Whirlwind Marriage: Overwhelming Love of The Husband

Chapter 1293 also caused a championship

After Lin Ke agringed, he went there, suddenly, a lot of people looked at Lin Ce in a surprise, thinking how Lin Che is running with financial channels to do a program.

Is this a publicity?

Lin Che is admitted to the TV station in the TV station.

When the host, I have seen the information, I have already admired Lin Ca, I haven't made a program, "Lin Che, I didn't expect that this game is you doing, I am playing every night, no I can't sleep, I can't sleep. "

Lin Che is sorry, "I am just one of the production."

"I didn't see it, you are master, it is a sponsor."

Lin Che said, "I also felt fun."

"A series of novels behind you are you contributed. Hey, really, I think there are still many stars very impetuous. If you have no ideas, they are not entrepreneurship. Going to open a restaurant, you said that you did the game. "

Lin Che is more embarrassed by compliment, until the end of the makeup, hosted talents left.

The program officially begins, the host is also very excited. "Today we invite the big star Lin Che, there are people who see Lin Che will feel surprised, why is this wrongful photo studio? ? But I want to tell you that there is no, Lin Che is our invitation today's entrepreneurial coffee, and the recent broadcast TV series "Ray" first thought, now downloaded billions, break through the latest Download the recorded mobile game End Tour Community "Ray", this game is now a full C country, male and female, almost homogeneous, then everyone may never have this game, talk to the actor Lin Shi, today Let's tell you, Lin Che is the creser of this game! "

The host said a few people's entrepreneurs, "I am very excited," I saw the introduction, saying that you first pulled the investment, just got a few young college students to do games together. "

Lin Che laughed, "Yes, because we have no money, so find some college students, they are more cheap."

"Today, we also give Lin Ce a surprise, we invited one of our" rays "to create a prototype, please."

Lin Che is surprised to see that the neck has come in,

Naturally, there is such a thing in the dormitory, all of which come out, let KG come, KG will not come.

Lin Ke looked at the neck, first was surprised, then smiled and smiled and took his shoulders, for his own small partners, now she is also familiar, how to make a joke, it doesn't matter.

Sitting in the neck, I talked about his worship of Lin Qing.

From the beginning of the beginning, it is expected to be a dream. Several college students who have started work together, they feel that they don't know how they don't know how they have money.

This kind of college students turned over the topic, very attractive, the host also asked many interest.

After the show is doing it, the host listens to the bind, and the admiration of Lin Che is to describe the five-body investment.

"Miss Lin, you are really a female, you can't do it."

Looking at the host, I said to the neck, "How did this do it, how do they suddenly contact me."

The neck said, "This is the CCV TV station, let's see, they all come to interview us, I don't excite it, I said anything ..."


, "Oh, Really, I didn't expect it to be interviewed by CCTV. It is really ... I have to launch all my relatives and friends at night to see CCTV ..."


Lin He has returned home soon.

She is actually the first time to participate in such official programs, the past variety, interview, it is also more entertaining, this interview is so formal, it is also a formal words, I still feel some cloud fog after going back. inner.

Going home, but seeing Gu Jingze is looking at things.

She pushed the door into the study, Gu Jingze looked up, "Today, your interview is good."

"Ah, I can see it so soon."

"CCV TV station is recorded in the morning, in the morning, can you do the latest."

"Oh, I haven't gotten it to CCV yet, I don't know."

"But I also see a lot of evaluations you online, so I will notice." Gu Jingze said.

"What? How much is the evaluation?"

Gu Jingze laughed at her, "You see."

She felt that his smile was strange, walked over, and sat casually sat on his thigh.

When the head is looking to the computer, I saw that the hot topic above is "Universal Lin Chen" "Lin Che, you know?" "Lin Che" "" ""

Lin Che is open the topic, discovering that the topic has been brushed, and it is said that Lin Che today is today.

How many people are the same as that host, surprised that this game is just Lin Che.

Some people are also coefficient, in addition to doing this, in fact, the film and television company, Lin Che Studio, is a master.

"Lin Ce is so capable, we don't know."

"Lin Che is low-key, we know."

"Lin Xin is a woman in the woman, too million, can't go, I worship her."

"If I have one tenth of her, I am fine."

"This is a woman in the new century, leaning on yourself, a world."

"Who said that the woman is not as good as a man."

Of course, there are some oppositions that have been objected there, "I am not because it is a star, so I can pull it into investment, ordinary people, you want to go."

But this is also attacked immediately. "You are also as a star, you will go to the investment, you will know that the investment is not to see who is a star, especially the game. The crossover is so big. "

"It seems like Lin Che" the star can be red, not to rely on his own efforts. "

Everyone maintains Lin Che, and everyone will leave people.

Lin Che turned over, found that he was really, and suddenly got the headline, it was also drunk.

Mainly because too many people can't think of the game, it is what she did, and the crossover is a bit bigger.

However, netizens are all, and some people dug out the trumpet of Lin Xin in the game, and took out the game video that passed down in the past, saying that Lin Che is really, how many private things have been done to play with themselves, then the position is so bad , Play the world against equipment ...

Of course, this is not her, just everyone feels that this fool girl is really interesting.

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