Whimsical System

Chapter 1539: last chance

"It sounds like I am about to be killed by you. This is such a arrogant sentence. Even the client of me didn't even know it. I was directly dealt with by you. I really don't know. Are you too arrogant or stupid enough to want to get rid of me, do you think it is really that easy? If this thing is really so easy, you can do it. I am afraid that my opponents have already begun to celebrate. It’s a feast, instead of still swearing."

Under such circumstances, someone must become a little arrogant before he can conform to the current state. At this time, Chu Feng must be that arrogant person. There is no other reason, just because he is willing to do so, and in his hands. He also holds the "life" of everyone including the Thirteenth Lord. If he "shows" some fearful emotions at this time, then the "life" of these people may be in his palm. Lost directly.

Although Chu Feng is not the kind of person who takes every step of his responsibility and takes very meaningful steps, at least he can understand what he should do and what plans he needs to make before doing anything. This is because of such thoughts. Exist, so before everything is about to start, he has a corresponding plan, and he also knows what he is doing, including now that he holds the lives of so many people, he feels that he will never This choice was made for the appreciation of others, but there is a sense of mission, as if the lives of these people are destined to be decided by him, and as for the words and deeds of the young man, it is only to prevent him from achieving This goal is nothing. What you have to do to deal with people who affect you is to solve it as much as possible, so that it is considered appropriate.

However, most people may not understand Chu Feng's thoughts. How could it be that such a powerful identity and such a severe test were just for Chu Feng to face it alone? The Thirteenth Lord is also considered at this time. Chu Feng's partners, and even friends, why did the thirteenth master hide behind Chu Feng and dare not bear these? After all, he is the real leader of this city.

Obviously Chu Feng has not considered this issue at present, and the Thirteenth Lord may have considered it, but he dare not to "show" that step, dare not face all this, because he is after all compared to a teenager. There is a certain gap, and this gap can be said to be a gap that cannot be crossed at all.

Because of this, he dared not step out from behind Chu Feng and face all this.

However, no matter when it is, this cannot be an excuse to avoid danger and avoid responsibility. It is also very clear, so in the process of avoiding, this is also exercising his own rights and implementing his own. task. At present, everyone’s "life" is not only in the hands of Chu Feng, but also in the hands of the thirteenth master at some point. After all, these people are their own subordinates. If there is any danger to him, then He is not necessarily in danger of the rest of these people, so he feels that protecting his own "life" is responsible for his subordinates.

Although this idea is not very understandable, at least Shisan thinks this way, and he also thinks that this way of thinking still has some usefulness after all.

Anyway, now Chu Feng didn’t let him face anything. If so, he can still stay here with peace of mind, instead of making any choice to face something easily, even though this Things would seem a bit unfair to Chu Feng, but at least this path was his own choice, so the argument of fairness and unfairness is not that serious.


The juvenile’s provocation did not achieve the effect he had hoped to achieve. He felt a bit indignant at Chu Feng’s response. Chu Feng did not take him too seriously. He even felt that Chu Feng did not regard himself as an opponent, but just felt that He has a certain strength, so it's just a look at him. If he didn't even possess the strength, it is estimated that Chu Feng would treat him casually, and would not take him too seriously.

The young man will always have some uncomprehensible things in his own mind, and at this time, these uncomprehensible things are gradually accumulating, and finally we have reached a result that bothers him enough.

Now what he wanted to do was blocked by Chu Feng, which for him was simply the most unhappy result in the world. But it doesn’t seem to be easy to get rid of Chu Feng. Even if he has this idea, there is enough gap to do this. At least it is not easy to get rid of Chu Feng. And he is not 100% sure that he can do this.

As for the cruel words he just said, it was just to make Chu Feng feel afraid. In fact, he could guess that there was basically no big gap between Chu Feng's current mentality and his own. It is not certain that he can survive in the hands of the young man. Therefore, it is precisely because the young man understands this that he hopes to use this question to make a certain threat to Chu Feng, hoping to make Chu Feng because of this sentence. Warned and feared, and finally chose to give up.

It's just that the teenager still thinks about things too simple after all. Although he always feels that this matter is not that complicated and can be solved, sometimes the things that can be solved often contain some problems that are not easy to solve.

Even if a teenager has done all the plans, the final result is still disappointing. After all, this is a necessary process. No matter when, this process does not seem to be too big. The gap appears.

"Chu Feng, don't regret it. Since I dare to say this, it means that I can definitely do it. Now whether you believe it or not, this matter has basically been determined. If you still If you have some thoughts about changing your own destiny, then I would advise you not to "intervene" in this matter anymore. Anyway, the two of us don’t have any deep hatred. I don’t have to kill you all, so as long as If you are willing to give in and give this opportunity to me, then I can let you leave here alive."

The young man decided to give Chu Feng one last chance, and at the same time, to give himself the last chance to try. If this last chance still fails to achieve the result he wants, then he is probably only left to fight against Chu Feng. Such a choice.

"I understand what you said, and I will not accept any more requests. If I were you, I would never repeat the nonsense like you just said, because it has no meaning at all."

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