Whimsical System

Chapter 2100: I just want to vent

The brother-in-chief said some ideas in his heart. Although he is not sure that this is what he really said, but at least the current situation has some points with his statement, and he also mentioned these problems. Some of the effects that he has caused, if everything has nothing to do with him, I am afraid that this is not justified.

In the face of these problems, Chu Feng was actually thinking about some of his own plans, but these were just some thoughts formed in a short time. Chu Feng didn’t want to make things too serious. He had his own mind. Perhaps he didn't know what was considered inside, and it was even more difficult to express if he wanted to say it.

"How do you say this, these things have already been exposed to the surface, and we only need to solve them. If you think these things are not easy to deal with, it may not be your own problem, but the current The situation is a bit complicated, and it’s so complicated that we can’t solve it ourselves. In fact, we only need to consider these things clearly, and basically we can get a result. If we really want to make this thing different, It must be to find some way to completely solve this matter, but I always feel that no one can explain or understand a situation like this. If it is really going to this point, then We have to make some other reactions. Anyway, when we are doing this thing, it is inevitable that there will be some accidents, or even make this thing impossible to solve. This is not what we want to see, but again It is impossible to proceed, so that you can feel the impact of this matter on us from standing in this position. There is no way. We can only consider this matter carefully, and there may be some accidents. Then analyze clearly, in this process, what is the most important thing, even if we do not get any useful results, it will not cause much impact, in fact, we have already considered it. Now, what changes this matter will bring to us, anyway, we are just letting this matter get a result. As for what kind of problems will arise in the process, this is probably not something other people need to consider. Yes, especially some of the results in the current situation are actually more satisfying. If there are some problems in this matter, then I’m afraid we will have to make these judgments. So no matter which aspect is adopted, what should be done, and what should be dealt with, actually need to be implemented!

Anyway, I also made it clear to you. In this battle, I will try my best to help, and I will also get what I want, although you don’t know what my purpose is, but This will not affect you in any way. Because I didn’t put my goal on you from the beginning, you naturally don’t have to rely on this matter too forcefully with your own ideas, and when this matter really ends, in fact You will find that I will leave quietly. My departure does not mean that I have to go, but that I don’t want to mix things up. In fact, you should be able to think that in the whole process, I don’t There will be too many things I can do, but I want to do it, and then just achieve that goal! "

Chu Feng made it clear enough that he had already thought of leaving, but it was not convenient for him to answer at this moment, and after he finished speaking, the expression of the whole person was also instantaneous. Relaxed, that kind of relaxed look, it seems that he has always been a spectator, has nothing to do with this matter, of course this is only a superficial phenomenon, no one can truly believe that at this time Chu Feng no longer cares about this matter, and no one thinks that the punishment will give up everything in a short time, because the current punishment has been involved with too many things. If you really give up at that moment, no Know how much courage it takes to achieve that goal.


The commanding brother looked at Chu Feng and did not speak. In fact, he already had some thoughts in his head, but at this time it was inconvenient to answer, and it was inconvenient to fully explain his own considerations. Even in the process, there really were There may be some normal situations, but this has nothing to do with him, and it is inconvenient for him to make plans in this regard.

The two people seem to have reached the point where they can stop in this matter. They are inconvenient to do any research on this matter, nor do they need to make all the considerations. If they have any thoughts, they are only aimed at This matter is only, and it has no other use, including some possibilities that may arise from this matter. This is only an inevitable situation for any of them, because as long as they do not control things. , Then there may be accidents, and for the good or bad brought about by this accident, they can naturally bear it, because it is already within their expected range.

"I should go and take care of other things. If you have something to do, go by yourself. If you don't have you, just stay here. Anyway, there is nothing important during this period that we need to solve. The battle has just ended. In fact, the two sides who win and lose actually have their own arrangements. I don’t think there is any pressure in this matter. There have been several battles like this before, but in the end they are all hastily. It is simple to solve the two teams directly. If this thing is really so easy to achieve, it will make people feel a little unbelievable. After all, there is often no way to determine the resignation. Similar to the process in this area, there are basically some special changes that are difficult to solve. If everyone considers at this time, but can't get an accurate result, they don't even know how to solve it. If it is, it is only a special situation that cannot happen below a simple level!

You may not understand this truth, but it is not important, because I just talk about it casually, and I don’t want anyone to understand it. I just want to vent my inner emotions. When I say it, it’s over. How other people think about it has nothing to do with me at all. If anyone can seriously discuss it, or really study what I said, it will appear that this person has no independent opinion, or even This will show that he is a little confused! "


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