When You Are Mine

Chapter 333 - Dawn Of A New Day

Even with the villians gone, things always didn't return back to normal atleast not immediately. The effects of the chaos they've created still lingered on. In Jake's case, he couldn't stop feeling sad about all the things that had happened in the past years, months, weeks and days. Despite the fact that Hillary was getting the punishment she truly deserved he couldn't get himself back together. Knowing his parents had suffered so much before they died made him depressed. They didn't deserve what they got.

Adrian had handed Hillary to the authorities and they had charged the case to court as well as the butler and Dr David.

So many crimes were labelled against her; murder, attempted murder, manipulation of will, and other crimes Adrian had been able to unearth. Dr David had his license revoked and would be jailed along with the others.

Blake had regained consciousness and he had told them all about what had happened. How a bomb had been planted in his car but Adrian had saved him at the nick of time. Amy had cried bitterly when she heard about it. Grandfather was still at the hospital receiving treatment, he was currently sitting beside Jake in Jade's room. Today made it month she had been in a coma but she was yet to show any signs of improvement.

Everyone had been noticing how Jake's mood dwindled by the day. It was as if he was barely living by. He had no interest whatsoever and he barely visits the office. Kyle and Blake had been managing things at the company for him.

To Jake it seemed he was bound to suffer this way, losing people that mattered to him. He felt needed a break. He badly desired the dawn of a new day in his life, and the day Jade woke up would be that day for him. But with the way things were going it didn't like that day would ever come.

Grandfather Beau placed a hand on his shoulder and gently patted it. "Everything will be fine son." He comforted him but Jake didn't know if he should believe those words anymore. He had been hearing them for the past four weeks but Jade hasn't even moved as finger, and it scared him everyday. She kept lying still and not wanting to wake up.

Everytime he thought about that night she had spent with him, he sort of regretted having it. Sometimes he felt she had come to compensate him with that night because she knew she'd never have such time with him again. But was that really what had happened?

Had he been given sadness because he had been too happy for just that day?

If that was the case he wanted God to take it back. He just wanted her alive and well. He wanted to see her smile and laugh as beautifully as she always had. But now she wasn't even talking. He hasn't seen those eyes that showed him the world in weeks. Those eyes that looked at him like he was the most important being in her world....that made him feel loved.

He just wanted her back.

"Grandfather...I don't know what to do anymore." Jake said in a small and shaky voice. "I can't leave without Jade and I feel like she's leaving him. I don't know–" His voice choked as he held her hand and buried his face in it.

"Grandfather" Jake choked as tears streamed down his face. His heart was hurting in so many places, it felt like it was in shreds.

Not knowing what to say, grandfather Beau patted on his shoulder to comfort him. He understood how he felt. The fear of losing a loved him was the greatest fear there was. He had experienced that before when his wife died, and he had seen his son experience the same when Jake's mother died and he suffered the same when his son....so yes he could relate.

He placed a hand on Jake's head and said, "Just believe Jake. A faith as small as a mustard seed moves mountains. So grandson believe that you'll have your woman back." He said.

Jake slightly nodded his head but another tear rolled down his face. He wanted to believe, but his faith was dwindling. He held on to Jade's hand and kissed the back of her hand, "Honey please get up. Please Jade I'm begging you." He said as he raised her hand to his lips and kiss her palm again. He dropped her hand and gently stroke the back of palm like he has been doing for many days now, but he suddenly felt something, like a grip.

As a matter of fact it was a grip.

He thought he had been hallucinating, but then he felt again. Something had gripped his thumb. He looked at his thumb and there it was. Sh...she was holding his hand.

She was holding his hand? Jake's eyes widened to the extreme, his heart skipped as he immediately snapped to look at her face while he hopped to his feet. His actions stunned his grandfather who was seating by his side and he also stood up.

"Babe?" He called in a shaky and nervous voice.

"Jake what's wrong?" Grandfather Beau asked when Jake behaved like that.

Jake snapped his head to look at his grandfather, an astonished look plastered on his face, "Grandfather look." He said pointing towards his hand she was still holding on to. Grandfather Beau's eyes also widened in surprise when he saw it. He hurried to the other side of the bed and held Jade other hand while he gently called her, "Jade dear, are you waking up?" He was more than nervous.

And as if she had heard his question her eyes moved and that made them stiffen as they looked at each other. She was waking up?

"She's waking up, I'll call the doctor." Grandfather Beau said in delight before heading towards the door. Jake was about to tell him to stay so he'd go but the old man was already gone.

Jake looked at her and his heart suddenly began to race. He bent down and called, "Babe?" His tone was gentle but it was by every means nervous.

Jade on the other hand could hear someone calling her, it wasn't by her name but it felt like something she'd loved to be called by. The voice was faint but it sounded familiar. It felt like she had been hearing it in her sleep and it was slowly calling to her, nudging her to wake up and a part of her wanted to obey but there was a cloud of darkness that was preventing her from doing so. Maybe she should sleep some more, but then she heard it again.

"Honey please open your eyes. I'm right here."

Hearing that made her feel like she was struggling between light and darkness. It was as if that voice was beckoning on her to wake up from her dream. She wanted to see who was there, who was making her feel the way she was, but it also felt like she couldn't wake up from this sleep even if she wanted to, but something told her she had to.

She had been in the dark for so long and it was time to step in to the light. With a struggle she slowly fluttered her eyes open but she flinched and shut it when white bright light assaulted her eyes.

Why was it so bright?

Jake's heart drummed when he saw her eyes flicker open. He leaned closer to the bed almost as if he wanted to fall over the very next second but he was blocking the path of the light entering her eyes. He had noticed how she had flinched earlier and he knew it was the light.

"Jade?" He called nervously and again she opened her eyes, and for the first time in one month he saw those eyes again.

Not knowing what to say he or do, he muttered, "Thank you" while a tear rolled down his cheek.

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