Whimsical System

Chapter 1452: Man in black

"Is the time up? Well, I didn't feel it at all. I used to be so invested in training!"

The Thirteenth Master was a little bit emotional. For him, the two hours of training had gone too fast for him.

Even he didn't realize that time would pass so fast.

"Why don't you go back first, and I will train again. Anyway, I don't have much arrangements for this afternoon!"

Although Chu Feng was about to leave, the Thirteenth Lord did not intend. Terminate the current training.

However, as soon as he proposed this idea, it was directly rejected by Chu Feng.

"No! Although I know you want to continue training, today's training can only end here!

Because if you don't have me by my side to protect you, then this kind of training will be a kind of adventure for you, and you won't even be able to achieve reasonable "operation" control!

So I cannot let you do such a move, otherwise I will be responsible for all this! "

The reason Chu Feng gave can indeed be understood. After all, the current devouring power is spread outside. Although, in the past two hours, the training of the thirteenth master did not present any risks, but Everything is because Chu Feng is here, helping him control it.

And if Chu Feng was not there at this time, and the thirteenth master trained alone, then this danger would be borne by him alone.

And this kind of training method is really not adequate for him at present.

So for the sake of safety, no matter how much Lord Shisan wanted to train, Chu Feng would not choose to agree, and he also directly told Lord Shisan that it was absolutely not allowed to do so.

And when his request was rejected, although Lord Shisan was not reconciled, he did not intend to go against the restriction imposed by Chu Feng.

After all, what Chu Feng said was indeed in line with the current situation.

If he also deliberately took risks, and eventually caused a bad result, then this would not be a good thing for Chu Feng or the Thirteenth Master.

So for the sake of safety, the Shisanye should indeed obey Chu Feng's arrangement.

Otherwise, he might lose the opportunity that Chu Feng gave him to train.

"Well, although I really want to be able to train now, but if you disagree, then even if I hope, this will not change anything.

You can go, I will gradually take back this swallowing power, or if you are not at ease, then I can also take it back into my body completely in front of you.

After I finish all this, you will leave. Anyway, between the two, there will be no other results.

Now that I have promised you, then I will not violate this matter! "

The Thirteenth Lord is relatively stable, although this matter is not very exciting for him, but since it is all for his own good, then the Thirteenth Lord will naturally not deliberately pursue anything. Besides, He couldn't be more clear about the current situation, and he didn't master the training just now.

Although he has learned some things, it still seems to be difficult to make those things completely his own.

Moreover, in the course of this gradual training, he has also become more and more aware of the dangerous "sex" that the power of swallowing can cause.

Although his current strength is not enough to swallow the power to a level that is as lethal as Chu Feng.


But if the amount is relatively large, and the application is more appropriate, then the swallowing force will indeed have a certain impact on the human body, and even the Thirteenth Lord himself will be injured.

Therefore, under Chu Feng's persuasion, even though the thirteenth master had a desire for training in his heart at this time, he still suppressed his desire forcibly and ended this matter hastily.

When the Thirteenth Lord said this, Chu Feng shook his head directly. He was not willing to wait here until the Thirteenth Lord took all the devouring power back into his body.

After all, this is a long and boring thing, although the rest of his time is not very crowded.

But if he were to stay here and wait until the thirteenth master took all the swallowing power back into his body, then this would be nothing more than a punishment for him.

In addition, since San Ye said so, and he also agreed to Chu Feng's request to him, then Chu Feng should naturally give him a trust, after all, trust between friends is still more important.

"Well, since you have said so, if I don't believe you, then I will definitely stay here, but I believe you.

So, from now on you are responsible for your own affairs! I don’t want to study the specifics too much. I just hope you can be serious and responsible and don’t make any mistakes?

The collection of devouring power may be important to you, but if you consider it from a security perspective, it is not particularly important!

I don't want too much, now if you can fully recover these swallowing powers into your body with your own strength, then you will continue to do it.

And if there are some mistakes in the process, which makes you unable to do this, then you just give up!

Anyway, the power of swallowing stays outside for a long time, it will gradually dissipate.

When the time comes, even if no one affects it, it will disappear without a trace on its own! "

Chu Feng casually reminded him that Chu Feng had no other thoughts about this matter.

It's nothing more than hoping to tell Lord Shisan a little bit through his own words and don't let him do something wrong, that's enough.

As for the others, he really didn't think about that much.

After saying this, Chu Feng left, but the thirteenth master still stayed in the training center, continuing to recover the remaining devouring power.

After Chu Feng left the training center, he planned to return to his residence on foot.

After all, he has been out for two hours. In the process of training, although he did not exert too much energy, the feeling of fatigue gradually spread in his mind with the spirit!

What Chu Feng hopes to do right now is to go back to his room and have a good rest in bed.

If no one bothers him, he might be able to sleep beautifully.

As for what he is going to do after waking up, or when he wakes up, that is not what he needs to consider at present.

However, just as Chu Feng was about to return to his residence, just about to go upstairs.

Suddenly he found a man in black clothes squatting on the side of the building.

At this time, from the outside, this person felt strange as he looked at it.

Although Chu Feng didn't know the identity of this person, the feeling he gave at this moment seemed to have some secrets.

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