Never noticed it before.

Ninjas, especially genin without official vests, dress up in a variety of ways, full of killing intent.

In the spacious classroom, nearly two hundred ninjas all looked over, and more than four hundred pairs of eyes focused on the three newcomers.

With various purposes such as sizing up, examining, and judging.

Being stared at by so many people without any kindness in their eyes makes me feel uncomfortable.

“Where’s Ni’s mother?”

Naruto didn’t get used to it and spat out when he opened his mouth. No one in the village would dare to look at him like this. Who are you?

In an instant, the Konoha ninjas looked away knowingly.

But in the middle The Ninja Exam is a joint examination. In addition to Konoha, there are also Sunagakure Village, Kusagakure Village, Amegakure Village, Otogakure Village, and Takigakure Village…….

Naturally, these ninjas do not know the reputation of the Konoha Plague God.

Just because of this sentence, many eyes were filled with murderous intent.

“Yo Naruto, are you so angry today? Inuzuka

Kiba walked over with Akamaru on his head and said,”You are brave. You offend so many candidates with one sentence. Aren’t you afraid of being beaten?”

Naruto laughed:”I am alone and seeking defeat.””

Then he skillfully picked up Akamaru and teased him.

Following the first one to say hello, the nine Xiaoqiang of the same class gradually gathered over. All nine of them were graduates this year, and they were all recommended to take the exam. The nine people gathered together like this. , the atmosphere suddenly became much better.

“Naruto, you came so late. Hinata came over with concern:”What happened?”

The latter said:”It’s a little late for practice, it’s okay.””

He has always been stuck in school.

The same goes for exams.

When a few people are in a group, they can’t help but chatter. The key is that everyone can see the strength of Naruto and Sasuke, and they feel safe standing next to him.

“I’m with you Class 7 in this exam, isn’t it safe?”Ino joked.

Naruto quickly stopped her seeking death:”Take your own chuunin exam! Your idea is a bit scary!”

Sakura added on the side:”But……If there’s any danger, fire off a flare and we should be able to come over and take a look.”

In the Chuunin exam, team confrontation is a must.

It depends on how it goes.

These nine people were chatting in the classroom, regardless of the atmosphere outside their circle becoming more and more solemn…….

Kabuto the pharmacist on the side was holding an information card, hesitating whether to strike up a conversation. It was difficult to get into the atmosphere…….

A few minutes later, smoke suddenly exploded in the classroom!

“Time is up! Ninjas who have not yet entered the classroom are disqualified! All candidates in the classroom, get back to their seats!”

A breathy voice came from the smoke.

After the smoke dissipated, what appeared in everyone’s eyes was the examiner of this exam…….and other examiners!

Many candidates quickly heard the sound and sat down.

Naruto took the admission ticket and found his seat number. Unlike the original work, the seat number did not match the original work because of the different registration time…….

Hinata, who was originally at the same table, went next to Sakura.

Naruto took a closer look and saw that his deskmate on the left was a straight black kunoichi from Kusagakure Village, and on the right was a red-haired and dark-eyed male ninja from Sunagakure Village…….wrong!!!

He blinked and took a closer look.

The seat number is correct.

The moment he saw the boy with red hair and black eyes of the same age on the right, Naruto knew what the event predicted by the system seven days ago was: meeting Gaara for the first time.

In the original work, Konohamaru bumped into Kankuro from Sunagakure Village. When Team 7 rescued Konohamaru, he got in touch with the three Gaara siblings…….

But in reality, Naruto and Xiao Li were having fun competing, so they naturally missed the option. how to say.

I hope Konohamaru can resist the beating.

Sitting down with a sullen expression, Naruto turned his head away in order not to attract attention, deliberately not looking at Gaara’s face…….

On the left, feeling Naruto’s gaze, the straight black kunoichi from Kusakure Village grinned:”What’s the matter?”

After saying that, he stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips.


He straightened his head in silence……who? Who assigned the seat number?

I want to fight him to the death!!!

On the right is the ultimate weapon of Sunagakure Village, the one-tailed Shukaku Jinchuuriki Sandstorm Gaara; on the left, the long-tongued woman is a Kage-level master disguised as a grass ninja, Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas and a traitor to Konoha!

This exam is so damn stressful.


The examiner is Konoha’s special jounin Morino Hiki.

When he announced that the first exam was a written exam, the candidates were quite disdainful.

When the test papers were handed out, gasps of cold air could be heard in the examination room.

Sakura picked up the paper: I’m super, it’s such a difficult question! But it doesn’t bother me!

Sasuke picked up the paper:”What’s wrong with the eight hooks? If you don’t know how to do it, start copying!”

Only Naruto’s mind was not on the paper, because he had just filled in his name, Uncle Snake……Ah no, Aunt Snake glanced over.

Uzumaki Naruto……Vortex?

I am super, the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki is sitting next to me! ?

It seems that this jinchūriki is not weak, and he must have sensed Gaara’s strength, so he was sitting on pins and needles.

Uncle Snake thought so.

Little did he realize that he was also exposed.

After struggling for more than ten minutes, Naruto decided to give it up. He ignored Aunt Snake’s gaze and entered the college entrance examination mode. He skipped the code question as quickly as possible and answered all the other questions –

Orochimaru was secretly surprised beside him.

All right?

This Jinchuuriki theoretical knowledge is quite solid.

In comparison, the other Jinchuuriki was still blank.

Gaara had already made up his mind to cheat.

By the time Naruto finished writing, half an hour had passed since the exam, and the entire exam room was in a cheating spree.

From time to time someone is caught cheating.

The examiner grabbed the person and rushed him out.

After Naruto left a message on the first secret code question, ‘Can’t understand, don’t write’, he stretched out and leaned on his seat, which was equivalent to saying to his two classmates: Copy it if you want, I don’t care.

On the left, Aunt Snake’s sinister voice sounded:”Thank you.”

Naruto was speechless: Why are you pretending to me?

The person with the highest IQ in the ninja world needs to copy my answers, right?

To the right, Gaara silently began to gather sand.

The sand gathered on Naruto’s test paper and turned into an eyeball that connected Gaara’s sight, peeking at Naruto’s answer…….

Naruto saw this and wrote on the paper with interest: What kind of ninjutsu is this?


He didn’t speak, just looked at the answer.

Naruto continued to write: Bro, is this sand of yours considered a blood successor or a secret technique? How far can this thing see? What is the principle of sight synchronization? Why do you cover one eye when performing the surgery? Is it to change the vision of your eye with trachoma?

Brother, you’ve already read my answer. Isn’t it too much to give me some popular science on the principles? Why are you so selfish? If you see it, please reply. If you see it, please reply…….

Gaara took a deep breath and dispersed the Eyes of Sand.

Go and peek at other people’s answers.

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