When You Are Mine

Chapter 336 - One Month?

Jade had the brightest smile as she showed her ring to Amy. It was beautiful single, pink diamond cut ring which had a few diamond studded pattern by the side.

Jade chuckled when Amy squealed excitedly. She was so loud that everyone out the door rushed back into the room.

"What happened?"

"Is Jade okay?" They asked simultaneously, even Blake and grandfather Beau were not left out.

Phil and co. also came running in when they heard her loud voice. They had come over as soon as Jake informed them that Jade was awake.

"Babe why did you scream?" Blake asked, making Jade cock her brow. 'Babe?'

"Look, your brother proposed." Amy chirped excitedly making everyone turn to look at Jade who was grinning happily. She waved her ring finger at them and everyone gasped.

They turned to Jake who was equally grinning by her side. Jade was sitting by the edge of the bed while he laid behind her with his hand wrapped around her waist. He was being clingy with her again, but Jade didn't mind.

Phil walked closer and smacked his leg, "So quick huh? You couldn't wait to have her back you cheeky bastard."

"Hey you don't call my grandson that." Grandfather Beau mockingly warned making Phil chuckle. The old man would always defend his grandson. Helpless old man. Him and his grandchildren are sworn lovers.

Jake smiled and shrugged, "What's there to wait for?"

"Exactly why should he wait? You and these hooligans should do the same thing." Grandfather Beau said pointing his hand at Rick and Mike who immediately hid behind Phil's back.

Grace was so surprised to hear this piece of goodnews. Her eyes glistened with tears as she walked closer to Jade and Jake.

"Mom?" Jade called out with a happy smile.

"I'm so happy honey." Grace said with tears in her eyes.

"Me too."

Grace brushed her hand through Jade's hair and kissed the top of her head before lovely rubbing Jake's cheek. "I'm so proud of the both of you. May you always be happy." She blessed them.

"Thank you Mom." Jake and Jade chorused.

Kevin walked up to Jake with a cheeky smile, "So bro In-law, I'm going to be your best man right?" He asked with an excited glint in his eye.

"What did you just say?" Blake asked Incredulously. "Take that back. That's my job, you can't take it away from me." He snapped with a serious look making Kevin glance at him.

"Bro Blake are you going to be petty and fight with a teenager?" Kevin tried to guilt trip him.

"Yes I'm petty and thank God you know you're a teenager. I'm the best man so go get another role." Blake said in a serious tone. He wasn't going to joke about it. There was no way he'd miss out on the chance of being his brother's best man. Never!! It was a born job.

Kevin frowned and humphed at him while the others chuckle.

"Don't worry, you'll be his best man when they both get married." Jake said pointing at Amy and Blake whose face suddenly turned the red.

Jade smiled when she heard that. Her suspicion was right. She looked at Amy and her smile broadened.

"It seems alot happened while I slept." She said to Amy.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you all about it." Amy chirped. She knew what Jade was referring to.

They spent more time with Jade before leaving her to rest but Jake stayed behind. He wasn't going to leave, he just got his life back. He told Jade all about what had happened in the last month except the struggles he had endured, he didn't want to bother her.

He introduced Kyle to Jade when called via video call. He was on a business trip so he couldn't see Jade. Jade was happy to hear all about Jake and Kyle's friendship and she was happy they were now together as a family.

"I'm so happy Jake." Jade said as she laid in his arms.

"I know."

"How?" She cocked a brow at him.

"Because you have a handsome man beside you." He kissed her forehead while Jade rolled her eyes.

"You're still as conceited as ever." She hissed while Jake chuckled amusedly.

"Honey let's get married in a month's time." Jake suddenly said making Jade to abruptly sit up and look at him.

"One month?" Jade asked in surprise.


"That's too sudden." She told him.

"Nothing is too sudden with you. I already feel like one month's too long but I don't want to rush you."

Rush? Wasn't he doing that already.

Jake sighed when he saw the way she was looking at him. "Look, I just can't wait anymore. I want you by my side everyday and everynight, so let's just–"

"Okay, I agree." She understood that things had been difficult for him. He must have been looking forward to this while she was in a coma. She didn't have the heart to make him wait anymore. If he wanted them to get married in a month then so be it.


Jade finally got discharged from the hospital after spending one more week. Jake wanted her to stay a few more days atleast till another round of test was carried out but she didn't want to spend one more minute there. It wasn't entirely because of her, but mostly because of Jake. Amy and Blake had told her how Jake had almost joined her in her comatose state, and also about the issues he had to handle and she felt really sad for him. She didn't want him to live in the hospital anymore. He needed rest.

Sara, Simon and Julius came to visit her at home. Mrs Lin called as well and a few of her colleagues also called to check up on her. She was happy to know alot of people cared about her and that she still had her job waiting for her.

Of all the people who had come to visit her, she was more happy to see Helen. Though she felt sad for her she was still happy to see her. She had always seen her as a mother so she was elated to know Helen didn't blame her for what happened to Cale, and she felt relieved when she didn't make a request for her to let go of Cale because even if she had done that, Jade wouldn't have been able to do anything about it because Jake was in charge of the case. And it didn't seem like he was going to let Cale go.

"Jade I'm so sorry to for what Cale did to you. I failed in bringing him up in the right way. I'm so sorry." Helen had apologized.

"Mom, it's okay. You don't have been to apologise because it's not your fault. Cale behaving like that has nothing to do with you. It was his conscious choice, not yours."


"There's no but Mother. Cale failed you as a son, you didn't fail him. If he refused to be corrected by the love, then let the law correct him. We can only pray for him to change and see how he could have done better. So don't cry." Jade comforted her as she wrapped her hand around her.

"Everything will be fine mom, I assure you."

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