Whimsical System

Chapter 1599: All in peace

For the appearance of this result, many people may find it a little weird. After all, a situation like this is too coincidental. It can also be seen from another level that the duration of the youth’s soul power is naturally longer. It takes longer, but no matter what, the two of them are currently facing the same result, and they have undergone unanimous changes in physical trauma.

But even so, even if they have escaped from a stressful environment, the battle between them has not stopped because of this. At present, the whole body of the teenager is in a state of healing, and the soul power is lost. After that, although his body is still in its original shape, the teenager can definitely feel that his body is gradually losing contact, unless he can bear the unparalleled pain, otherwise, he will soon be lost Lose the existing connection between yourself and this body.

Obviously, for this result, there is basically nothing to discuss. It is not that the teenager is unwilling to lose a lot of things at the critical moment, but that the current situation does not allow him to make such a choice.

So even if he knew that he was about to endure great pain, he still made this choice, and when making this choice, he basically did not hesitate, and he did not hesitate to think about it. The matter was confirmed, but at the moment when the body and his soul were connected, the boy began to regret making this decision, because when the pain continued to flow into his soul, his The last trace of support was almost unstoppable from the pain.

At this time, if the young man did this to avoid and put himself in danger, then the choice he made at the moment was one step ahead and put him in danger.

But anyway, although the current teenager is under tremendous pressure and pain that he can't resist, he finally resisted the pressure and completely digested the pain. When the feelings of soul and body gradually appeared, When the connection gradually became stable, the teenager had a correct treatment of his decision. No matter what, he felt that he had made the right choice and did not let his consciousness disappear.

Even if he was under such tremendous pressure during this process, his body and spirit were under the influence of consumption, but in the end this result really made him very satisfied, and also very fortunate.

The return of the teenager to normal basically determined the gap between the two people. After Chu Feng retreated outside, he separated his personality for the first time, but this kind of personality separation is inevitably more complicated. After all, Old Chu had already merged partly at this time.

Moreover, in the process of fusion, the two personalities also showed symptoms of rejection. Obviously Chu Feng thought this matter too simple.

Before that, he always felt that the fusion of the two people is very consistent. Anyway, as long as you don’t go to gambling, you will surely merge successfully at a time, but the facts now prove that this matter does not seem like Chu. The wind is as simple as imagined.

After all, the repulsion between personalities still exists. No matter how many times you have merged, no matter how many times you have borrowed the power together, the result will not change due to the number of fusions. On the contrary, the more fusions you have, the more likely it is Add some dilemmas to these levels.


The reason is simple, because in the process of fusion, both parties are constantly understanding the content of the internal core, and the general fusion is actually just absorbing energy, but at this time the fusion between Chu Feng and Lao Chu, But it is more like there is a feeling of two being one, not only energy, but even the essence of strength is gradually fusing.

There is no doubt that once the characteristics similar to this kind of fusion are successful, there must be an extremely huge leaps and bounds, but in the process of this fusion, there will naturally be various rejection problems, because like this kind of fusion That is fundamentally different from absorbing energy, so even if you want to avoid it, it's impossible to achieve.

Therefore, what Chu Feng is encountering at present is precisely for this reason. No matter whether Chu Feng is willing to accept this result or not, this matter has finally happened.

Even if he has been worried about the emergence of this result, anyway, this result has changed in an unreserved process, and he no longer accepts his control or suffers from his influence. Even if he is stomping his feet with anger now, there is no way. It has happened and there is no way to recover it. No matter what actions he does, there is no way to change the appearance of this matter.

Chu Feng sighed. There is no doubt that this was something he had to face, and due to the current changes in the boy, the battle between Chu Feng and the boy did not happen so quickly after escaping. .

However, it is worth noting that although the two of them are in peace now, no one can guarantee that there will be no other changes in the next time.

After all, things like this basically don't have to guess, and you can get the result. In it, the two of them are fighting hard, and now how can they be settled in peace?

But now the most embarrassed person is actually the Thirteenth Lord. If he is according to his temper, he will naturally want to do something with the boy, but he dare not act rashly, because currently Chu Feng and the boy are in a mutual relationship. The irrelevant state, if the deadlock was broken because of his initiative, then the thirteenth master would have no way to end it.

So even if the thirteenth man is very eager and hopes to get a definite result in this process, but he has to face this matter, because this is something that cannot be solved after all, even if it is him I have this desire in my heart, but I can't completely determine this matter.

And while the thirteenth master was waiting, he was not completely idle. At least he was ready to attack. At this time, he was waiting for an order from Chu Feng. If Chu Feng wanted to let him If he does it, he can almost instantly make all preparations to meet the order issued by Chu Feng.

However, in a blink of an eye, the two have been out for nearly half an hour. During this half an hour, the two of them did not move or do anything. The Thirteenth Lord waited on the sidelines. It is undoubtedly the most appropriate to describe the thirteen masters with anxious heart.

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