Naruto was confused by what she said.

“defamation! Slander you! Huang Mao didn’t understand her brain circuit and asked,”Who said I want to eat you?””

The red-haired girl fought with her arms, held up the Earth Scroll respectfully and trembled:”You, you just said……Eat cooked food……”

Naruto couldn’t hold it any longer:”I was complaining, I was complaining!”

“I eat cooked food ≠ I eat human flesh!”

What’s going on with this guy? She was saved by Sasuke in the original work, blushing and heartbeating.

Now that she has a magical weapon descended from the sky, why is she so virtuous? Is it because her looks are not good enough? No, this dress is not as good as Uchiha’s Succubus, your appearance is at least 90%, so why don’t you be succubus?……

While thinking, Naruto touched his nose and felt a pimple on his hand.

Then he looked at the large mango treasures on his shoulders.

Case solved!

He vowed to learn the perfect immortal mode within three years!

Otherwise, wearing this face would really affect your appearance!

“Naruto, are you bullying a little girl from another village?”The voices of teammates came from the treetops on the other side.

As soon as Sasuke and Sakura arrived, they saw the red-haired girl crying without tears, and the two sides were offering scrolls on the battlefield…….

And it’s the same Earth Scroll.

Sasuke was much more considerate. He learned from Indra that the red-haired girl might be a member of Naruto’s clan, so he didn’t stop her.

He just said:”Naruto, Sakura and I are waiting for you in the tower.”

He took Sakura and left here.

Maybe that was his idea. If Naruto was to follow him all the time, what would be the point of the Chuunin Exam?

Seeing Sasuke moisturizing very quickly, Naruto was speechless and held his forehead.

Then he let several shadow clones follow him.

Even if they leave, their position will not be lost under the immortal mode perception, and there will also be a delayed broadcast of the shadow clone…….If something really happened, I could reach it easily even after traveling ten kilometers against the sky.

Naruto kicked the two grass ninjas on the ground and asked:”These two guys have different attitudes. Are you at odds with each other in the team?” The red-haired girl whispered:”No…….yes.”

She wanted to ask in her mind why you are still here after all your teammates have left. This person is so scary. He won’t really eat me, right?”

“I see you are the same, you have almost no trace of formal training. Are you really a ninja? Naruto looked at the red-haired girl and asked,”You can’t even compare to the ninja school students. Why would Kusagakure send you to take the chunin exam?””

She fell silent after a word.

The red-haired girl’s eyes wandered:”Yes, why?……”

Little did he know that Naruto was also deep in thought.

He remembered that Xianglin should have teeth marks all over her arms at this time, but she was wearing short sleeves and her fair arms and thighs had no marks. wrong.

Looking carefully, Naruto found a discrepancy.

He picked up his arm and pulled it. As a result, the little girl’s arm changed color, revealing the teeth marks hidden by the makeup…….

“I knew it.”Naruto suddenly understood.

If I were Kusakure Village, I wouldn’t want her to go to another village with teeth marks on her arms. I would have to cover it up. The transformation technique is easy to be discovered, and once the blood pack needs to be replenished, Yes, the transformation technique will disappear after one bite.

It is not as effective as simple disguise and makeup.

There are ninjas everywhere, even if the makeup is weird, it will not attract attention, let alone just cover some teeth marks.

Naruto was satisfied with his amazing wisdom, but he didn’t know that the red-haired girl was so scared that she was paralyzed!

“you you you……I……”

She’s already doing her best to conceal her identity and abilities.

She was afraid that others would know that she was a blood bag.

Restoring blood for Kusakure Village has left her physically and mentally exhausted. If a village as big as Konoha knew about it, would she still be sucked dry?

It’s over now. Combined with the behavior of his teammates just now, it is not difficult to deduce that just one bite of himself will have miraculous effects…….

Opposite me, Naruto took a deep breath and put down her arm

“So scary, I got goosebumps!”

It didn’t look that good in the anime.

In reality, when he saw rows and rows of dense tooth marks, he was afraid that he would commit a crime on the spot!

“Sisters, if Kusagakure mistreats you, you can come to Konoha and apply for political asylum.”

He said sincerely:”One thing to say, our medical level in Konoha is quite advanced. I know a medical ninja with excellent medical skills. She can remove scars without leaving any traces. Do you want me to recommend her to you?”

Red-haired girl:”……What?”

Her mind didn’t turn around for a moment.

When she realized the meaning of Huang Mao’s words, the red-haired girl was stunned for a long time and couldn’t think of a word for a long time.

Naruto didn’t think much about it.

In his opinion, Having such a mobile blood bag with her gives her a sense of security. If she is accidentally seriously injured by an enemy, she will be her second life. The blood inheritance limit of the Uzumaki clan is awesome…… etc!

Naruto suddenly thought that he seemed to be a member of the Uzumaki clan!

The blood inheritance potential has been increased so much, is there any ability to regain blood after being bitten?

Thinking about it, Naruto wanted to give himself a bite


In the forest of death, two figures shuttled through the woods.

It’s Sasuke and Sakura.

Sakura asked uneasily:”Is it okay to leave Naruto alone?”

Sasuke said calmly:”The entire forest of death is the shadow clone of that guy, and maybe just like the time in the Land of Waves, his true body Left long ago……”

“It was just a Chunin exam, and there was no opponent here who could threaten him.”

Hearing this, Sakura also smiled and said:”That’s right, what am I worrying about here? There is no way that there will be candidates who are more powerful than you in the simple Chuunin exam, right?——”

The words have not yet finished.

A surging and fierce wind pushed aside the grass and trees, and it was like a giant beast charging towards the two of them!


A long ravine was plowed out of the land tens to hundreds of meters long, and at the starting point of this strong wind, three figures stood.

The long-tongued woman of Caoyin Village……In other words, Auntie Snake, disguised as a grass ninja, put down her hands, with a smile of success on her cheeks.

“Wind Escape·Big Breakthrough……”

“Just saying hello, Sasuke”

“It seems like you don’t like it……”

Lightning flashed.

A black figure, in the bright light of thunder, passed through twisting curves and rushed towards Orochimaru!

The one who came was naturally Sasuke.

The second before the Feng escape approached, he made a decisive decision and pushed Sakura away. He also followed the reaction force and avoided this move.

At that time, only one thought flashed through his mind: Who is it?

Why couldn’t I feel it before the ninjutsu was released?

Is there such a master in the Chunin Exam?

It really is……

Won the jackpot!

“Sure enough, it was right to take the first step.”

A sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He wanted to get rid of the enemy before that yellow hair came!

This time, he would not even have to drink the soup!

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