Whimsical System

Chapter 1526: trade off

But it's very distressing. For the current situation, his distress is extremely normal. After all, when troubles appear to everyone, everyone will feel unacceptable because of it, but even if he is troubled and entangled, I am afraid This result will not change much, because some things have been confirmed from the beginning, even if they have other ideas, it seems that it is not easy to change all of them. Therefore, even if Chu Feng is currently entangled, he also knows that there is a decision he must make, and no matter who it is, there is no way to influence him. This decision is that he must stay, even if he does not want to. In doing so, he must also make this decision.

First of all, if he stays, he can avoid the destruction of this space. Even a teenager can constantly modify the time, but he has no way to deal with it. When he is here, he will destroy the entire space, so Chu Feng stayed. There may be a certain risk, but it will not cause him to lose his life.

And he can also preserve the existence of this space, and if Chu Feng leaves, then things will be very different. First of all, the space will be destroyed after all. Whether the people here will be killed, although it is an unknown number, Whether he can be killed or not is certain. Besides, after Chu Feng leaves here, he will probably get an extremely powerful enemy. The Thirteenth Lord is not just one, there may be others, so for Chu Feng felt that this adventure was not worth it.

Therefore, after consideration, the final result is still relatively certain, that is, no matter what the punishment is, it must be kept. Even if there is no solution, it must be delayed for a period of time, at least to satisfy the times. OK, otherwise, charity will very likely become his enemy. For the young man, he has been his enemy from the beginning, so he doesn’t have to worry about whether he will break out more with him. Conflict, because it was not that important from the beginning.

"I think I should also think about it. Actually, this result is not something that I can't make. It's just that I am more entangled now and don't know how to consider it. I just thought about it carefully. Maybe I should stay. In the end, even if I am not very willing, I still have to make this decision. In fact, to put it bluntly, there are some easier to make decisions between the two. Now I have made the correct judgment, then this result Naturally, the appearance of will not arouse anyone’s suspicion. Just one thing I must emphasize is that even if I want to stay, then you must let you face all the hardships yourself, otherwise I will stay. In addition to bringing you some help here, it will never bring you any benefits again!"

The earth party made an emphasis. At this time, he knew very well that even if he said this sentence seriously, no one would listen to it seriously, because what they heard at this time was only Chu Feng willing to stay and solve it. It's just difficult, and as long as they hear this sentence, they become not excited enough. As for the others, they don't care at all, because it seems to them that it has nothing to do with themselves.


Not just ordinary people without any identity. Even the Thirteenth Lord, he had the same idea at this moment, but he didn’t express it clearly, but when Chu Feng said this sentence, Shi However, San Ye's face clearly showed a smile, and the expression of that smile is definitely not easy to hide.

"I don't know how to say it. This is really exciting for me. If you can stay there, it means that this city has hope. You can rest assured, even if you are allowed to stay here. , Then I will never use you too much, after all, you stay here only pose a certain threat to that person, and we will do our best to solve our own troubles, as you can help If you can help, you can help. If you can’t help, you can watch it. Anyway, no one will force you to do something "sexually". It is okay if you agree!"

The saying of this sentence was too smooth for the thirteenth master, as if he was already ready to blurt out.

Although Chu Feng knew that this event would be such a result, he also smiled helplessly and nodded. There is no way. The determination of this result has already been bound in some aspects, even if he has If he wants to change other ideas, he has absolutely no way to do it, because he can't make it through these officials, and the current situation also prevents him from making other choices, so the final result seems to be presented. It seems a bit unexpected, but it is reasonable.

"With your guarantee, then I can rest assured. According to my estimation, it won’t be long before the young man will come here, wanting to see if I have left, and you can Trick him and tell him that I'm gone, so that he might do something that makes him feel unrealistic. As for arrogance or arrogance, you just have to endure it. Anyway, at most he It can only achieve this level. As for other results, I am afraid that there is no unbearable result. At this time, you only need to be able to bear these hardships. Presumably he will treat you lightly. I guess he will destroy this. The possible "sex" of space, although it exists, is not certain. After all, if he wants to destroy this space, then he himself will get a field with nothing at all. For him, Does it really make sense? Maybe not so, so I think he should want to work hard. You let you respect him and live under his rule. Perhaps this feeling will be more comfortable for him. Some, of course, everything is just my guess, so you must also make other ideas.

For example, if he really wants to destroy this space, then I must come out. Otherwise, you will not be able to solve his actions, so I am still hiding in the process, but I must also have time Be ready now, and your task is to convey his ideas to me as soon as possible, so that I can grasp the most accurate information, otherwise this matter is likely to go wrong! "

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