Whimsical System

Chapter 1206: Grievance stage before departure

The bloated fellow had his reasons for blocking, and Chu Feng's impulse might also put them both in distress, so the bloated fellow felt that he had to remind Chu Feng.

And under the reminder of the bloated guy, Chu Feng gradually dispelled the thought in his mind.

Of course, the reason why Chu Feng would dispel the thoughts in his mind was because it had nothing to do with the persuasion of the bloated guy.

According to Chu Feng's temper, as long as it was something he wanted to do, even if it was dangerous, he didn't feel terrible.

It's just that he suddenly wanted to understand one thing, that is, whether he has this mind or not, this will not affect the final outcome.

After all, the enemy is dark, he is bright. Even if he racks his brains to find his opponent, it is not easy, so instead of that, it's better to let the opponent show up.

At least, when the opponent chooses to take the initiative, then they can truly take the initiative!

During this period of time, they can completely ignore the existence of this opponent. Although it is not easy to do this, this matter is nothing compared to their plan!

Besides, this is just a prelude, Chu Feng really wants to see and see how many tricks this hidden opponent has!

"You are right, I am indeed a little too eager! On the one hand, I am not prepared, on the other hand, I would like to see what he can do!"

Chu Feng let his body fall on the bed, and said lazily.

"Are there any plans for tomorrow?"

The bloated guy seemed unwilling to discuss this topic again, so he deliberately changed the topic!

"Tomorrow's plan, I don't know..."

Chu Feng suddenly sat up again, and when he talked about tomorrow's affairs, he seemed to have no idea like last night!

"In this city, I am afraid I can't finish it even if we visit for two more days. We can't spend all of our time on this. From my point of view, we seem to be doing something..."

The bloated guy seems to have a plan, judging from his appearance, he really has such a sense of confidence!

"I don't quite understand what you mean. If we don't spend our time on getting familiar with this city, what should we do?" Chu Feng wondered.

The bloated guy was holding his chin in his hands, and his chubby face was resting on his palm at the moment.

"We can try, contact the forces of this city, and see who is the real master of this city!

And if we can reach cooperation with them, then it seems to be much easier to solve this matter!

At least we don't need to look for it by ourselves anymore, it feels like a Thirteen Lord suddenly appeared next to him! "

The idea of ​​the bloated guy can basically be said to be more correct. Under the current situation, the power of the two of them is limited after all, so it is necessary for them to look for other external forces to assist!

The current suggestions made by the bloated guy formally comply with this rule!


"Your idea is good, but we are not familiar with the place of life here, so how do we prepare for this?"

Regarding this question, Chu Feng hardly thought through his brain, and asked the question directly with one mouth!

And when he asked this question, he himself got an answer, and his answer was almost exactly the same as that of the next bloated guy!

"This matter is not simple. Before I left, the Thirteenth Lord gave us a lot of entanglements! Now, it is the time when these calculations come into play!

Tomorrow I will take the money and exchange for some useful information. At that time, as long as we can open up the relationship, then this matter will be easy! "

The bloated guy has a confident appearance, looks like this kind of thing, he should have done nothing less before, otherwise he would never be so handy!

As for the idea of ​​the bloated guy, Chu Feng naturally had no objection. After all, Chu Feng had thought about this aspect!

Therefore, as soon as the bloated guy's voice fell, Chu Feng immediately expressed his attitude!

The next day, the bloated guy went on this trip, and he found out all the currency he was carrying, and when he was full, the amount was enough to be used!

"The Thirteenth Lord is really lavish. One shot costs hundreds of thousands. Now if you throw all this money at one, capable people!

Then we almost don't need to do anything, just wait for the result quietly! "The bloated guy was counting the money, and said contentedly.

"Hey! You can't leave it to others to do, how can you be sure that the final result is correct if you don't even know the process!"

So in my opinion, we still have to participate when necessary, at least we have to know what they did and what the process was like! "Chu Feng exhorted.

The bloated guy smiled and said, "This is natural. Just now I just talked casually. I gave them all the money in one go. I'm still a little bit reluctant!"

"Reluctance is secondary. The main reason is that we are responsible for this matter. Besides, I also want to end this matter as soon as possible, and then leave here!

Thinking about it now, coming here is really a mixed decision! I don’t know how to describe the experience of this time! "

Chu Feng seemed to want to take this opportunity to complain to the bloated guy. After all, he brought Chu Feng to here at the beginning, but now everything that Chu Feng has experienced is inseparable from him!

"What is wrong with you? I brought you here. Now your strength has made a qualitative leap. Isn't all this thanks to me?"

The bloated guy deliberately avoided the main problem and only put gold on his face for the benefits that Chu Feng had obtained!

As for the behavior of the bloated guy, Chu Feng must sneer, even though he also knew that the bloated guy was joking.

"Huh! It's just such a good thing, and it's so boring to be said by you! Apart from this thing, I'm afraid the only thing left is trouble?"

"This... is actually not easy to say, it is a blessing or a curse, who can say it accurately! What's more, when I brought you here, I also asked your opinion. If you disagree, I I won’t force you to come!

So now, let's not blame anyone. After all, I am not in a very good situation now. I came here with you in a daze, but did these things that have nothing to do with me!

And there are risks at any time. I haven't complained. What can you complain about! "

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