When You Are Mine

Chapter 321 - Endgame?

"Call grandfather." Jake ordered Kyle as he drove at high speed.

Kyle looked at him worriedly when he saw the frantic look on his face. They were chasing the bad guy so why was he calling grandfather? Kyle asked himself. They should be calling the police and not the old man, but when Kyle met with Jake's cold eyes he immediately whipped out his phone and started dialling grandfather's number. He couldn't remember the last time he had dialled this number. It felt strange, but in a good way. It made him realize that he has indeed gotten his family back. This was what he had secretly been praying for.

Kyle dialled grandfather's number but he didn't answer his phone.

"He isn't picking up." Kyle told him.

"Keep on trying." Jake ordered coldly.

He stepped on the pedal and drove drove as fast as he could. He had a thousand thoughts running through his mind at the moment. And all of them were enough to make his brain explode. He has been going through recently and he didn't want to add more stuff to his plate.

If what Kyle had said was true then what was the purpose behind all of this?

Shit! He cussed in his head again as he increased the speed of his car and drove a little faster. How great of him to not drive one of his sports car today of all days.

"Just perfect!" He exclaimed when he drove into traffic.

Kyle looked at him and he noticed the frantic look on his face. As a matter of fact he looked more than frantic, he looked angry and worried.

He couldn't stop himself from asking, "Jake what is it? What's going on?" He asked, it didn't look like they were merely chasing the man anymore, it was far more serious than that.

Jake looked at him, his eyes were filled with anger, "That man is Grandfather's butler." He said those words with fright.

"What?" Kyle exclaimed in disbelief. "How did that happen?" He asked but Jake's mind was too preoccupied to answer that.

Deep down in his heart he wanted Kyle to say he had mistook the man for someone else, but the more he waited the more his anxiety grew. Things had better turn out differently.

He looked around as he tried to find a way out of the traffic. Luckily, he was able to see an alley which bypassed the traffic, but it was a longer route back to the mansion.

He just hoped he got home first. He really needed a head start on how to deal with this recent development.


The momemt they arrived the mansion, Jake hopped out of his car and rushed into the house in large strides, with Kyle trailing behind. He hurried up to the patio where his grandfather usually sat but he wasn't there.

He hurried towards the room he flung the door open without knocking when he heard the retching sound coming out of the room.

"Grandfather!" He called out in fright when he he saw his grandfather hovering over the toilet seat trying to puke his gut out.

"Grandfather." Kyle also called out when he saw the man, he looked so frail and pale. What was wrong with him?

Jake gently patted his grandfather's back to calm him down. He helped him up but the man staggered backwards. Jake was quick enough to hold him study. His heart ached when he saw his grandfather condition.

"Why are you like this?" He asked in an almost teary voice. Everyone important in his life were in a terrible condition and it was toiling on him. He had their doctor checking up on grandfather and the man had assured him he was fine, even the few times he spoke with grandfather on the phone he sounded fine, but right now he didn't look fine. He was so lean and he looked weak. How did this happen in a week and why didn't Blake tell him it was this serious!

He hissed in his mind, he couldn't blame Blake, he was at fault. He has been neglecting his responsibilities. He wasn't capable of taking care of anyone.

"I'm okay." Grandfather Beau said with a small weak smile.

"No you're not!" Jake and Kyle said simultaneously.

Grandfather Beau let out a weak chuckle when he heard them, "It's....good to have you back grandson" He said with bated breath.

"Let us be the judge of that." Jake said before taking him to his room.

"How's Jade?" Grandfather Beau asked as Jake and Kyle tucked him in bed.

"She'll be fine, but you should worry about yourself first." Jake told him making grandfather Beau nod.

He gave Jake a once over and hissed, "You look so lean." Grandfather Beau commented, making Jake scoff.

"But not as much as you are. I'll be fine when you all get better." He couldn't eat or fell at ease when everyone was like this. Apart from the family there was still the company he couldn't neglect no matter how much he wanted to atleast until Jade woke up. Whenever he was at the office, memories of the day she had come to visit him there keeps coming into his head and it was really difficult to concentrate especially when she hasn't made any improvement in a week. The fear of losing keeps crawling into his head and it made him helpless.

Grandfather Beau reached for his hand and patted on its back, "I know you're going through alot, but you should be strong o–." He was yet to finish his sentence when he started coughing. Jake looked around for a bottle of water, but the bottles were all empty.

Seeing the bottles and cups of herbal tea he had consumed, Jake finally remembered the main purpose they were there.

"Grandfather where is your butler?" Jake asked.

"He...he went to get my anti-emetic pills to stop the vomiting. He should be back by now." Grandfather Beau said. Jake nodded his head before he stood to his feet. "I'll get you some water." Jake excused himself.

He thought about the several ways he could handle this issue. If he was to investigate this where was he going to start from, and if Kyle was right, that meant the butler who has been living in his house for the last six years was actually working for Hillary. He had to know what was going on, what is their end game and he had to do it without alarming them, most especially Hillary. He had to turn this to his advantage.

Jake had only stepped into the kitchen when he saw him there standing over the counter adding something into whatever he was stirring in a mug.

"What are you doing?"

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