Whimsical System

Chapter 1252: Common destination

"There is no need. They were just changing shifts. Even if they were to search, they always had to eat! So now there is basically no one around. This is a good opportunity for us to leave here!

If they wait until they come back from a shift, and then search here, even if the surrounding night is so rich, it will not be enough to resist the guard's light!

So, whether to stay here or leave with me depends on your own decision, I don't force it! "

The dark side is so horrible, although just said that the two of them absolutely cannot be separated, but at this moment he suddenly said this!

Although Rhodia knows very well that this is the dark side of Chufeng, who is deliberately "force" him, but he really does not have the guts to disobey the dark side of Chufeng's orders!

Therefore, his final response was a lack of creative "sex" after all.

"Okay! Now that all of this has been thoroughly analyzed, why should I stay here and take risks!"

"I'm glad you think so, let's go!" The dark side nodded with satisfaction, and then led Rhodia out of the container!

Outside the container, the night's "color" has gradually become dense, but the surrounding scenery in the line of sight is still very clear!

Rhodia has been following the dark side of the bewildering wind, and the appearance of cripple, it really has such a guilty conscience!

For the first time in the forbidden area, the dark face and Feng Feng didn't know the surrounding situation very well, so he could only search around with his own feeling!

In addition, he didn't have any fixed purpose when he came here, at most he just wanted to see the situation here!

So wandering around has certain benefits for him, but the risk of this wandering is really too great, and a little carelessness may cause him to get into big trouble!

But he was careful enough, and Rhodia had been by his side to remind him that at this moment, even if Rhodia was not for the dark side but only for himself, he had to remind him boldly!

Therefore, under Rhodia’s reminder, everything Dark Side Chufeng does has a certain truth!

Passing through most of the street, the "color" of the night has completely enveloped this forbidden area. Although the guards are still searching the forbidden area at this time, the search intensity at this time is no longer as serious as during the day!

Therefore, the whereabouts of the two are not very easy to "expose", as long as the dark side and the wind do not do anything extraordinary!

At this time, the street where the two of them are located belongs to the edge of the forbidden area. Since they were discovered just after entering the forbidden area last night, they stayed on the edge of the forbidden area from start to finish!

Therefore, even if they crossed most of the street, they still failed to get out of the edge of the forbidden area!

"You have been here before, why don't you give me a suggestion, where shall we go next!"

After walking blindly for a long time, Chu Feng suddenly stopped, intending to listen to Rhodia's opinion.

Rhodia scratched his head subconsciously. Although he knew about this forbidden area, he just stayed on the surface!

Moreover, when entering the forbidden land, he was just a follower, so he followed those who led them from beginning to end!

For a while, he was even forced to wear a blindfold. Therefore, if he is allowed to make a decision at this moment, then he really does not know how to make this consideration!

"Chu Feng, I don't want to hide it from you. Actually, I don't know much about this place! If you have to ask me to come up with an idea, then I can only take you to one. We both need to go. Place to stay!"


"A common need? Where is that?"

When the words "common need" were mentioned, the dark side and the wind did not really react.

"Yes, we need it together!" Rhodia nodded.

"Then tell me, what exactly do we need to go to?" Dark Side Chufeng didn't intend to continue to guess, but asked Rhodia directly.



"Yeah! We haven't eaten anything for a day and night. If we don't eat something to replenish energy now, I'm afraid we will lose all energy if we walk for a while!"

Rhodia was indeed so hungry at the moment that the front cavity was pressed against the back, but because of the dark side, Chu Feng had not put forward this idea, so they could only bear it for the time being.

But now, since the dark side is embarrassing and wants him to come up with a decision, then he is naturally rude!

Regarding Rhodia’s suggestion, Feng Dao of Dark Side has also considered it seriously. In fact, there is no need for too much time to consider this issue. Full consideration at the moment seems to be a bit too serious. , And seriously is not the place. But no matter what, Chu Feng finally agreed to this suggestion!

After all, he is also suffering from hunger at this time. Although he can still endure it, if it is from the perspective of physical health, the two of them really need to add a little ability at this moment!

So, this is a suggestion about going to the restaurant, and the two of them are a hit!

After negotiating the route, the two went straight to the restaurant. Since Rhodia had been to the restaurant here last time, he was quite familiar with the route. Even though some places were not clear, their noses were Enough aura!

After crossing several lanes, a towering building gradually appeared in their sight. This building is also very special in this forbidden area!

The towering degree of the building is basically not much different from the building under the jurisdiction of Rhodia on that day.

However, at this time, there are no other shops around the building, instead there are three lakes!

According to Rhodia's introduction, these three lakes are artificially built, mainly for hoarding some fish ingredients!

And this building is exactly what Rhodia calls the restaurant.

In fact, the facilities in this building are not just a restaurant!

Of course the restaurant still occupies the main part, but in addition to the restaurant, there are also some entertainment facilities!

But at this time, the two of them just went to the restaurant, and as for the entertainment facilities, they had no interest at all!

When the two of them arrived in front of the restaurant building, the entrance of the restaurant building was closed because it was not the opening time of the restaurant.

And the interior of the restaurant is completely dark. It seems that there should be no guards in this book!

"It seems we have to find another way to get in!"

Rhodia stretched out his hand to "touch" the big lock like a barbell, and said with a slight disappointment.

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