Whirlwind Marriage: Overwhelming Love of The Husband

Chapter 1287 We do not participate in the event

In fact, the long phase of the Lin Ce is more joined.

In the entertainment industry, long is particularly beautiful, it will not have a viewer. This is because some people look like a beautiful woman, but it is to make people look.

Some people, just look, let people feel good, look at it.

So, now the beautiful woman is like a cloud, many director see people, don't say it, I don't look good, but I don't ask for it.

Lin Che is a kind of request.

Lin Che came up and didn't play a few angles, and I used the protagonist. I still have a gun and red. I have a big relationship with her long phase temperament. This look, that is, there is a long phase of the heroine, the drama is also Not so narrow, modern ancient, what age, she can play.

Wu Yuxi, is actually too young, if the performance of some of the original drama will tender, always look at the old age, the doll face, how much is a little loss.

Fortunately, she is now not long, most of the characters of the performance is the same type, and the audience has not had aesthetic fatigue, so she is still very hot.

Gu Jingze looked there, someone said there, "Who wants to do activities, there is an activity, you can go to the platform to interact with Wu Yuxi, who come."

The following staff will pick up the event, picking up in advance, picking long, good, or watching humor can drive the atmosphere, so that the person will pick up the person.

At a glance, the staff saw Gu Jingze.

After all, Gu Jingze did not disappear, at this time, it was very attacked.

There are too many people, Lin Che is squeezing in the pile, and the low head can avoid the eye.

"Hey, this handsome guy came to you."

The staff think this is really ... so good, don't go to the star.

Gu Jingze did only look at it, "No need."

The staff didn't expect him to refuse at once, "Oh, don't you be shy, you can see Wu Yuxi, close, and see it in the past."

"No need to."

He pulled the Lin Qing, "My wife doesn't like it, I'm not as long as she is close."


The staff really thought that he was complimented.

Then he will talk too much.

His wife can be happy.

It's not as long as Wu Yu, is not as good as his wife, people are stars.

However, at this time, the staff saw it at a glance, the back of the people looked at the nod.

That eye ...

That eye is soft, just a look, people are intimate.

Look at the other eyes ...

Just a eye, it has already feel beautiful ...

At this time, the staff suddenly didn't want to doubt.

"Hey, then you ... are you coming together ..."

"No." Gu Jingze pulled Lin Che, and he took the past.

The staff look at two people disappeared behind, and they are a bit surprised.

"Just that person ... that person ... especially the eyes, who is coming ..."

Another manway, "You still don't hurry to find someone here."

"Ah, no, just have a handsome guy, with a beautiful woman, the beautiful woman, looking at especially the eyes ..."

"What is familiar, your relative?"

"Of course not, it seems to be a star."

"I think you are watching the stars."

"Really ... oh, Lin Che."

A look, a expression, and Lin Ce is right.

"What? Lin Che" how it is possible. "

"Really, don't believe you, I really seem to be Lin Che."

Several people looked over, but they could only see the man tall, because there were too many people, and the shadow of Lin Xin had disappeared completely.

"What are you doing?" Wu Yuxi is already a bit impatient inside, these staff are too shampoo, a shopping mall station that wants to complete, it is still not completed so long.

"Jie Jie, just we seem to see Lin Che, oh, followed by a man."

Originally Wu Yuxi is to hear the name of the Lin Ce, I feel depressed, because the company will tie her with Lin Che, it seems to take her to fight Lin Ce.

This makes Wu Yuxi have a pressure.

Originally, Wu Yuxi didn't have long. When I first started into the circle, I feel like all artists, I feel that I can red, and I can perform some roles, it is already very good.

But later, step by step, was cultivated by the company as a focus artist, and suddenly became a view, she felt something like a dream.

However, these achievements are also accompanied by stress, especially, the company always takes her with Lin Ce to compare.

She didn't have any other way, I didn't dare to make it right, and I didn't dare to say that the company's bad words did not dare to violate the company.

You can't say that you don't want to compare with Lin Che, so she is in depression, and the temper becomes worse.

Just because it has been pressed, there is no way to relieve, so the only way to relieve it is to lose your temper below.

These staff estimates that her temper is getting bigger and bigger, and they will break out.

Some people think she is playing big cards.

Yes, she wants to play a big card, but she wants to play a big name, but she has vented her own.

She is also a good temper, there is a person who is difficult to listen to people, now actually hard to learn this.

Sometimes she hates my face, but I don't know what to do at all.

She doesn't vent, I can only feel dead.

When she just heard the name of Lin C, she almost turned to hear, heard behind, they actually said, Lin Che is with a man ...

"Man? Who? Gu Jing?"

"Hey, the type is a bit similar, but it should not be Gu Jing."

Wu Yuxi is a meal, and I will go out and find someone.

I have been looking for a long time outside, I finally found the shadow of Lin Qing under the help of the staff.

It is indeed Lin Che, it is indeed.

She will recognize her at a glance, because it is really, it is too deep, how can I not recognize it.

But who is the man?

She saw a long time, did not think that people in the circle, there is no one in the circle.

Wu Yuxi saw a long time before returning to the event.

And Lin Che, who left the shopping mall, and returned home directly.

On the car, Gu Jingze looked at Lin Ce, and the mood seems to be much better, people also laughed, "Okay, when is the TV drama broadcast?"

"The latter day starts broadcasting, and the first game of the game will begin."

"Well, come on."

"Well, I've been at this copy, I can only fight once."

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