Whimsical System

Chapter 1976: Meaningless discussion

"Sometimes it’s strange. I don’t know when it started. I always feel that this matter has some differences for you, and it has also caused some special changes to me. The current situation is often Changes are taking place, and some unidentified results are constantly being produced. Now all problems seem to have appeared, and some unidentified changes are slowly being made. This is not an exaggeration. It won’t even be worth my discussion on this matter. But at this time, the transformation of this matter has already resulted in a result that cannot be changed. Everyone’s judgment seems to be in To develop in this state, and everyone feels unacceptable for this matter. In fact, some problems slowly appear, which is more exciting, because similar results, no matter it is What kind of judgment may be used to find a better way. All of us are analyzing this matter, but in the end we don’t know what the result of our analysis is. The process we have gone through is What, the matter is not particularly serious, and it has not even reached a state where people can give up directly, but a situation similar to this often leads to an indeterminate result. In it, everything we decide is determined. I am afraid that there will not be any different conclusions for all the contents of. All the considerations and all the plans we have made seem to be slowly moving away from us. I don’t know what you want to say. What is your plan? I have allowed us to start this battle, and each of us is working hard for this matter. If we conduct research and analysis through these aspects, then this matter seems An answer has been obtained, but if you have not considered this matter at all, and are not even willing to accept the existence of such an answer, then this matter seems to have some other results, but if you really want to To make a decision in this way, how can something like this be acceptable to us at will? This is strange, right?

Moreover, some special situations cannot be accepted by people at all. If a solution is found, it will be solved. If you have to entangle here, get an answer, and study the content deeply, then To make an analysis again, it seems that everyone is our enemy. Is it necessary for us to achieve this level? If you say it is necessary, then I would like to hear your opinion, because your opinion on this matter may directly determine a different result, but I also know that a situation similar to this may be There is a certain chance, the chance is not important, what is important is how this matter should be dealt with! "

The brother of the commander thinks that he has absolute power. The current situation is a bit unclear, and even unable to find a solution. They are all making a different plan, and each stage they do represents something. For different things, they are doing their best to deal with some problems, even directly trying to solve this matter, but the final result is indeed a bit abnormal, because every plan he made seems to be Based on an uncertain situation and some special circumstances, they have some special considerations, but they seem to have some other definitions for these specialities.


"Don’t interpret my views on this matter too much. I don’t have any other thoughts. I just want to deal with this matter seriously and find a better solution. The situation is in an undetermined state, but similar to this state, in fact, it can still be dealt with through some determinable ideas, because everyone knows what kind of situation is, and hope A better solution can be found for this matter. If it is only at a simple level and cannot be studied more deeply, then things like this seem to be impossible to solve. I did a good job. The preparation is not to let this war return to someone’s hands, nor is it to hope that this matter is controlled by someone, but to find a more suitable way to slowly get an answer to this matter, I All the decisions made now have defeated our enemies. You cannot say that our enemies have none, nor can you say that they are not worthy of consideration at all, because their value at the moment has already had a serious impact on us, and We must also take this matter seriously, otherwise there may be some unexpected accidents. So in this whole process, no matter who is doing what, no matter who is making what kind of considerations, We all have to implement an analysis in reality, otherwise, this matter may have some problems that are difficult to change!"

Take a deep breath and make one thing feel simple. This is a good way to analyze the whole thing. At this moment, what Chu Feng did and the attitude he showed can solve the current situation. With all his worries, he didn't have any thoughts to face any problems, nor did he want to make this thing messy. His thinking has always stayed in a basic state. Then slowly let this state seem to be about to come to a result, no matter what the matter is, and no matter whether there is any error in the process, anyway, as long as a way to solve the problem is found, then this matter is very important. It is easy to get a result and a judgment. They are all trying to make this matter easy to understand. They even hope that they can control more things. But in the end, they realize that it seems that they are currently There are already some things in the effort itself. This is not something they can control, but all the problems get a specified result at the very beginning, whether they want it or not, the result has already appeared. And what awaits them can only be because of this result, they are making another determination. The current situation seems to be able to reach such a conclusion, but they are still constantly imagining to make changes!

"Let's talk about war. After all, this is what we need to pay attention to most. What we are discussing now has no meaning at all!"

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