Whirlwind Marriage: Overwhelming Love of The Husband

Chapter 1279, Black Eagle, you give me open

Li Mingyu pulled up the future.

Gu Shi said, "When a uncle is here, I am concerned about it."

Li Mingyu stunned, and then smiled and pinched his face.

It's a little adult.

It is clear than anyone.

Li Mingyu said, "Oh, pull it down, you really care about me, let your mother marry me."

"Oh, you are not so powerful."


Li Mingyu Road, "Your father is now in the country."

"My father will not be suppressed casually, hehe."

Li did not be surprised by Li, "Dad, what do you say."

Li Mingyu took the head of his son, "Don't go there, I will take you to the place where you go."

Li Mingyuri thought, Lin Che Tong Jingze, only care about himself, how he is going to see your child here.

And over there.

Yunyun was pulled by Mu, looking at these people next to him, she tried to avoid it.

But I don't want, I still hit it with people.

The music of the outside band is too big. Here people come and go, how do you have some chaos.

At this time, the Black Eagle pulled the cloud cloud.

Yunyun raised his head to surprise, "Uncle Mo, you are coming."

The Black Eagle had just wiped the wooden man.

The man was suddenly pulled, and he still wanted to swear, look back at a black eagle, his mouth immediately closed.

Mu Fei is also a glimpse, and there is still a little worried that the Black Eagle will swear. However, the black eagle is only cold and looked at the people, and he screamed.

The man hurriedly said, "Sorry, I am sorry, this lady." Then I immediately walked away.

Wood is really tone.

Black Eagle looked at her, "Yun Yun is here, you are afraid, I will not make trouble."

Said, the Black Eagle pulled up the clouds and hugged her forward.

Wood is a little.

Soon, she understood what he meant, he won't make trouble in front of the child.

The Black Eagle naturally understands that if the child is swearing, what is like what is like.

When Mu Fiqi reacted, the Black Eagle had leaving Yunyun left the noisy place.

"Ink, why do you go, put the cloud cloud."

The black eagle put down the cloud.

Yun Yun is still unwilling, holding the thighs of the ink, "Don't don't want, my mother, I want my uncle, I want my uncle."

"You ..." Mu Fei pulled cloud cloud, "Yun Yun, my mother took you to find a year old brother,"

"Don't, I don't want to find a year old brother, I will want to ink uncle."

Yun Yun said, tears have been ignored.

Mu Wei looks like it is really no way, standing there, a worry, a hug, Yun Yun.

"Mom, Mom, I don't want to go, I want to ink uncle." Yunyun cried.

"Yun Yun, you give me an obedience."

"Don't don't, I don't want to go."

Miki is not good, especially looking at the black eagle standing here, she puts the child down, "Okay, good, you will follow you."

Miki is turned.

Yun Yun really doesn't want to keep up with it, and the uncle is not put.

The Black Eagle picked up the cloud cloud, looked at the weeping cloud, "Yun Yun, you see, you will take your mother."

Yun Yun said, "But I want to with my uncle in a piece, uncle, can you have a mother?"

The black eagle looks in front, sigh, "Good, uncle will take you to find your mother, uncle will take the mother as soon as possible, uncle, uncle," "

The cloud is toddling.

Mu Fei is not a good time. After walking, you have to cry.

This cloud cloud ...

At this time.

One hand is handed over.

She stunned, just conscious, she was going to pick up, but she saw it, it is a black eagle.

His handkerchief is blue, there is no pattern above.

Unexpectedly, the black eagle would have a handkerchief.

She always thinks that after the paper towel is popular, most people are with a convenient paper towel, and they must be extinct with people.

However, this man looked at a big man, in fact, there is a unique delicate inner heart.

Black Hawk, "Flemes."

Mu Wei snorted, "You are proud of now, Yun Yun listened to you, you can't escape your palm, it is you amazing, Yun Yun followed you, okay."

"I don't say so, Yun Yun can't be no mother."

"No, I see that she doesn't need me now."

"You are so hard, she doesn't need you."

Wood is really thinking, the eyes are moist.

When I was happy, I was really hard.

But now Yun Yun actually wants the black eagle to do not want her ...

Looking at Mu Fei secretly rubbing your tears, the black eagle walked over, slowly put her in his arms.

She rely on the black eagle, I feel this taste for a moment, so she wants to cry.


Half, I think of anything.

She pushed the black eagle.

"What are you doing on so close?"

Black Eagle said, "It's you leaned over ..."

"I am not, it is you." Mu Feihong red face, snort, turn it.

The black eagle quickly followed.


"You let it, don't follow me."

Later, some people heard the voice of this quarrel, take a closer look, turned out to be the black eagle and the wooden.

And this woman is quilted, but it is hitting against the Black Eagle, and it is pushed.

It seems that it is not small, but it is really hard to fight.

The black eagle is so high, so powerful, so terrible ...

However, it is amazed that the black eagle doesn't have the meaning of the black eagle, nor is it a little angry and depressed. It looks a peaceful face, with a favor for her.

This happens, can't help but look more.

There will be such a black eagle, or in front of a woman ...

Black Hawk, "You can hit me, you can marry me, how can I do it, but don't do this."

Wood is really raised.

Black Eagle, "I am not willing, don't give you so bad, don't help you cry,"


Black Eagle said this, really ...

This should be handed.

Old people never know, he will say this kind of love?

Mu Fei is so thinking, there is still a high comfort.

He is in front of her, maybe never let anyone see, this feeling, let her feel sweet.

However, it is not right.

She can't be lied by him, I was cheated once, it is not enough.

"Hey, you let it open." She turned back to his foot.

"Hey, this hurt ... you ... line, you will hit me, marry me, I am not afraid of pain, but you see that Yun Yun is also reluctant to me, I believe that you must not bear to me!"

The Black Eagle said, more powerful hugged her shoulders, and smashed the people in his arms.

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