When You Are Mine

Chapter 306 - Dead?

"What?" Amy thought she had asked out loud but her voice had been inaudible. She wasn't sure if she had him well.

She looked at him from head to toe, scrutinizing every part of him but that only confirmed it was him. This was Micheal so what was he saying?

He chuckled out when he saw the way she was looking at him.

He tsked, "I don't know if I should blame you, but for you not to recognize a guy who had you dated for years is appalling." He hissed.

"What are you saying?" Amy cried out in frustration. What was he saying to her? Wasn't he Micheal? If he wasn't then who the hell was he? And how did he get his face? Amy didn't understand.

"What I'm saying is I'm not Micheal. Micheal is dead and your mother killed him!" He roared back.

Amy felt like cold water had been poured on her as she stiffened, completely forgetting about the device tied to her waist.

Amy stared at the man in front of her, her eyes were not blinking, her heart didn't seem like it was beating. She stood transfixed. If not for the platform she was tied to she'd probably have sprawled to the floor by now.

Amy shook her head slowly, her gaze still fixed on the man in front of her, "That's.... that's not true"

"That's not true, you.... you're lying to me. You're Michael stop lying to me" Amy said in denial while she kept shaking her head.

He chuckled derisively when she kept denying what he had told her.

"You can deceive yourself all you want. But you'll confirm my word's when I send you to your maker and then you'll see him there looking at you with hatred and disgust burning in his eyes"

"Stop it!" Amy screamed, tears pooling in her eyes. "That's not true. Micheal isn't dead. You're Micheal" She said stubbornly, her voice raised to its peak. She was determined to believe he was Micheal. She couldn't believe what he was saying. He was lying to her, he had to be.

"Micheal I know you're angry, you probably hate me but don't say that. Those words, you can't say that. You're not dead. This is you." She said in a calm voice as she tried to persuade him to say the truth. She didn't want to believe that he was dead. She couldn't accept it. Maybe if the person standing before her wasn't looking exactly like him then she'd have believed him. But then they were looking identical.


Amy's eyes shot up when that word clicked in her head. It wasn't possible.

Amy closed her eyes and shook her head vigorously. 'No, it wasn't possible. It can't be!' She screamed in her head.

Staring at the man in front of her, a memory flashed into her head, it was eight years ago back in high school. She and Micheal had been sitting under an oak tree, they had ditched classes just to go have fun outside.

"Don't you have any siblings? You've never mentioned them." She had asked while playing with Micheal's hair. His hair was silky and soft at the time she had loved playing with it, sometimes she even tried to braid it.

"I think I have one" He had ruly replied.

"You think?" She cocked a brow at him. That wasn't an answer. Nobody thinks about having a sibling. It's either you do or you don't.

Twirling the lock of her hair around his finger, he replied, "Well I once saw a picture of a boy who looks like me, it was hidden in my mother box but when I asked she told me to never ask again. So I never did. But the picture is still there and there were times when I saw her crying over it even my dad would look sad and try to comfort her, but I dare not ask before she gets mad. There was a time I heard him say the 'child is fine'. They don't want to talk about it so I just let be. But I can't stop feeling I might a twin brother or sister." He shrugged and sighed sadly.

Amy stared at him, she could see the sadness in his eyes. She could tell he wanted to know but he was helpless about it. Seeing how it made him sad, she never asked again just the same way he didn't ask his parents about it.

Coming to this realization, Amy looked at the man standing in front of her in utter disbelief.

"You.... you're... really not Mi...cheal?" Amy asked in a shaky and desperate voice. Almost pleading with him not to say what she didn't want to hear.

"I think you know the truth already" Amy felt like she died on the spot after she heard that.

Micheal was truly dead?

Her eyes widen in disbelief, her heart stiffened, and a tear rolled down her eyes and another followed.

"He...he really died?" She asked in a small voice, she wasn't sure if she was asking herself or the man.

He turned towards her, his eyes were red, anger flashing through them.

"Yes he died, and he died because of you. He died a very painful death. He was beaten and stabbed to death by one of the inmates in jail. Multiple times he was stabbed and was left to bleed to death in a bathroom. He died alone with no one by his side, and that's because of you and your mother. There were guards, wardens but they let him suffer, why? Because of your cruel mother! Because of you!

I didn't see for him 20 years, I prayed and hoped that I would see my brother someday but your family denied me that. My mother who I didn't even see since I was months old, I'm sure she must have yearned to see me too, wished to hold me, and also my father who I didn't get to know, you and your cursed family took them all away from me!"

"I've never dreamt of hurting anybody but your family had made me this way. You all made me want to set the whole world ablaze because you left me with nothing and no one. His death, their death that's on you!" He seethed.

Amy could see the pain in his eyes. The tear that had rolled down his cheek, his words were like stabs to her heart. The pain was shooting through every of her fibre. She didn't know that she had been crying so hard. She was crying so much her body was shaking.

'What has her mother done?'


Blake was driving as far as the car could go, his attention was focused on the road even though he had one thousand and one questions to ask. For instance, how Ethan knew where Amy was been held, and how did he know the person who had abducted her? He looked at Ethan from the corner of his eye he had been frantically dialling a number and it made him wonder whose number that was.

Blake tried not to bother himself with all that for now, all that mattered was saving Amy and that was all he was going to do.

"We have to call the cops and the bomb squad" Blake announced.

"No we ca–"Ethan slurred and his eyes widened at the realization of what Blake had just said.

"A bomb? Mason dare put a bomb on Amy?" He asked in horror.

'Mason?' Blake furrowed his brows confusedly.

"Mason? Isn't his name Micheal?" Blake asked in confusion.

"No his name isn't Micheal. But what the hell is wrong with him? Has he gone mad?" Ethan asked no one in particular.

"Are you asking me?" Blake asked but Ethan ignored him.

"Drive faster" Ethan ordered.

"What about the cops? We have to call the cops." Blake told him. They both couldn't defuse a bomb, they had to call the cops.

"You can't call the cops, calling the cops will make matters worse. Leave him to him, I can handle him, just keep driving and drive fast" He ordered.


Hey lovelies, how're you doing? Hope you had a lovely weekend?

I know I haven't been the best at writing because I sometimes fail to update but I want you guys to know that it isn't intentional. I always want to write, because just like you guys I'm invested in the characters but I simply can't write all the time because my health doesn't allow me to.

I had never planned to write two chaps daily because it takes a lot from me but I did because you guys gingered me up. I'm trying my best. I'm human and humans break down.

I hope you guys can be more understanding with me as we slowly bring this book to its end. I know It should have ended by now, I'm sorry I didn't keep to my words, once again I'm sorry, believe me, it wasn't intentional.

I appreciate all of you for your love and support. Your kind words have kept me through my tough times, and with all honesty, you guys mean a lot to me every one of you.

I love you guys very much.

And also I'm working on a new book. It's something different, and I hope you guys will support me as usual.

Thank you and God bless.

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