After the two of them discussed, they did not deliberately delay the time, and directly booked tomorrow’s ticket.

Today, let’s go out and have fun.

The two didn’t clean up much, originally Tingyi still wanted to put on some light makeup, joking that she must be dressed up beautifully, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to stop the foreigner’s beautiful girl, and Yang Yi wouldn’t be hooked away.

But Yang Yi took her out.

Times Square, New York.

Standing on Times Square, you can see colorful billboards, endless crowds, and feel the great charm of New York’s artistic atmosphere and commercial culture.

The Times Square Union cites a statistic that counts an average of 2,000 people crossing Manhattan’s Seventh Street every fifteen minutes on weekdays.

On New Year’s Eve, more than 1 million revelers gather in the square to celebrate the New Year.

There is also a saying circulating here, if you don’t go to New York, you can’t count as being to the United States, and if you don’t go to Times Square, you can’t be to New York.

Due to the high popularity of Times Square, many famous cities in the world have shopping malls and buildings named after them, including Huaxia.

“Ah, it looks lively now, and in the late decades of the 20th century, it was a symbol of danger and corruption in New York City.”

Tingyi said.

“Oh? How dangerous is corruption? ”

“Have you seen ‘Midnight Cowboy’? A lot of the filming is here, reflecting a lot of things back then. ”

“Let’s hear it.”

“The protagonist Joe fantasizes about going to the big city to be a rich woman and goes to New York alone. But from the beginning of the road he gradually felt the indifference of people. Overwhelmed by all the strange cities, he wandered the streets and saw women and stepped forward to talk. After many refusals, Joe got a hint from a woman to go to the room for a tryst together, and afterwards, Joe asked her for money, and after removing her makeup, she looked very old, and the kind Joe instead gave her twenty yuan for the fare…”

In just a few words, Yang Yidu felt sad for the protagonist inside.

The most important thing is that Tingyi’s sentence reflects reality, indicating that similar things often happened in New York back then.

“This old woman is too bad.”

Yang Yi said.

“It’s clear that the man is wrong, he doesn’t work hard, he has to be whimsical.”

Tingyi retorted.

“But as far as the matter is concerned, it is the old woman who takes advantage of it.”

“That’s not what the man asked for.”

Two people are going to quarrel because of a TV series, like the taste of a very popular couple.

“Hmph, you don’t accommodate me at all, I decided, don’t like you.”

Ting Yi said with a sullen snort.

Yang Yi also tilted his head to the side, “I don’t believe it.” ”

Tingyi walked in front of him, stopped his shouting, and aggravated his tone, “I, really, really don’t like you anymore.” ”

Yang Yi was stunned, and he had a feeling that he should admit his mistake and coax from morning to night day by day.

Should he say, baby, I’m sorry.

As soon as the words fell, she also felt that her tone seemed to be a little fierce, what if he wanted to save face and not coax himself?

Ting Yi pursed her lips and continued, “Anyway, for the time being… Don’t like you anymore. ”

Yang Yi sighed, laughed, held her chin with his hand, and looked at each other.

Obviously, all the places on his body have been touched many times, but he still resists being prodded by him like this… Tingyi’s heart was pounding, coming, coming, in front of so many people, he was going to kiss it… So shy!!

“Then when you like me, hold my hand again.”


Tingyi was about to cry and hurriedly grabbed his hand, “I like you.” ”


He was deliberately cold.

“I like you, I like you, I like you, I like you… She repeated. ”

His heart is receiving a critical attack, and Tingyi is really cute when she is coquettish.

Cute is always divided into many kinds, and perhaps what is beautiful and beautiful belongs to the cute one.

Just like Eunxiu’s little tiger teeth are cute, and the cuteness of Hundred Grass Qi bangs with bright big eyes, and the cuteness when Guangya sleeps and drools… And this coquettish little cute around me.

“Then you said you want me to count until you can like me again.”

Tingyi saw that Yang Yi did not speak and comforted him.

“Well, then you count to ten.”

Yang Yi said.


Tingyi patiently began to count, “One, two, three… Eight, nine…”

When she counted to nine, she paused.

Yang Yi waited for a while and looked at her, “What about ten?” ”

“Hehe, didn’t you count ten?”

Tingyi was happy as if she had succeeded.

He would expect dozens of things from me, indicating that he liked me so much.

