When You Are Mine

Chapter 46 - He Had All Night To Wait

"Happy birthday" Lair said with a broad smile.

"Thank you" Blake replied with an equal smile.

"And thanks for coming, I didn't think you'd make it, giving the fact that it was impromptu"

"It's fine. I see you finally joined your grandfather's company after all" Lair said.

"Yeah I did" Blake replied with a nod. "I definitely can't run away from my destiny" Blake added, making them burst out in laughter.

"You certainly can't" Lair said admist laughter.

"And you are one of the best doctor there is. A medical genius at that" He praised Lair sincerely.

"Come on that's not true. I still can't measure up to you" Lair said with a smile.

"Don't be modest Lair. I read your thesis and they are mind blowing, not to mention your medical achievements. I'm so proud of you that I just want to tell the whole room that the great doctor Lair Walker is here and above all, he is my friend" He said with a proud smile on his face.

"I guess you haven't changed then" He said as they laughed. This was Blake's usual hype line while they were back in college.

Lair and Blake had been roommates in school when Lair was having his fist degree as a pharmacologist. Blake had been his roommate for four consecutive years and they had bonded quite well. But somehow they had lost contact a year after graduating.

He had been surprised to have seen Blake at Acrosoft, since he had always kicked against working for his family. He had always wanted to do something different other than programming even though he was a computer genius.

Blake had lived low key all through his stay in school and only Lair and a handful of people were aware of his capabilities.

"What's there to change?"

"By the way where's your sister? I remembered you mentioned she worked with us. Did she come with you?" Blake asked curiously. He was curious to know Lair's sister who worked in the same company with him. Maybe he knew her?

"Yea, she came with" He turned around in search of Amy, while Blake followed his line of sight.

Amy who was approaching them with a smile, frowned when she saw Blake's contenance changed into a dark glare. She didn't understand why his look had suddenly turned gloomy. He was just laughing with Lair, so why the sullen look? Was he not happy to see her? Or did he not like her gift? Amy asked herself.

She nervously walked closer, she didn't like the look on Blake's eyes. He suddenly held a cold glint she had never seen before.

"Hey" Amy said with a small wave as soon as she walked up to them.

"I'll be back" Blake hurriedly said with a slight frown before walking away.

"What's she doing here?" Blake muttered under his breath as he walked past Amy.


Jade stood in front of the mirror in the restroom nervously. She had been standing there for about 10 minutes, encouraging herself, but she still lacked the courage to step out of the Ladies room and join the party.

What if she bumps into him again? Or worse, what if he tries talking to her in front of Amy and Lair? How was she to explain knowing someone like him? He was rich and one could smell his wealth oozing off him, from miles away.

How had she found herself mixed up in something like this? Now she wondered how those hookers felt when they bumped into someone they've slept with. That doesn't happen in reality Jade! She scolded herself.

Why did he have to show up every where she went to? What was happening her? Was the heavens punishing her for engaging herself in premarital sex or what??

A myriad of such questions kept taunting her mind, that she didn't notice no one had walked into the restroom in the last 10 minutes.

"Jade, you don't have to be scared or worried. You don't know him, so pretend as such" She said to herself, still looking in the mirror.

She took a deep breath and brushed through her hair with her hand, picked up her clutch and walked to the door.

Her heart started thumping nervously as her hand rested on the door.

She had only taken a step out of the restroom, when her eyes suddenly caught the person leaning on the wall opposite the restroom door.

'It's him!' Jade screamed in her head, before rushing back into the restroom and shutting the door in shock making Jake smirk.

What's with her and bathrooms? Jake asked himself. He vividly rembered how she had locked herself in the bathroom the first time they met, and now he had been standing there in the last 10 mintues, preventing other ladies from stepping in. Because he knew she might find out he was there waiting for her, and she might refuse to come out.

But if she loved staying there so much, then he'll let her take her sweet time.. Afterall he had all night to wait.

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