Whimsical System

Chapter 1595: Close at hand

The teenager likes to make a judgment that is beneficial to him at a critical moment. In fact, when he has this idea, he basically has forgotten. Whether this judgment is correct, he just hopes to have such a judgment to help Just oneself.

And if there is a problem with this judgment, it is actually unexpected for him.

And when the teenager was thinking about it, Chu Feng had been standing in the position where he was avoiding, and no changes had occurred. In fact, it was not that Chu Feng did not dare to change, but that he wanted to save energy despite his personality. After the fusion, his physical strength recovered much faster than usual.

However, under the action of pressure, even if the recovery of physical strength is accelerated, it is inevitable that there will be some signs of lack of physical strength.

The reason is simple, this is the current situation, not for Chu Feng. Very advantageous Although the integration of personality has brought him a certain advantage, this advantage has only just been equalized with the current disadvantage.

So even if he doesn't need to worry too much about this matter now, it doesn't mean that he can act arbitrarily. It is because of this that Chu Feng stands in place, without moving the slightest, his purpose is obvious.

But as for the truth in this, naturally only Chu Feng can understand it. For the teenager, in fact, Chu Feng’s state is basically the same as just now. Chu Feng didn’t dare to move, just because he just moved. His whole body is affected.

So because of this, this also caused the teenager's blind confidence in himself, and he also felt that he could make some changes to the current situation at this critical moment!

Blind self-confidence is actually not particularly terrible. As long as a person has enough strength, then even if he is confident, it is not a big deal, and the most terrifying thing is when the strength does not meet his expectations, but he has Enough self-confidence, then it may cause him to put himself in danger, without knowing that the final result will be dismal.

Although the young man knew the current truth very well, he himself still fell down on this matter.

The reason is indeed very simple. Judging from the current situation, he does not have any strength to completely surpass himself in an invincible place.

At most, it was just that he had a wrong judgment about Chu Feng, and it was just because of this wrong judgment that he directly gave him a detached confidence in himself.

As a result, he was originally maintained in a defensive state, which could still bring himself security, but he actually cancelled this defensive state.

Chu Feng was just about to prepare to attack, but found that the boy had changed his defensive posture, instead he wanted to attack himself again. Although this incident was a bit unexpected for Chu Feng, it was exactly what he needed. saw.

If the young man wanted to attack himself again, then Chu Feng felt that he could take this opportunity to confront the young man again.


It is no exaggeration to say that at this time Chu Feng basically had the plan to head-on with the young man, but he still couldn't guarantee that he would have the strength to fight the young man.

After all, in this environment, he is still not able to determine what kind of strength the boy already possesses. If the boy can fully adapt to the current environment to attack him, then Chu Feng wants to face him head-on, this must be a thing. It's a bad thing.

Therefore, it is precisely because he understands this truth that he deliberately made some assumptions to avoid such things as much as possible.

Chu Feng secretly used the strength in his body to connect every muscle of his body together, and then condense it together into an airtight barrier. Although it is not easy to do this, Chu Feng is willing to try it at this moment.

Sometimes defense is more complicated than offense, because it needs to defend various places that may be attacked. This is actually a great test for ability and mental state. Now Chu Feng is willing to do it. This matter, even if he knew it would really consume a lot of energy when defending.

But in his view, energy is more precious than physical strength. Some energy is just for a person's fatigued state and physical strength has a key role in determining victory or defeat.

The corners of the boy’s mouth rose slightly. This is a gesture of his triumph, and a manifestation of his blind confidence in himself. Obviously he has considered something, or he has thought of a more effective attack method, anyway, whether it is him. Currently thinking about these things, in short, offense has become his necessary idea, and it is also a result that must follow.

Sure enough, just after he "showed" a smile for no more than three seconds, his next stage of offense was directly towards Chu Feng.

However, he may be to prevent some mistakes in his attack, so when he launched the attack, he deliberately curbed his offensive strength, and in this state, Chu Feng did not dare to go too far. Treat this matter lightly, after all, he has no way to calculate how much attack power the current teenager will use against him.

But no matter what, no matter what kind of method and strength the current boy uses to attack, it is acceptable to Chu Feng. Anyway, the physical consumption of defense is the least, and he only needs to stand. Just stay still there.

At most, use the resistance of the body and the resolution of certain technical aspects to achieve this goal.

The teenager is about half a meter away from Chu Feng. In fact, at this position, two people can basically feel the presence of each other’s breathing. Of course, the existence of this kind of breathing is just an intuitive feeling. In this environment, the sense of existence of this kind of breathing is actually very low.

After all, the pressure here has reached a relatively powerful level. Since the sound can no longer spread in, then how can breathing exist? At most, there is only a feeling. After all, as long as people survive, they will definitely be there. There is breathing, so the feeling of the two of them at this moment is just a kind of recollection in memory.

The young man raised his fist. In the process of waving his fist, his body appeared broken again and again. Obviously, for this process, it is estimated that no matter what time, there will be no major changes.

After all, his physical condition has reached this point, even if it is improved, it will definitely not change too much.

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