Whimsical System

Chapter 1734: All over the beasts

"It's okay. We have many people. We can cooperate with each other. If it is not, we can also climb the tree. It's not a big deal. Even if they come in groups, I have to make them powerful. Grinding, but basically you can "shoot" one with one arrow. I don't believe they can have more arrows than mine."

In the big environment, when different voices sounded, it will naturally stimulate those guys who are dizzy because of benefits. Nowadays, even if it is dangerous, they don’t care, even the young captain does not. Way to make changes. After all, it’s the first time he leads this team. Basically, this is an opportunity to practice his own personal ability. Although he has also worried about problems, he is more afraid of Those team members fell out. If something really happened, everyone would share the responsibility, but if he gave up the opportunity because of him, he would have to bear part of the price. So he would rather put everyone in danger. He didn't dare to easily maintain a different attitude from those players. Perhaps his captain’s approach is not correct, but it is also true for his current situation. Can fully understand.

The 7 people continued to walk deep into the mountains and forests. At this time, in their line of sight, it was almost pitch black. In order to prevent the beasts from attacking them, they did not dare to light up the lights. What are the unknown situations that will be encountered in front of them, so that the heartbeat of each of them gradually becomes faster.

The previously worried hunter also became more nervous at this time, because he knew the danger of this matter better than everyone else, and his previous recklessness was gradually weakened by the current environment. , So seeing that everyone was unwilling to retreat at this time, he had already developed the idea of ​​wanting to leave alone. Even if leaving alone, it was also a test for him, but it was always deeper than plunge into the forest. It is much better to be executed.

As a result, when he was preparing to leave while everyone was not paying attention, a cold wind hit behind him, but it suddenly made him stand upright.

It’s normal to have some wind in such an environment, but it’s definitely not just wind just now, because at the moment when the wind blows, a vague black shadow flashes in front of his eyes, and he can’t see clearly. What is it, but it is definitely weird, and the most likely one is that the beast runs in front of him. If this is really the case, then for this team, it is equivalent to danger. They are surrounded by wild beasts. It is a bit sudden but reasonable. If the wild beasts are smart enough and there are enough in number, it will be a breeze to surround them. Even the beasts may The exchange between hunters and prey of the seven of them as prey is really unexpected and unacceptable.

"Yes... there are beasts."

The hunter who wanted to leave almost exhausted his strength and sent a message to his companions. At this moment, he can basically be 100% sure that this kind of danger has arrived, and it was just after they entered this area. When they are in the area, the danger seems to be an icon hanging on them. Even if it is erased, it will not solve the current anxiety in their hearts. It can be described as a "chaotic" drum and a "chaotic" hammer. .

"Don’t panic, listen to me. Let’s gather first, don’t be too distracted, and let them find the opportunity. Although these beasts say they want to surround us, it’s not that easy. There are so many around here. Even if they have the ability to reach the sky, they can’t climb the tree. We’d better find a fixed tree and climb all of them so that we can protect each other and forgive these beasts.


The role of young people at the endangered moment is naturally highlighted. The response they thought of before finally reached an agreement at this moment, and this is no way, I don’t know how many beasts are staring at them, and After they climbed the tree, they didn’t think about what to do next. In fact, they didn’t think about it at all. It’s just the current situation that made them no longer think about the next thing, but they would all climb to the tree. They plan to avoid the risk temporarily, but what they don’t know is that when they climbed the tree, the beasts are gradually gathering here, densely packed, and there is no way to directly count the number of them, how many they are On the standard.

Anyway, when climbing up a tree and "shooting" with a bow and arrow, some beasts will roar every time they "shoot". There is no doubt that each of them may be "shooted" on the beast. , And almost the positions of these "shooting" arrows are not the same. It means that there are beasts in every corner. If a fire ball is dropped to illuminate the surroundings at this time, it is estimated that the fire is shining There will be beasts everywhere, and the number is indescribable.

"This is over. We are really surrounded by beasts, and I can't count the number of beasts. Just now I set up one in every place, and the sound of beasts sounded. That is the rebuilding of business. If it is judged in this way, it means that our feet have been filled with wild beasts. As long as one of us goes down, it will immediately become food in their stomachs."

The hunter who had just actively opposed the evacuation was holding a bow and arrow, feeling a little at a loss. At this time, he finally realized the seriousness of the matter, but he couldn't regret it, because the current situation was not caused by him alone. And he also felt that there was nothing wrong with him. It was just bad luck and wanted to be a beast, but he didn't want so much.

"Then what should I do? A catastrophe is imminent..."

"I would not come if you knew it, what did you say to take this risk? It's all right now, my life is about to be explained here."

A group of people all grabbed the tree trunk and complained there. No one could come up with an idea. The beasts under the tree trunk moved back and forth, and the sound fell and fell, never stopping.

It seems that the current situation has indeed come to an end. Even a young man has no idea, even if he tries his best to solve it, but now he really can't think of a solution.

"Don’t be messy, everyone. Although we are surrounded now, it is not hopeless. They can’t reach us anyway. If we keep quiet and don’t make any noise, I don’t think it will be long before they are too. They will go away. After all, the feeling of being hungry is not something they can bear. They are just beasts, and what can they understand."

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