[Congratulations to the host for successfully practicing the ability of the Split Fruit for 20 seconds, activating the 10,000-fold cultivation return system! ]

[Cultivation settlement starts now! ]

[Settlement successful, congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the 200,000-second cultivation return for practicing the Split Fruit! ]

[Host can use the Split Fruit ability! ]

After receiving the cultivation return for the limbs that had just been split.

Ning Chuan put his split body parts back in place.

At this time, looking at Buggy in front of him, he directly pressed his hand on Buggy's body.

Several times of cultivation return have given him a very deep understanding of human limb splitting.

He felt that he could do it at this time, and apply the Split Fruit ability he had mastered to other people!

Ning Chuan took a deep breath and smiled at Buggy, who was pressed in his palm and dared not move.

The next moment.

The air around him seemed to solidify.

Almost all the onlookers held their breath and watched Ning Chuan's hand movements, not knowing what would happen next.

"Split into pieces!"

As Ning Chuan's heart moved.

The ability of the Split Fruit he mastered was directly transmitted to Buggy through his palm that was pressing on Buggy's body.

As the power of Split in Ning Chuan's body continued to surge.

A subtle but powerful energy began to flow from his palm into Buggy's body.

Buggy's body suddenly began to split into pieces uncontrollably!

But it was different from before.

Before, he consciously used the power of Split to control the splitting of his body.

And this time, the split came more suddenly and was not controlled by his will.

It was like the body split automatically!

The sudden situation here startled Buggy!

He was so scared that he stood still, not daring to have the slightest idea of ​​resisting Ning Chuan's power!


Buggy suddenly screamed!

The next moment.

His body was broken into countless pieces in the blink of an eye, scattered around.

But he soon realized that he had not suffered any substantial damage.

It was just that this sudden split scared him!

At this time, his facial expression was particularly exaggerated as he looked at the flying body fragments.

His eyes were wide open and his mouth was wide open!

He was obviously frightened by this sudden change!

"Ningchuan, what are you doing!"

"Why did my body automatically break into pieces?"

Buggy's voice came from all directions, and it seemed a little confusing, but more of a shock!

Looking at his "masterpiece" in front of him, Ningchuan's eyes showed a hint of surprise and excitement!

He didn't expect that he could actually use the ability of the Split Fruit on other people!

After all, such an ability only existed in the speculation of comic fans before he used it.

Even Buggy, the clown who ate the Split Fruit, couldn't do it!

And now, Ning Chuan has successfully used it!

"Since it can tear people into pieces, can this ability also be used in other places?"

"Such as ships, city walls, or the enemy's abilities and domineering attacks? Or... everything in the world?"

Ning Chuan became more and more excited as he thought about it. He couldn't wait to find a place to try out his new ability to tear people into pieces!

Looking at the frightened Buggy, he quickly retracted his power.

However, he did not reassemble Buggy, but threw this task to himself.

Ning Chuan came to the ship of the Wild Dog Pirates with an excited look on his face.

Next, he planned to take the pirate ship in front of him to experiment with his new ability!

Watching Ning Chuan go away.

Buggy was stunned for a long time before controlling his body fragments to reassemble.

Not long after, he stood there intact.

Although his body was not damaged at all.

But his face looked particularly pale!

Obviously, he has not fully recovered from the shock just now.

"What's wrong with this kid?"

"Has he awakened the ability of my Split Fruit?"

"It can actually split everyone else!"

With a hint of doubt, Buggy, who was still in shock, looked at Ningchuan's actions at this time.

At this time, Ningchuan had already driven all the members of the Wild Dog Pirates to Buggy's ship.

Then, he saw his hand on the bow of the Wild Dog Pirates.

Before launching this split ability.

He did not forget to mutter in his heart.

"System, calculate the last Split Fruit training!"

[CongratulationsThe host successfully cultivated the ability of the Split Fruit for one minute, and activated the system of returning ten thousand times the cultivation! ]

[Cultivation settlement starts now! ]

[Settlement successful, congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the return of ten thousand minutes of cultivation for cultivating the Split Fruit! ]

[The host's Split Fruit ability has been greatly improved! ]

Hearing that the cultivation returned by the system has been received.

Ning Chuan's mouth curled up slightly, looking at the ship under him, he was already impatient to completely decompose it!

As Ning Chuan gently placed his hand on the deck of the pirate ship.

The hearts of the people watching around were hanging.

They roughly guessed what Ning Chuan wanted to do next.

The air around was filled with a tense atmosphere.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were all focused on his hand, which seemed ordinary but contained terrifying power.

At the moment when everyone held their breath.

An unprecedented splitting force began to spread from Ning Chuan's palm.

It quickly penetrated into every corner of the entire pirate ship.

Then, an incredible scene happened!

This huge wooden structure slowly split apart in front of everyone's eyes!

It was not a simple break, but it was divided into countless complete and small fragments just like when Buggy was split!

These fragments were suspended in the air independently, keeping a subtle distance from each other.

Looking at this scene in front of them, the onlookers were stunned!

This pirate ship is nearly 100 meters long and dozens of meters wide!

However, such a large ship was easily split into countless fragments by Ningchuan?

Such an ability is too terrible!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Buggy's eyes almost popped out in shock!

He found that Ningchuan not only successfully applied the ability of the Split Fruit to objects other than himself.

And it was expanded to such a grand scale!

"How did he... master the ability to split into pieces?"

"It seems that he has even reached the level of awakening the legendary Split Fruit!"

"What's wrong with this kid?"

"How did he do all this?!!"

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