Whimsical System

Chapter 1436: Please do me a favor

"Okay, even if you don't tell me, I know, I am not a special case!

If you change it in normal times, I don't need you to say this, I have already sent people to investigate, but fortunately, you persisted and succeeded in the end. Now even if I repent, it will be completely useless!

Well, tomorrow I will appoint three people to investigate this matter, if you are not at ease, you can act with them!

Of course, even if you don’t act with them, it’s fine. Anyway, I completely trust them! "

The Thirteenth Master seemed to have something in his words, and he didn't know what he wanted to express.

"I don't quite understand what you mean, but you don't have to worry about it. Since you trust them, then I don't have to doubt it anymore, and I don't necessarily have to be like you!

Let them investigate. I don’t ask for anything else. I just hope to tell me when the results of the investigation come out and let me know a specific situation. That’s enough!

As for how to investigate, when to start the investigation, and who will investigate. Just look at the arrangement yourself, even if I don’t trust them, then I absolutely trust you! "

Chu Feng casually said that at present, his goal has been achieved, so naturally there is no need to think too much about the following matters.

Moreover, the current situation is exactly like this. Chu Feng only needs to make a decision. As for how to implement it, he doesn't have to think about it!

After all, it is no longer just his own business, just as he said, if he is like the thirteenth master, it is bound to be personal.

I am afraid that he is already exhausted. After all, he doesn't know how many things he has experienced along the way. If he can solve all of them by himself, it is estimated that he hasn't been here yet!

"All right, I will make arrangements tonight! In addition to this, I will also send someone to find out if there is anything happening around here, other turbulence, whether it is this city or other cities, I will know the relevant information Pay close attention to it, we can integrate multiple data together for discussion at that time, maybe it will be more beneficial to know the truth!"

I have to say that the Shisanye is indeed enough to make people feel at ease.

Taking the current arrangement of this matter as an example, the plan the Shisanye made was enough to make people feel at ease.

In fact, many things were not considered by the Thirteenth Master.

It's just that the Thirteenth Lord himself will make an overall analysis, considering which aspects can be implemented and which aspects can be omitted appropriately.

Precisely because he has these planning thoughts in this respect, he can only be orderly when dealing with things!

"Okay! I'll leave the specifics to you. As for this letter, I will study it carefully to see if there is any information in my heart!"

Chu Feng stood up from his seat while talking. At this moment, he had already planned to leave. The things that should be done had been done, the problems he wanted to solve had been solved, and it was time to leave now.

"What are you doing? Are you going to leave?"

Seeing Chu Feng got up, the Thirteenth Master asked such a sentence.

"Oh, the matter has been settled, of course I have to leave, am I still here to hinder your eyes..."


Chu Feng joked casually, but the Thirteenth Master didn't take it seriously.

The Thirteenth Master shook his head and said, "It's not an unsightly thing. Your matter has been solved. There are still some problems on my side that have not been solved. It just so happens that you are here too. Let's discuss it together!

Anyway, I have time tonight, so you shouldn’t be busy too? "

Chu Feng tilted his head for a moment and said, "From the current point of view, I should have no arrangements tonight. After all, this matter has also been resolved. As for the rest, I will study the letter, except Apart from this, I should have nothing else. I have been idle for several days anyway, and I wouldn’t be so idle if I had something to do!"

"It's okay. Please help me. My head is about to explode during this period of time. Many problems have not been solved. And there is not even a negotiator by my side. If you had known that you have been sober during this time, then I should have been looking for you a long time ago instead of waiting for you to find me!"

The Thirteenth Master complained to Chu Feng about his recent miserable life, and his complaint, to Chu Feng, besides making him feel a little bit funny, there was absolutely no sympathy at all.

"Okay, it's an exaggeration!

How can it be so powerful? How long have you just assumed power? If you say so, wouldn't all the official forces have vomited blood from exhaustion for hundreds of years! "

Although Chu Feng was complaining about it, he had already decided to help the Thirteenth Master at this moment.

And Shisanye never felt that Chu Feng would reject him. After all, this matter shouldn't make Chu Feng feel embarrassed. If Chu Feng really refused, it would make people feel a little strange.

"I think they will definitely have a lot of people dealing with this matter, instead of being responsible for everything alone like me, otherwise they must vomit blood. This is no exaggeration!"

One of Chu Feng's jokes, the thirteenth master actually agreed.

Of course, the response of the thirteenth master can only be treated as a joke.

"Okay! The more you talk, the more ridiculous, hurry up, let me see what it is that makes you so difficult!"

Chu Feng said nonchalantly. In fact, he didn't have any pressure at all, because this matter basically had nothing to do with him. He was just helping the thirteenth master, even if It's that he didn't get a good result in the end, so he can't be blamed at all.

So it is precisely because of such a psychological existence that even if so many troubles are about to emerge in front of him, Chu Feng will still not be affected in the slightest.

"Come with me, I will show you some documents!"

As the thirteenth master said, he took Chu Feng and left his room.

After a while, the two came to the meeting room. After turning on the lights in the meeting room, a chaotic scene immediately appeared in front of Chu Feng.

It is no exaggeration to say that the situation in the conference room at this time is basically not much different from the garbage dump.

The white paper has basically covered the ground, and it seems that certain rules still exist.

"What are you doing? Recycling scraps or what do you want to do?" Chu Feng walked tiptoe in the room, every piece of paper on the ground was just right, placed where he should be.

On the surface, although these papers seem to be very messy, in fact, all the things recorded above can correspond to each other.

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