Whimsical System

Chapter 1616: Beware

Chu Feng nodded, this is an indisputable fact.

"I have understood, but not a lot. As for a thorough understanding, it is simply not realistic. Nowadays, although my relationship with them is sometimes quite good, there is no way to achieve that state of special understanding. Maybe they are also deliberately guarding me, after all, I am an outsider to them after all.

Of course, some of them are actually not just for this reason. Sometimes even their own people are wary of each other. Because similar to this kind of thing, it is estimated that no one is completely transparent between them, so they want to understand all, unless It is an open and unannounced visit, and then a severe torture to "extract" a confession, otherwise there would be no way to achieve this state. "

Chu Feng acknowledged the current situation, but he also found some reasons for himself. Now that he can understand the reasons he said, part of what he said is correct. Indeed, few people would be willing to treat themselves. The true situation was expressed intact, even if he absolutely trusted it, it would not reach this level, so Chu Feng gave a fairly pertinent answer.

On the other hand, Chu Feng’s explanation can be regarded as justifying himself and defending himself. Why did this happen? In other words, he still doesn’t want to admit the problem of his own ability. Basically, he is punished in terms of ability. Unwilling to admit that he is weaker than others.

Especially in the current state, Chu Feng just won a relatively large victory in his life, and under the influence of this victory, to admit his weakness, it seems that it is not easy to do. Things.

Therefore, whether it is in front of the bloated guy or others, Chu Feng will not have any other answers to this question. Anyway, no one will doubt, and absolutely no one will refute the words he said. Because what he said were all facts, but the hidden thoughts were somewhat for his own consideration.

"What you said is true. There must be some factors in the current situation. In fact, these things we consider are only analyzing from a correct angle. No one can guarantee that our analysis will be correct. But at least we feel that there is no mistake in what we think, and that is enough."

The bloated fellow said that he fully agreed with Chu Feng's view. At this time, he had absolutely no intention of pleasing Chu Feng. After all, this view was originally proposed by him. Therefore, what he said at this moment is just to show that he did consider this way, and the two people's views have reached an agreement, so naturally there will be no rebuttals.

"Now your doubts are resolved. In fact, it is normal for you to have this idea, but I have never made some different considerations because of such an idea. The situation is also very simple. What I have learned now That’s what they want me to see, and now even if I want to investigate, it’s not so easy to do, so instead of that, it’s better to put more time in my control. In this way, more factors can be drawn out.


It must be a long process to solve them after I go back, but I am not in a hurry. Time may be important to them, but for me, it has lost its fundamental meaning. I am here. I got a lot of time that I shouldn’t get, so under normal time conditions, even if it’s lost, I don’t feel nervous. Besides, when I wait, if I really can’t bear it, or it’s affected by some other factors, If I make a change, it is perfectly possible! "

When Chu Feng said this, he suddenly paused. Even if he did not fully express his thoughts at the moment, the bloated guy can still understand the assumptions he made at this moment, although Chu Feng did not clearly explain. , But he can understand what Chu Feng said there is a way, that is, he will come back here again to borrow the time here, the advantage of being completely still to help him improve his strength again.

I have to say that this is indeed a good method, and it is not available to others, but will he have any other hidden dangers in doing so?

The answer is obviously yes. After all, this space is definitely not just for Chu Feng alone, and if it is because Chu Feng entered here and was noticed by others, which attracts many visitors, then this is for the entire space. Saying it must be a great influence, and it may even bring disasters to this space. Therefore, this is why when Chu Feng mentioned this topic to the Thirteenth Lord, every time he said that they might never Won't meet anymore.

In fact, the reason is that Chu Feng was afraid that the Shisanye would be worried because of the hidden dangers of this matter, so he would make this expression again and again, and as long as he can persist in this expression, Then the Thirteenth Lord would not feel suspicious. Even if something like this did happen in the future, it would have appeared long ago, and it would be too late to change.

"I should be able to understand your thoughts, and I also know that your current series of actions are actually purposeful, but you can rest assured that I will never reveal your thoughts, and At present, what I am guessing is not necessarily what you really think, so I don’t say that that is the real solution, and if I really "expose" it, it means that I am suspected of framing you. , So for such a decision, I will never try."

The bloated guy feels that he already knows the truth, but he doesn’t dare to involve the truth to himself, but in his heart he wants to show what he has learned, so there are many This kind of ambivalence resulted in such a result.

At this time, neither of them expressed the truth in words, but they both understood that they had the same thoughts. When Chu Feng heard the bloated guy say this, there was still something in his heart. Uneasy.

Although the bloated guy has made a guarantee at this time, who can guarantee that what he said will be effective, and if the bloated guy has said those ideas for some reason, then this is not to Chu Feng Cause a certain threat.

In fact, about this point, the bloated guy himself should be able to consider it, but now he seems to have ignored this key "sex" factor. As a result, this is also because of his mistake, which caused Chu Feng's ambition to him Kind of beware.

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