Whimsical System

Chapter 1438: Practice Atlas

"Okay! You look at it alone, and then I will deal with the things over there. There are still many things that have not been resolved, I will solve them first!

If you have any gains here, please call me in time and I will be back soon! "

After all these documents were handed over to Chu Feng, Lord Shisan was regarded as one thing.

Although he was asking Chu Feng for help at this time, he was not at all polite, and he was basically able to conclude that since Chu Feng was going to test this method, he would definitely experiment on himself, and if he If it succeeds, this can be regarded as a kind of thanks to Chu Feng.

After the Thirteenth Master left, Chu Feng stared at the content on the document and read it carefully. In fact, the records in the document weren't too many, it was nothing more than some improvement methods.

For example, exhausting the power of swallowing, and then mining the spawning points of other parts, regarding this method, Chu Feng really has no way to go, sure it is correct or wrong.

After all, like Chu Feng's current situation, there is basically no way to conduct other mining.

Moreover, even if the Devouring Land was exhausted, Chu Feng did not fulfill this condition at all, so he naturally had no way to experiment, and if the Shisanye directly tested it, then this would be the same for the Shisanye. There is a certain risk.

After all the devouring power is exhausted, this kind of thing is not easy for ordinary people to do, because if it is not handled properly, it may make him completely lose the devouring power.

After all, most people need a certain amount of devouring power to induce them. For example, when Chu Feng helped the thirteenth master to establish a connection, it was officially reached in this way.

However, one thing is certain is that if Lord Shisan dared to take this adventure, then Chu Feng could provide him with help. In fact, Chu Feng also felt that if Lord Shisan was to assist him, Lord Shisan would not. Will definitely lose the power of swallowing completely.

In addition, even if it fails, he loses the power of swallowing, so Chu Feng can continue to do it for him, the second connection, so even if it is lost, it can also come back again.

Of course, there are plans in this area that he needs to get the permission of the thirteenth master before he can implement it.

Except for the improvement in the production point, the rest is the topic around the improvement of the overall strength.

Regarding this aspect, that is exactly what Chu Feng is interested in. The improvement of strength has always been an aspect that Chu Feng has never understood.

Even if he had done research in this area before, he did not get any results, because around him, there are very few people who practice Devouring Land.

It can even be said that there is almost no. Except for Lord Shisan, no one is his friend, but there are many opponents.

But since it was an opponent, it would be impossible for Chu Feng to reveal information about these aspects. Even though Chu Feng is very curious for knowledge, his desire can only gradually disappear with the lack of information.

Now when these materials appeared in his field of vision, Chu Feng felt that he had hope and hope for the improvement of his overall strength, and if the power of Devouring could really be improved through these methods, then Chu Feng might really be able to possess the strengths that are enough to overwhelm the ocean.

First, read the content in the article. The level of devouring power has been extremely obvious in the article.

It has even been drawn, and the detailed structure is described.


The first thing that catches the eye is naturally a stage towards the lower level.

According to the content described in the document, Devouring Force is divided into six levels, and among these six levels, the most common are the two at the bottom.

At present, the abilities of the Thirteenth Lord are at the lowest level.

Because according to the requirements of the level, if the Devouring Power Reserve cannot reach the state of complacency, it belongs to the first level.

And when the power of swallowing is fully satisfied, and there is even a surplus, then it can reach the second level.

If only judging from these two points of view, then Chu Feng clearly has reached the second level.

In addition, there is a conclusion about the strength of the Devouring Force, and there are several other conditions as a subsidiary.

First, the cultivator of Devouring Power must reach 2~3 spawn points, and only by meeting this requirement can they enter the third level because the cultivation of the third level will have extremely demanding requirements for Devouring Power.

And after reaching the third level, you can basically use the power of swallowing to create some morphological things, such as the wings previously displayed by Chu Feng, which belong to this category.

Speaking of it, Chu Feng is indeed at a certain level. Even without knowing this knowledge, Chu Feng can still rely on his own ability to create some applications that can be implemented in practice.

Therefore, these applications are not worth mentioning compared to the overall cultivation process, but they are an excellent start for Chu Feng.

Taking the third layer as the benchmark, and then looking at the standards of the fourth layer, the requirements of the fourth layer are more sharp.

And this sharp Chu Feng can actually be achieved, that is, every part of the body must become the production point of the swallowing force.

So far, this condition is naturally extremely harsh. Although the mining of production sites has been introduced before, it is not an easy task to complete the mining of the whole body.

Unless it is a system like Chu Feng that has been fully exploited from the beginning, if you really want to practice one by one, then you don't know how long it will take!

Reaching the fourth level of strength, basically has reached the point where the devouring power is inexhaustible.

At this level, the Devouring Power practitioner can basically transform themselves through the Devouring Power.

For example, the transformation of the body, the transformation of various organs, even the transformation of strength, intelligence, reaction speed, etc., can be satisfied with the power of swallowing.

And the introduction on this aspect is rather detailed, but although it is detailed, it is only aimed at certain aspects, and there is no relevant record for the specific various parts and abilities. It may be related to These need to be found in other materials.

In the introduction of the document, it only introduces the power of the human body.

According to the content recorded above, as long as the devouring power cultivator who can reach the fourth level, their power is basically more than 10-20 times stronger than that of ordinary people!

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