eyes. The love that he had just for her. Jade was so giddy and she felt speechless.

Jake kissed her cheek before looking at her again, "Tell me Jade, that you'll never leave me. That you'll be mine forever, please" Jake earnestly begged.

Slowly nodding her head, Jade said "I promise"

She raised her hand and cupped his cheek, "I promise to be yours and only yours. To love you, care for you, crave for you and never leave you till I die. You'll always be the only one in my heart. So I promise you Jake, you'll have only me till death" She said, as her eyes turned teary. She didn't also want to leave him. She was sure that day would never come. She'd hold on to him till her last breath and she'll never grow tired of her love for him.

Jake felt like his heart was about to explode, and in one suave move he lifted her up placing himself in between her legs as he took the opportunity to sit on the couch so that Jade was sitting right on top of him.

"I love you" Jake cupped her face and kissed her.

"I love you too" She replied as she wrapped her hands around him.

Jake put his hand on her waist and pulled her closer, before he started raining kisses all over her face and neck again. He looked below and he could see her beautiful breast staring at him and begging him to touch them, but he didn't know want to move too fast on her, but when Jade nibbled on his earlobe and teased him there with her tongue, all his senses flew out and he delved in and buried his face there, planting kisses and sucking the top of her tits with his hand massaging the side of her breast through the fabric.

Jade moaned when he did that, she buried her head on his neck while he kissed her and did those things to her body.

His warms hand slowly moved around her thighs till they touched her inner thighs and rested there drawing more moans from her. While his mouth moved back to her nape which he had discovered to be a very sensitive spot for her.

"Ahh..Jake" She moaned. She could feel his member rise and his bulge was pressing against her from beneath. Jake loved the sound of her moans and the way she called his name, it was something she didn't do on their first night. But hearing her calling his name so sultrily made his desires rise. He continued feasting on her nape, which heightened Jade hormones and need for him.

Jade was burning with desires, she could feel immense heat burning through her and her core was beginning to ache, so much she that she moved and grind against him.

"Ugghh" Jake moaned in his throat when she grind against him like that.

"Babe don't stop" He begged as he hand quickly moved to her waist and guided her in grind him more. Jake couldn't help but moan out loud. When was the last time he had such kind of pleasure? He couldn't even remember. He was the type of guy who always had a woman underneath him everyday and he couldn't remember the last time he had felt so good.

Jake lowered his head and attacked her boobs one more time, his eyes could see her hard erected nipples through her satin dress and he lowered his head a bit more and teased her nipples through her gown, making Jade to let out more lustful moans.

"Damn I..ple...Jake" She cried out lustfully. Her thoughts were eluding her, and they were becoming incoherent.

With a hot and husky voice, Jake said, "Honey, I want you"

Throwing her head over his shoulder, Jade shamelessly replied, "Me too". She was shy to say that out loud, but that was the truth. Jake was killing her with all his touch and kisses.

"Baby, always be mine forever" He said before placing a kiss on her moulds as his hands drew down the straps of her dress down, exposing her perfect and beautiful endowments. His eyes glistened with more desires when he saw her silk white breast looking at him.

Without thinking much Jake swirled his tongue around her erected nipples, causing Jade to moan bit louder. He teased one of her nipples with his tongue while his other hand fiddled with the other.

"Umm Jake..." She didn't even know what to say or do.

"Call my name honey. Just moan my name like that" He said as he kept toiling and pleasuring her boobs. He removed his mouth from the other and paid same attention to the other which was yearning and craving for his touch. Jade grind against him again and that made Jake to hiss out in pleasure.

"Yes honey just like that" Jake moaned, his little member was twitching so bad and he wanted her. He wanted to be inside of her and feel her hot walls squeezing against him. The bad boy in him was slowly coming out.

Jake removed his mouth from her breast and held her face, bringing them closer to him before he kissed her passionately again.

In one sleek move he flipped her back on the couch and towered over her. His eyes looked her over from head to toes. Everything about her was beautiful.

She was a seductive angel he'd like to gobble up.

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