Whimsical System

Chapter 1567: Unknown reason

The nervous mood will not last long. This is a rule Chu Feng himself has set for himself. The main reason is that he is worried that he will lose control due to some emotional changes.

If this development is allowed to continue, then some undesirable results will not necessarily be produced, so just go ahead and let this kind of thing never happen, then some risks will be restrained.

For the investigation of this city, it still needs to be carefully supervised in many aspects, because if you are not careful, there may be some unpredictable changes. These are some positive results. There is no need to guess at all, so early Before these things happened, Chu Feng had already made preparations.

Nowadays, the specific situation does not need to be investigated too much, and there is no need to continue to consider it. At this time, only some preparation work needs to be done, and that is appropriate.

The specific problems within the scope of the investigation will not become too obvious, but after some problems have been highlighted, the "sexuality" has not received an accurate answer for the time being.

Chu Feng has always been in a state of investigation, from beginning to end, this seems to be an extremely long process.

At least this is such a situation for Lao Chu. He has been waiting and analyzing all kinds of problems. In the process of waiting and analyzing, he also has some troubles. But no matter how troubled he is, he can't express this sentence too much, otherwise it may cause some unnecessary problems to appear, so he stayed on the side and said nothing, as much as possible. I acted more calmly.

Waiting for Chu Feng to search for a time when he was bored enough, then he gave another answer that was still acceptable.

"I didn't find any clues, but I always feel that I have gradually "closed" to the truth, but I can’t figure out where exactly is the problem, so that I have no way to make contact anymore. If I can If all of this is considered carefully, there may be no problems in this area, but I seem to be unable to do it at all, and I have never been able to consider this aspect. In the end, it is because I have a problem myself. I was originally not good at tracing this aspect, and such a long period of improvement does not seem to help me achieve a better standard in this aspect."

While Chu Feng complained about the poor current situation, he was reflecting on his own mental process. In fact, after drawing the results, many problems were able to draw a clear and definite conclusion.

The current situation is that it is too hard, but it is not very easy to solve one thing clearly, and if some problems are slowed down a little and then investigated as much as possible, they may still get some better answers. However, no matter what the situation is, this kind of problem is inevitable.

Chu Feng would naturally feel distressed if he could not find a solution, and Lao Chu really couldn't help his soul detect at this time. The feelings that disappeared from the very beginning to this moment seemed to have been in an extremely unstable state. This method seems to be unstable as a medium for searching.

But the only thing Chu Feng can do at the moment is to borrow old Chu's method to filter as much information as possible that has not been screened, and it may not get an exact result.


"Perhaps you have used too much force. After all, this situation is not the first time. The reason why you have this kind of emotion is because you have never been too stable before. Status, now to discuss this matter has become an unrealistic thing.

So it is precisely because of the gap between these iterations that the result has caused some incomprehensible problems.

In fact, our opponents are not that strong. As long as we tell ourselves this repeatedly, it is estimated that there will be no major problems. Of course I am not sure if this is the real answer, because I was not able to draw an accurate conclusion from the beginning. Now I say this sentence only to persuade you, don’t let you give up on yourself, other than that I really don’t know what we should do to get the best result. "

The "lost" that Lao Chu revealed was so real. At this moment, he really has reached a somewhat helpless state. He wants to help Chu Feng, and even willing to spare no effort to do this. One point, but judging from his current ability, he seems to be unable to satisfy this at all, so he can only let himself find a better angle to tell these things as much as possible.

Perhaps this will be able to get a better answer. This is his current vision, but the facts prove that his vision does not seem to be very useful, at least he does not see the existence of hope.

"I know that it is my own problem. Now I am not looking for the root of the problem, but trying to solve this problem. In fact, no matter what the problem occurs, it can be understood, but I don't know how to solve it so that this matter can gradually calm down. If I can grasp this, maybe I won't be troubled by this matter, right?"

Obviously Chu Feng had fully understood the ins and outs of this matter, and he also knew what he really needed, but under the current circumstances, he could not make a real judgment, nor did he dare to make a real judgment. To make this real judgment, that's why this distress exists, but for him, the existence of distress does not seem to be the kind of inability to deal with it.

At least in the current situation, he can still find some solutions, but he is not sure.

"If there is no way to solve it now, then let's put this matter aside for the time being, and how to avoid it as much as possible. If possible, don't think about it. Anyway, this will not cause us. Too much damage.

In the final analysis, it's just that we are putting pressure on ourselves. If he doesn't have this pressure, maybe he will make things easier! "

There is no way for Old Chu now. What can he do? He can't solve any problems. Now even persuasion is just to ease the current unhappy mood. Other than that, it seems that he can't To achieve any effect.

So at this moment, he can only use this as much as possible, and then achieve some results that are still acceptable.

"Maybe only this method can help me to achieve liberation. Okay, then I will stop thinking about this matter, and I will not analyze it. I will look for it with my own mind. If I can find it, it’s good. I'll go back when I arrive!"

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