Whimsical System

Chapter 1574: Uplifted

"After all, based on the current situation, if the people in the city know nothing about this, they will naturally do what they want to do, and they can even come up with some more interesting plans and ideas.

But if we vent this matter out, then it is estimated that the people in the city will be "fascinated", and even they will be obediently arrested and never have any contact with this matter.

And if this is the case, then this result is not what we hope to see.

So if it is for this matter, then I will stick to this idea, and if it is necessary to conceal it, then try to conceal it as much as possible instead of telling the truth. "

Chu Feng was not willing to "expose" his thoughts too much, so when he mentioned this issue, he was just enough to avoid touching too many restricted areas as much as possible. And now when he proposed this idea, the thirteenth master also maintained the same attitude. Indeed, in this matter, most rulers should choose the same decision. Because they know what the consequences will be if this decision is not made well.

"Your thoughts are basically the same between the two of us. I also feel that this matter cannot be told. On the one hand, it is to prevent them from panicking. On the other hand, they are also afraid of being scared. Among them, will there be traitors to our opponents?

If there are one or two guys with ulterior motives interspersed among our people, then this is not a good thing for us.

So I support this very much, and I am willing to adopt this method to prevent these two possible "sex" from appearing!

In addition, regarding this matter, I actually think the value of discussion is not very high, because almost everyone will have a common idea, unless it is those stupid guys who will make a different decision, so this should not be counted as It is an important process of our discussion! "

The Thirteenth Master was also shrewd enough. He first confirmed the matter, and then accused that the matter was not very suitable for his current requirements. Then he put forward conditions to Chu Feng, hoping that he Be able to make different ideas again.

I have to say that the current requirements of the thirteenth masters really made Chu Feng a little headache.

To know the current assumptions made by Chu Feng, it is just staying in the present state.

In addition, he will no longer make any considerations, nor will he have other ideas because of one thing.

But it was in this situation, but there was such an extra thing for no reason. This incident not only exceeded Chu Feng's expectations, but also made Chu Feng feel a little unhappy.

Chu Feng's idea is to be able to come up with some better ideas within effective time, and the two people discuss with each other, instead of digging their own graves to find some problems that make them unacceptable.

But even if Chu Feng knew what he needed, and also knew the problem with this matter, he just couldn't solve this problem.

Because the content of the two people's discussions has basically lasted to one, which is more difficult to tell.

So even if Chu Feng wanted to refuse, he had to provide a certain reason, otherwise it would be impossible to justify.

But at present, Chu Feng could not find such a corresponding reason at all, unless he raised a topic that was sufficient for the thirteenth master, otherwise he would never be able to meet this requirement.

However, it is not easy to find such a topic. At least it is difficult to find this direction in the current punishment, and he does not have too many ideas to prepare for this, because it has no meaning to him at all, and most of them are It's a waste of time.


"Thirteenth Lord, can I make an opinion? It's just an opinion!"

Chu Feng calmly thought about his "sexuality" for a long time, and finally he sank and said such a sentence.

When he heard Chu Feng ask this question, Lord Shisan still felt a little strange.

At present, his first reaction is that Chu Feng has thought of something that needs to be discussed with himself seriously?

Even when Chu Feng asked this question, Shisanye still felt a little nervous in his heart, because he always had a hunch that this matter seemed to be serious.

"Yes...what do you want to say?"

However, no matter whether the Thirteenth Lord was worried about anything, he had to say something at this moment, and he definitely could not have any intention of rejecting Chu Feng.

As a result, this also had the permission of the current thirteenth master, and immediately, Chu Feng also ushered in his own opportunity.

"That's it. I thought about it a while ago. I really couldn't find any point of view that could be used to express. At this moment, you are waiting for this topic, so I fell into a kind of more difficult to answer. status!

I just thought about it carefully. Should I answer this matter? The answer is naturally yes, because what do I need to do!

But now I can't find a suitable angle to discuss this matter, so I fell into deep thought, I don't know what to do, and in the end I came up with such an idea!

I think that when we discuss the problem, it should be mutual, rather than letting one person find the topic. If that is the case, the progress of this discussion can be said to be slow and slow!

So if you can, can you talk about your thoughts first? If you have ideas in this area, you can put them forward as much as you want, and if you don’t, then we shouldn’t get entangled in this matter, because it doesn’t make much sense! "

After Chu Feng said these words, he couldn't help feeling heartily, because he felt that he had said his inner thoughts.

And he also fully expressed the thoughts in his heart, and now no one can accuse him of saying something wrong, because this was originally allowed by the thirteenth master, and it is also the root of their discussion.

Hearing what Chu Feng said, the thirteenth master was also lost in thought.

This is indeed a question worth thinking about, at least in the current situation, no matter whether the thirteenth master is willing or not, he must take time to think about it and then draw a conclusion.

"Yes, what you said is right! We really shouldn't waste time here, and we must not turn this discussion into a problem for you!

I also thought about it carefully just now. In fact, if I were to make this idea, I would not be able to mention a related topic. Maybe we put this direction in the wrong direction from the beginning!

I'm really sorry for this matter, but let's go, our discussion ends here, how about we move on to the next topic? "

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