Whimsical System

Chapter 1523: doubt

"Don't even you have a solution? Is his strength too strong, or is there any other reason?"

The first thing the Thirteenth thought of was the opponent's strength. After all, that young man has always been in a mysterious state, so even if he has a strong strength, it is not surprising.

It's just that he can defeat Chu Feng, and he has never encountered it before.

But now that Chu Feng said these words, the first thing that could make him think of, that was the only result.

"It is true that I cannot solve it, and his strength is not strong, but his special ability is beyond me!"

"What ability does he have?" Thirteenth asked.

"He can communicate with each other in the past and in the future, and he can change everything. He knows what happened before and what will happen in the future!

I can’t kill him at all. At the same time, he can kill me completely, and he also hopes that I can leave here, because as long as I leave, then everyone won’t have to die, but if I don’t leave, not only will I die, Not even one of you wants to live.

So I was entangled, I don't know whether I should leave, because I have no way to deal with him now, so I am very distressed.

If we all dismiss it and abandon our lives, maybe we will have nothing to worry about, but what is the point of doing so for us?

But if we don’t want to lose our "life", then I have to leave here, and because of my departure, you will definitely lose everything you currently have, but the loss of everything is in exchange for preservation. Life, otherwise you will all lose your life because of this! "

After listening to Chu Feng's words, basically everyone present showed a horrified expression.

But under this situation, the Thirteenth Lord was surprisingly calm. At this moment, he just gave Chu Feng a wink, and then brought Chu Feng into his room. After entering the room, The Thirteenth Lord personally moved a chair for Chu Feng and let Chu Feng sit down, while he himself was standing next to Chu Feng, standing face to face like that.

"Chu Feng, the two of us are friends. There is nothing you can't say straight. Tell me if this is a lie you made up deliberately. If you want to leave, I can let you leave at any time, but if you make up There is no need for such a lie to deceive us!"

Obviously, Chu Feng hadn't considered this result. He never thought that Lord Shisan would suspect that he was lying, especially in this situation, Lord Shisan would doubt Chu Feng.

It can be said that Chu Feng was sitting on the chair and could not sit well, and the unpleasant feeling in his heart basically reached a level that could not be suppressed.

"Thirteenth Lord, do you think it is necessary for me to do this? If I really want to leave, I don't even need to tell you, I just leave. Is there any use for me to tell these lies? Even you I believe it, so what can I do? If nothing like this happens in the future, wouldn't I become a liar? The identity of a liar or leaving without saying goodbye, which of the two is easier to forgive ?"


Chu Feng started an interview on this question. Obviously, after he asked this question after question, Lord Thirteen quickly came to his senses. Indeed, Chu Feng didn’t need to pay the price of publishing **** and lying. It is more serious than leaving without saying goodbye.

"Chu Feng...I'm really sorry, maybe I thought too much just now. I don't know why I doubted you. If I hurt you, please forgive me and I apologize to you!"

After the 13th master woke up, he hurriedly apologized to Chu Feng. Indeed, the 13th master did not do this thing correctly, so it is right for him to apologize, and for Chu Feng, the 13th master's apology was right and for him There is no use at all.

Because in the end, apart from saying that it doesn't matter, he doesn't seem to have any other results at all.

"I understand you. After all, this incident happened too suddenly. It is normal if you don't believe it. In addition, you have never been in contact with the time.

So you naturally don't understand what the situation is like what I said.

But now that you believe what I said, then you have to pay attention to this matter. Now that we have reached this point, all things cannot be turned back, if you think we did something wrong.

Maybe it can be corrected, but if you feel that what we did is not wrong, and it is not accepted by others, then this matter may be a little troublesome!

Anyway, there is only one way before me, and that is to leave, otherwise I will entrap all of you, including myself.

You should know that I pay more attention to my "sex" life. If this matter caused me to lose my "sex" life, then I would never do it, but I changed my mind again if Abandoning you in this way seems to be a bit inappropriate, and if it is because of me, so that everything you have is lost, then you are going to turn against me!

So I thought about it, and finally decided to tell you about this matter. Let's discuss it carefully and come to a final conclusion to see what we should do to solve this matter! "

Chu Feng was saying this very seriously. The current situation is like this. There is no good way. Either Chu Feng will leave or they will die together. Anyway, these two results will be the same. If he makes this decision, then neither of these two results is what he wants to see, but there is no other choice, and there are only these two at this time.

"I don't know what to do. Now I don't want you to leave, and I don't want to put everyone's "life" in you, and I want you to bear all this too!

In addition, I still have some doubts. After all, these words are what he said. We don’t know him very well, so he can make any decision and say anything through this ignorance, because we have no way to refute it. He, after all, we don’t know if what he said is true or false!

So can we think this way, if he is deliberately deceiving us? Is it to intimidate us in this way?

If this is the case, do you think things will turn around? "

The Thirteenth Master should really think about this matter, probably because he didn't understand this matter, that's why he could have such an idea.

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