In fact, Yang Yi had long seen through why she paused and deliberately asked.

It’s just between love! Even if you are favored, you can’t be regarded as capital, and you always have to warm each other’s hearts.


Yang Yi’s hand tightened her palm, “I like you again.” ”

Tingyi became sweet and felt the temperature of his palm, “Then you just owed me a kiss back to me.” ”

Basically, I went through the entire Times Square store in one afternoon.

“I want to snack.”

Passing by a big store specializing in snacks, Tingyi shouted to pull Yangyi in, there were many people inside, and there were many couples.

A place like this, whether you buy it or not, is also a girl’s paradise

But all the way down, Yang Yi did not allow her to buy it, saying that pregnant women had to eat less snacks, which destroyed one of her girlish hearts.

Finally, he thought that tomorrow she might be uncomfortable when she was on a plane, and she had nausea and other symptoms, so he took a box of Mei.

But it is difficult to get in and get out, after all, it takes time to check out, but I didn’t expect the queue to be unexpectedly long, and the two had to queue up to check out.

In the team, there is also a foreigner who has been swallowing clouds.

Ting Yi couldn’t help covering her nose, and her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, as we all know, secondhand smoke is very unfriendly to other people, especially pregnant women.

What’s more, she herself particularly dislikes the smell of smoke.

Not far away, a salesperson couldn’t help but remind: “This gentleman, please don’t smoke here, okay?” ”

This foreigner is still self-serving, his skin is as thick as a city wall, and when he is named like this, he doesn’t feel at all, but seems to be extraordinarily different…

“Sorry sir, please don’t smoke here, this is a public place.”

The salesperson couldn’t help but remind again.

The middle-aged foreigner’s face sank, and he said: “Look behind you, since you can’t smoke, then what are you still selling cigarettes for?” ”

The salesman was silenced by him.

Sometimes this is the case, like many supermarkets that prohibit smoking but sell cigarettes, such as the whole family, Xishiduo and so on.

Tingyi bit her lip, still feeling that this person was really unreasonable, she buried her face in Yang Yi’s arms.

Yes!! Or does it smell good on him.

At this moment, Yang Yi hugged her shoulders and said indifferently in a tone that chatted with her, but at a volume that was just enough for everyone around to hear: “Tingyi, just now you told me a story, then I will also tell you a story.” ”

Tingyi’s eyes fluttered at him, a little strange, why did he speak English, was it for these foreigners to listen to together?

She cooperated in English: “Okay, you say.” ”

“I have a friend who is a very big smoker, and he smoked a cigarette in three days at most, and he smoked it for several years in a row, and died not long ago.”

He said lightly.


Ting Yi pretended to be surprised.

The middle-aged foreigner’s Adam’s apple moved, and he subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

“It was a horrible scene.”

Yang Yi’s expression was as usual, but his tone was extremely cold and mad, “He kept spraying blood from his mouth, spraying blood from his lungs, and the blood wet his collar, his pants, the ground…”

However, the foreigner’s next action surprised Yang Yi, he thought that this foreigner should throw away the cigarette butt and come over to himself… As a result, the foreigner’s fingers trembled uncontrollably, as if touched, and threw the remaining half of the cigarette on the ground and crushed it with the sole of his shoe.

Seeing that Yang Yi said so realistically, Tingyi was also slightly touched, with a slight sense of picture, “Then your story is much worse than the story I said.” ”


Yang Yi sighed and continued: “Since then, I have often warned my friends around me that when crossing the road, you must see if there are vehicles on the left and right, and people can’t hit cars. ”



After a few seconds, Tingyi reacted and laughed.

The Americans around also seemed to hear the reversal and burst into laughter.

At this time, the foreigner was a little embarrassed, and turned to look at Yang Yi, “Shit, brother, Laozi has always only driven when crossing the street.” ”

“Oh, you’re great.”

Yang Yi said lightly.


The crowd burst into laughter again.

This time, the middle-aged foreigner couldn’t hold his face even more, he actually took out the key of the Japanese Toyota and dangled it in front of everyone, “I really cross the street and only drive…”

The following scene can be imagined…….

Although the United States is also a big car user, 9 of the 10 cars in the United States will be Japanese.

It’s not what we see in the movie, it’s just a pickup stuck in a villa at every turn, with a big farm…

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