When You Are Mine

Chapter 330 - Relief

When Jake heard what had happened to his brother he felt like his life was over, like he had suddenly ran out of breath. That was his brother and he had failed to protect him. He had failed to protect someone he loved again.

The shadow guard had illustrated what had happened, how the car had driven over the bridge at the highway and had exploded. And they didn't think Blake had made it. They were currently at the scene trying to find some answers or precisely his body.

Jake felt the blood in his body flow backwards. The earth was spinning and if he didn't stand well he might fall to the ground.

He had spoken to Blake before leaving the office few minutes ago right? How then was this possible? How could something like this had happened to him again?

Jake could feel his body shaking while he struggled to keep his feet to the ground. His hands were fidgeting despite being clenched into a fist. He slowly lifted his eyes to Hillary who was laughing eerily, mocking him to his face.

"What have you done?" He asked in a faint voice. He still couldn't believe what he had heard.

Hillary managed to stifle her laughter before replying him, "Paying you back for your foolishness."

Paying him back? What did he do that she was paying back for? She was the one who owed him, owed his family, and even if he took her miserable life for payment it still wouldn't atone for her sins.

"You're paying me back, by killing my brother? By killing my family?" Jake asked in a cold and thunderous voice, his hands kept fidgeting out of rage and his eyes looked like they were dead, but there's were flashes of anger searing through them.

Hillary noticed the change in his demeanor and for a moment she flinched before recomposing herself.

"He's just the beginning. Next it will be that grandfather." She declared in a menancing tone.

"No, next will be you." Jake retorted in a calm and dangerous tone, accompanying his words was a loud gunshot which surprised everyone most especially Hillary. She was stunned when she heard it but what confused her the most was who he had shot at. It wasn't her right?

She looked at him and her eyes widened when she saw that the gun was pointed at her, smoke coming out of it mouth.

With wavering feets and widened eyes, she looked down at her stomach and she was surprised to see blood dripping from her body. And the moment she saw it she felt the surge of pain. Her feet felt wobbly as she slowly reached for her stomach, she had just been shot on the right flank of her stomach.

"Yo...you shot me?" She slowly looked at Jake and asked in disbelief. But before she could get an answer, the very next second she felt a tight grip over her neck, squeezing life out of her. Hillary tried to hold his hand on her neck but she couldn't.

She looked at his deadpan eyes and for the first time in her life she felt fear. The mane before her looked murderous.

Jake stared deep in her eyes, his eyes were cold, filled with anger and hatred, there was a murderous intent lingering in it.

"I hope you don't feel pain, because I've just got started. If anything happens to my brother, I'll dismember you to death. I swear on my life." He growled before letting go of his hold on her neck and making her fall to the ground.

He turned towards Marcus who was looking at him with stupified eyes, "Call a doctor, make sure she doesn't die till I get back." Jake ordered before stepping out of the room leaving a Hillary who was lying on the floor, bleeding. He was convinced she wouldn't die since he had only shot her by the side. That should keep her on her toes till he got back. But peradventure something happened to Blake, she'd wish she had never been born.

Blake couldn't die on him. He's not permitted to die on his watch or even before him. It was impossible. As his elder one he should die first and he wasn't dying now till he had a beautiful life with Jade.

With those thoughts in mind Jake raced down the stairs while he dialling the number of the shadow guard again. He was going to kill those fools as well. He swore in his heart.

Jake had only opened the door of the sitting room to step out when saw someone stepping out of the car parked in front of the Porche.

"Uncle Adrian?" Jake called in disbelief.

"Nephew." The man replied as he opened the back seat of his car. Jake's eyes widened in shock when he saw his brother lying on the back seat.

"Blake!" He called out as he rushed to the car. He took a look at him but he didn't respond. He panicked and looked at his uncle.

"Why is–"

"He's fine, his only unconscious." Adrian told him. Jake looked back at Blake and sighed out in relief. He brushed the hair covering his face backward, his kissed the top of his head. He couldn't explain how he felt right now, but he was more than relieved. He couldn't imagine something happening to Blake. But thank God he was fine.

He stood up and glanced at his uncle. "How-"

"Don't ask how, I'm not giving that bitch a chance to take one more family member from me." Adrian said before walking towards the back of his car where banging noises was emanating from, Jake curiously following behind. His eyes widened when Adrain opened the trunk of the car and he saw the person lying there with his mouth and feet taped, while his hands were handcuffed.

"Dr David" Jake was surprised to see him there, but then it finally dawned on him that Dr David was the traitor he was looking for.

"You piece of Shit!" Jake was about to deal him a blow when his uncle caught his hand making Jake look at him.

"Don't bother wasting your energy on him. He's dead meat.." Adrian told him.

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