Whimsical System

Chapter 1798: Hard to change

Now that he has escaped, it may be treated as an adventure for Chu Feng, but how long this adventure will last, he doesn't know, and he is not sure whether other risks will arise after he escapes.

If you can avoid all risks by escaping here, then it’s okay, but if you can’t, it’s a little troublesome. It takes a certain amount of patience to escape here. So many people are watching everything around him. The situation does not seem to have much to do with him, but in fact they all have a direct connection with him, and he cannot escape from here.

Whether it is the surrounding environment or the old man who is holding on here, although both of them have been suppressed, if Chu Feng becomes everyone’s enemy, then they will unite like a friend to fight against Chu Feng. Sanctions, so Chu Feng did not dare to do it, and would never do it. In the end, Chu Feng became a loser. His previous arrogance was completely swept away, and the person in charge was completely immersed in the victory. This kind of thing that was originally within his expectations, actually made him quite a bit. Excited, because the expectation is just a hard statement by himself!

In fact, during this process, the kind of worry he experienced was not less than that of Chu Feng, and sometimes even worse than Chu Feng. It's just that now he has won by fluke, so he feels that he doesn't need to be affected by this kind of worry.

"This is good. Not only did he not defeat him, but he also fell into this field. Although I don't regret it, the current situation is indeed not easy to deal with. I don't know if you have any good ways. Anyway, now For me, I have to find an idea to solve the situation, otherwise there may be even greater conflicts!"

Chu Fengxiang Lao Chu complained about what had happened just now. Although his mind was not worried about the current situation at the moment, the things he encountered at this time also made him feel that he needed to deal with it, otherwise he would There may be a greater crisis.

As for the current problems, Lao Chu seems to have his own solution, but he himself is not sure whether this method is really effective.

"You didn’t do this all by yourself. Now, even if you blame others, you can’t blame it. But don’t be too disappointed. Although the current situation is a bit unpredictable, it’s not so unpredictable. To the extent possible, you are naturally arrested by others, but what can it be? The arrest is just a process for you!

I think as long as you want, you can leave here anytime, anywhere, but you are a little hesitant now, don’t know if it’s the right time to leave, in fact, if it’s for me to decide, we don’t need to hesitate at all. , Because these hesitations have no meaning for us!

Just now you tried to use the combination of swallowing power and energy to attack him and finally failed. In fact, this result is completely understandable. In short, it is not that these two forces cannot be reconciled, but you use. The method is too impatient, so that there is no opportunity for mutual adaptation between the two, which led to its own failure.

And you just need to converge a little bit in this aspect, then basically there will be no unexpected results in this aspect! "

Old Chu’s words sounded, but it seemed that he had some too blind trust in Chu Feng. This kind of blind trust didn’t need any reason at all, but he felt that he should think about it this way, so he made this. Decided.

At first glance, people who don’t know the situation may think that Lao Chu can’t distinguish the situation at all and made some mistakes in his judgment. But in fact, Lao Chu is the person who knows the current situation best, and he knows the current situation. What is it like, and what kind of decision to make may change the current state.


So every decision he made at this moment, although it sounds a bit unrealistic, is actually a decision that fits the current overall situation, and there will never be any mistakes.

For example, after Lao Chu said this sentence, Chu Feng immediately had a common idea.

It's just that Chu Feng seemed a little hesitant at this time, he would have such considerations.

"Isn't it appropriate to do this? I also know that it can be done this way, but I always feel that some problems may arise when dealing with this way, and when these problems arise, I am afraid that we can not deal with them at will!"

What Chu Feng worries about is naturally the other party's pursuit. In fact, this kind of pursuit does not cause too much hidden danger for him. In fact, he thinks that this will cause trouble and will cause a change in the outcome of his decision.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that there is no other better choice.

After all, the current situation has been determined, and if there is any change, it is only a change to the matter itself, nothing else.

"You have fallen to this point now, what else can you hesitate? Now even if I don't remind you, you should know it yourself? Now that you are in their hands, how will they treat you, Presumably you can think of it yourself, no matter what problems arise at that time, it will be understandable!

I think you should be reluctant to bear all this, because by that time, our destiny will not accept our own control. Now there are not many opportunities you can grasp. If you give up now, then the rest is estimated It is only when they are about to punish you, your final counterattack, but if there is a chance now, then why pin all those possibilities on future things?

Anyway, if it were for me to do "operation" control, then I would definitely not do it. I just don't know how you think about it. After all, you can finally make this decision.

If you make this decision by yourself, then I don’t have any comments. I don’t mind if the situation changes too much anyway! "

At this time, Old Chu was a little bit eager to suppress it. He made a mess of this matter first, and then let Chu Feng make the decision on his own. In fact, there is really not much hesitation in this matter. It’s really meaningless to wait until the situation is difficult to fight back.

So with Lao Chu's words, basically the matter has come to a foregone conclusion. It doesn't matter how Chu Feng currently considers it. Now that the matter has been determined, no matter how you think about it, it will not be able to change the final decision of this matter.

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