Whimsical System

Chapter 1427: Completely eaten

So from this point alone, you can basically confirm this plan, it will never be realized, and the reason Chu Feng would propose it, then he is just using this beautiful result to numb the soul. .

Because the soul body already has a certain amount of trust in Chu Feng, as long as Chu Feng can use this trust and logically introduce some plans that may be realized, then Chu Feng can directly implement this matter into reality. .

Of course, this reality is only the soul body, it's nothing more than an idea in his plan.

After listening to Chu Feng’s plan, the soul body naturally hesitated. After all, although this thing sounds good, how to implement it has become a very serious problem. First of all, the soul is embodied in borrowing from the youth. Human identity can also lead. The official forces and the thirteen also launched a competition.

Although the current situation is not too advantageous for the soul body, at least this will not result in a state where no soul body is available.

And if you really follow the method recommended by Chu Feng first, and then wait for the opportunity to get everything done before you attack.

Then this matter has a very small fault tolerance rate for the soul body. So it is precisely because of this concern that the soul body is hesitating. He feels that if he really wants to implement this plan, then he seems to have only one chance, and as long as he fails, then everything is over.

"First of all, I am not saying that your plan is not good. I just think that this plan is a little improper. You can consider the current situation as it has some advantages for me.

At least I can borrow my identity to "fuck" the entire official power, but if I abandon all the current advantages, then afterwards I can apply it, then only myself is left!

So I wondered if it’s too dangerous to do this. I’m not sure that I can solve this problem thoroughly, and to say something hurtful, if I can’t do it or is it Without this opportunity, wouldn't you be the one to bear the responsibility? "

The soul body is really not that easy to fool. Chu Feng felt that he had already tried his best to do something that he could do. He thought that after he finished talking about this plan, his goal would be achieved, but who ever thought that the soul body could actually There was some hesitation, and with his plan and the hesitation of revealing the soul body, this became more and more obvious.

In fact, no matter what the situation is, what the soul body is worried about is only Chu Feng himself. He is afraid that there will be problems on Chu Feng's side, and it is Chu Feng who is most likely to have problems.

Even the change in the overall situation is inseparable from Chu Feng, so it is normal for the soul body to have this worry.

It's just that Chu Feng didn't consider the soul body, and he was able to think of so many important points, and he was also able to group all the current things together, and then think about it.

As a result, the question raised by the soul body at this time became a more difficult question for Chu Feng.

"Maybe what you said is right. From the overall point of view, this matter is indeed not easy to achieve. But you don't have to worry. Sometimes the more dangerous actions and plans are, the more likely it is to achieve some intentions. The unexpected gain is just that you don't have this confidence in the current state.

In fact, to be honest, I didn’t have any wife's confidence in this plan at the beginning, and the reason why I proposed it is actually to let you and I strengthen the momentum and confirm this matter, because from the overall Judging from the situation, whether you are leading the army and starting a war with Reality, or you are directly solving the thirteenth master.


In short, no matter which method it is, from an intuitive point of view, it is not particularly smooth to achieve.

Because the Thirteenth Lord can be said to be fully armed at present, he has a certain degree of defense against anyone and everything, so if you want to achieve this goal, you must arrange everything and absolutely no mistakes.

In short, the fault tolerance rate of this matter is very low. As long as you make some mistakes in some places, then the overall plan will be affected!

So the reason I put forward this idea is to let you consciously avoid these bad plans!

You can think about it, when the goal of the late thirteen is fully achieved, then he will definitely relax, because all these things have been completed, then there is no need for him, no matter how hard you are to beware Who!

Therefore, if it is taken at this time, it will basically be twice the result with half the effort!

You can think about it again. Actually, I don’t have to let you choose this suggestion, but I think this method is better, and if you have a better plan, you can also do it yourself. Make this decision.

Anyway, no matter how you decide, I will follow your suggestions. This is barely regarded as my loyalty to you! "

The last words of Chu Feng are very profound. At first, the soul body was suspicious of Chu Feng's existence, but now whether Chu Feng comes in this sentence, it is equivalent to finding himself a person who can advance and retreat. Methods!

If the soul body does not trust Chu Feng, then he will naturally abandon this plan, and then propose a new plan.

At this time, Chu Feng said that even if he proposed a new plan, he would follow the arrangement of the soul body, which was equivalent to saying that no matter what, Chu Feng would definitely work for the soul body.

And the most important point is that at this time Chu Feng had already foreseen that the soul body had no good way, so he dared to say this sentence. Therefore, if the soul body gave up Chu Feng’s suggestion, then the soul body must have Finding a way by himself, but he has no way at all, thinking about a plan that can help the current situation.

In this way, until the end, perhaps there is no need for Chu Feng to deliberately ask.

The soul body will constantly weed out its own thoughts in that dilemma, confirming Chu Feng's suggestions again and again.

In this way, it won't take long for the soul body to completely finalize Chu Feng's plan.

Regarding this result, that was exactly what Chu Feng hoped to achieve.

So at this time Chu Feng can almost say that he has completely eaten the soul body, no matter what consideration he makes, no matter what thoughts he has, Chu Feng can completely consider it.

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