Whimsical System

Chapter 1741: Hunter's intention

"That said, as long as we can brighten the surrounding environment and some beasts will not attack the city, it seems that this approach is too simple?"

The soldier is also analyzing this matter, and according to his analysis, he and Chu Feng have a common idea, but he is a little skeptical about this idea. If just provide some light, it seems not enough. In order to achieve this goal, and the most important thing is that situations like this are mostly unsatisfactory. Even with the strongest light to bring light to the entire city, this seems to be a very difficult process to achieve.

The soldier, of course, analyzes this issue from the perspective he can currently understand. It is completely normal for him to have such an idea. As for whether anyone can really treat this matter from a different angle, in fact he cannot To make such a clear judgment, because he couldn't analyze the whole problem in his own perception.

Compared with the perspective of the soldier Chu Feng, he is naturally more understandable. He now controls the resources equivalent to the entire city. Basically, he is no different from the thirteenth master. So when looking at the problem, he will also start from An overall view of the overall situation for analysis.

If the entire city is provided with a certain amount of light to prevent him from attacking beasts, in fact, this transaction is not a loss, because as long as the city can be prevented from being attacked by beasts, then it can also mean that he can bring the city to the city. There are some results to avoid losses, and if these can be avoided by only relying on some electricity and light, this is obviously much less than the economic loss caused by the construction of those defensive fortifications and the offensive process.

"I also think that this is indeed a bit simple, but if this goal can be achieved, it is not a big deal, but now we have no way to make this determination. If there are really some problems we haven't found here, It doesn’t seem to be a good thing to implement this plan rashly."

Chu Feng did not completely deny this plan, but the results presented from his perspective would add something different. Now when he made this plan, he also considered from many aspects, and then came up with a result. In short, within the scope of a normal plan, the decision he made can still be implemented.

"What we understand is only some of the basic habits of beasts. As for whether it will be affected by the external environment, this is beyond our control, and it is not something that can be observed from a normal angle. Anyway, The only help we can provide is this. As for whether there is really someone behind the beast who is "fucking", it's just something we don't know. If you need to investigate, we can provide you with some assistance, but it can't be completely. Responsible for this matter."

The young man also knew that he was obviously too impatient to withdraw from this matter now, and he could not completely get rid of this matter from himself, so he also made a guarantee, that is, if Chu Feng wants to investigate. , He can provide help, but in the process of providing help, he will not treat this matter in one of his own concepts of handling things, which means that Chu Feng wants to solve the matter that is only a punishment, and This has nothing to do with these hunters, they can help Chu Feng but they will not treat it as their own business.

"I really want to know what you want us to provide you. In fact, for this kind of thing, we have always had an uncertain result. You should be some of the people in charge of controlling the city order. Of course, this is just me. Even if I guess wrong, it doesn’t really matter. Anyway, I can see that you do have a great background. If you can use us, we can help. After all, this is our life-saving grace. The reward is that our ability is also limited, and we cannot achieve a level that satisfies you the most. If there is no way to meet the standard in any aspect, I hope you will not be too offended. After all, this is also a limitation of our ability."


The young man has already deduced his guess to the extreme. In fact, his guess is relatively correct. At least from a general perspective, this decision is completely acceptable. It is just the result of his decision. It is indeed a little confusing, what is the purpose of his words? Do you want to express those thoughts in your heart? It may be that they actually want to protect some of their own interests. Although they have received the benefits provided by Chu Feng, even when they get something, they are also trying to protect their own existence. interest.

"I don't expect to get any assistance from you. Actually, I came to you today just to understand the situation of the beast. Now I know almost what I should know and understand it clearly. As for the others, I am true. There is nothing to consider seriously, and I don’t think things like this need to be taken too seriously."

Chu Feng’s remark is basically a concluding remark. He doesn’t want to have too much involvement with these hunters, and he doesn’t think the hunters can help him much. Instead of wasting time here, it’s better Go deep into the mountains and forests and observe closely the habits of beasts!

Although the hunters have received some useful news, these alone seem to be insufficient, so they need to understand more, even if the wild beasts have been rampant in the past three years, the danger has doubled.

But this is still acceptable, and if Chu Feng enters the forest alone, there will be basically no problems. Chu Feng is confident about this.

"Then what do you mean..."

The young man had already heard it out. Chu Feng wanted to let them go, but he was not sure, so he wanted to ask more, lest he guessed wrong, and he meant something unpleasant!

"The two of us still want to look around in the forest and learn more! Basically, there is not much need for you, so if you don't want to enter the forest again, then you go back!"

When Zu Feng said this, his attitude was basically too "superstitious". He didn't need the help of these hunters to get these hunters back to where they were going. One thing is gone.

But what he didn't expect was that just when he thought the hunter would leave directly, the young man had already made another decision.

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