After hearing these words, Colonel Mouse and his cronies all showed a trace of anger on their faces!

"Who? Who is saying these words?"

"Get out of here!"

Colonel Mouse looked in the direction of the voice and shouted angrily.

Just when Colonel Mouse searched around for several times and couldn't find who was talking.

His cronies suddenly patted him on the shoulder.

Pointing at Ningchuan not far in front of him.

"Boss, this kid said it, I just saw it!"

He looked in the direction of his men's gaze.

I saw a teenager who looked only in his teens, standing in front of him and others with a sneer on his face.


"Hahaha, I stole your money?"

"Who do you think you are? Do you think you killed A Long?"

"You still say I stole your money, you are not afraid of laughing to death!"

After Colonel Mouse said this, he and his cronies all laughed out loud.

However, among the hundreds of villagers standing there at this time.

But no one laughed out loud to please them.

After all, after seeing Ningchuan easily slaughtering the Along Pirates with their own eyes.

They all knew Ningchuan's terrifying strength.

What's more, Ningchuan did not lie.

He was the one who killed Along!

Feeling that the atmosphere around him was a little wrong.

Colonel Mouse looked at Ningchuan suspiciously.

"There is nothing different about this kid."

"This thin arm and thin leg, it's obvious that he is not the guy who killed Along!"

Thinking of this, Colonel Mouse felt relieved.

"Don't talk to these annoying guys."

"Hurry up and move everyone on board, we still have to go back and report!"

"If anyone dares to stop us again, just shoot!"

After Colonel Mouse said this, he walked straight towards the direction of Along's pirate ship in the distance.

He wanted to go on board and search it thoroughly.

Maybe there are treasures left by Aaron on this ship!

However, before Colonel Mouse walked out ten meters away.

He heard screams coming from behind him.

Then, a strong smell of blood drifted into Colonel Mouse's nose.

Smelling this bloody smell, Colonel Mouse felt bad.

He turned around and saw Ning Chuan, whose hands were covered in blood, standing in front of him with a sneer on his face.

And behind him.

All the confidants he had cultivated over the years fell in a pool of blood!

"Now you know who killed Aaron, right?"

"But you may know it a little late!"

Listening to Ning Chuan's cold words.

Colonel Mouse felt as if he was stared at by a terrifying ancient beast.

He was so scared that he stood there in a daze, not daring to make any extra movements!

"I, I didn't recognize the real man!"

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault!"

"The bounty, a total of 30 million bounties, I'll give you half!"

"No, I'll give it all to you! Even the pirate ship of A-Long and his crew!"

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Spare me a life!"

Feeling the terrifying murderous intent coming from Ning Chuan.

At this moment, Colonel Mouse was almost scared to death by this terrifying murderous intent!

However, it was too late for him to say this now!

With his character.

Ning Chuan naturally wouldn't believe the nonsense he said.

If he let him go this time, I'm afraid that the next time he came to Cocoa West Island, it would be a few warships that came to slaughter the village in the name of clearing out pirates!

"There should be many Black Navy officers like you."

"When I sail on the sea in the future, I can only kill them one by one!"

After saying this, Ning Chuan no longer hesitated.

He stretched out a finger and stabbed directly into the aorta in his neck.

Ning Chuan's finger was very fast, and he stabbed the mouse colonel through almost instantly.

Almost in an instant, a large amount of blood began to spurt out from his neck.

In less than a minute.

This Black Navy mouse colonel, who was famous in the nearby waters, no longer had any breath.

He couldn't die any more!

After killing the mouse colonel, Ning Chuan came to him.

He reached into his clothes.

Soon, he took out several purses filled with valuable gold coins.

The total value of the gold coins in these purses should be around 30 million Baileys.

It corresponds to the bounty of all the people in the Arlong Pirates.

"This cunning guy actually brought all the bounties down."

"It seems that his fightIt should be that when you encounter a strong guy who can't be defeated, you should buy your life with money. "

"But if you don't meet such a guy, this large sum of money will be stolen by him."

"But unfortunately, I met him this time!"

Ningchuan sneered and put all these valuable Mora into his pocket.

"Killing a navy colonel is a serious crime."

"I can't stay in Kokoa West Village next, I can only start sailing around the world."

"But before leaving, I must trick Nami and Nokigo away!"

"Nami's sailing skills and Nokigo's cooking skills are both very good!"

Just when Ningchuan was thinking about his next plan.

Bellmaire suddenly rushed in front of Ningchuan and put her finger under the nose of Colonel Mouse.

When she learned that Colonel Mouse was dead, she couldn't help but sigh.

"Alas, Ningchuan, although this guy is not a good navy, it will be troublesome to kill him. "

"You will be wanted by the navy next!"

"I'm afraid the navy will come to this island in a few days."

"Leave quickly before those guys on the ship find you, the farther the better!"

Looking at Bellemere's anxious look, Ningchuan smiled at her, put his hand on her shoulder and said seriously.

"Bellemere, before leaving, I have a very excessive request, I hope you can agree."

Hearing Ningchuan's words, Bellemere was stunned for a moment.

Although she didn't know what Ningchuan meant by "very excessive", she nodded subconsciously.

"I want to take Nami and Nokigo to sail on the sea together."

"It shouldn't be long, we will come back to see you!"

Hearing Ningchuan's excessive words, Bellemere was about to refuse.

But two familiar voices suddenly came from behind her.

"Mom, Mom, I want to go sailing with Ningchuan!"

"I want to draw the best sea chart in the world! "

Nami plucked up her courage and stood beside Ningchuan and said.

"Mom, I also want to go sailing with Ningchuan!"

"If only the two of them go out to sea, I really can't rest assured!"

"Don't worry, with me here, they won't be hungry!"

Nokigo also stood behind Ningchuan in time and plucked up the courage to speak.

"You, you guys..."

Bellmer, who would never agree anyway.

After hearing Nami and Nokigo call her "Mom".

For so many years, except when they were young, they have never called themselves mom so affectionately.

It was this "Mom" that softened Bellmer's heart.

She wiped the tears from her eyes, pulled Ningchuan's collar and yelled at him viciously.

"If my two daughters are wronged by you."

"Even if I chase you to the ends of the earth, I will never let you go! "

After yelling, she changed her face to a loving one and whispered to the three people.

"Before I regret it, you guys, hurry up and leave!"

"The navy has already disembarked!"

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