TV stations are also very annoying these artists who are not looking for.

And Wu Yuxi is obviously not a special person who can make people like.

Therefore, the TV station saw these fans, directly let the security guard rushed out, saying that it is impatient, "all go out, here is a TV station, there is no ID, which artist, so no quality, said it We are in the shed to shoot without the arrangement of the fan seat, but also called so many fans, is it to see more fans? "

"It is, it is estimated that it is not a big-name artist, and those big names need fans to create, so people never bring people, and they don't have to appear to be more fans."

These words are deliberately speaking to the fans.

Fans have finished listening, even if they don't show it, they will feel that they should be very good.

Then, the fans who have just turned fell immediately.

"Just, the real star doesn't need a fake call. You look, Lin Che is just yourself."

"Hey, let's talk about us, we are not bad, don't let us go to the star, really, give her face not face."

Fans have a lot of trouble.

Not allowed, there is such a video on the Internet, and the fans' champion makes many people feel more interesting.

Wu Yuxi actually called the fans, Wu Yuxi fans poured Golin.

Lin Cheng has a full-name idol.

Lin Shi deeds fermentation.

Almighty Lin Cheng into a woman's role model.

This type of topic makes people surprises, but the Lin Ce's topic takes an all gossip list, which is also a fact that is not struggling.

Subsequently, how did the Panda Taiwan have to promote Wu Yuxi, and it has already been can't get up. Because Lin Che is a name, let the propaganda costs and channels don't have so many oriental TV stations, and how much cost, I have made TV drama exposure. Large improvement.

Everyone carefully noted the TV series of this homer who fought the male protagonist.

The TV series also reflects the image of the forest, the heroine does not rely on men, not relying on palace, relies on their own ability, force, and their identity, and become the strongest world queen, the final, Queen will be handsome Get a top.

The result of the final battle is the gain of the gain of the gain of the gain.

I have been looking forward to this plot, and when I spoiled, people who watch TV dramas are also looking forward to the final result.

When I woke up in the morning, Yu Yu did directly called the newspaper.

"You see, today's ratings exceed" Chaoyang Queen "."

Lin Che is surprising, "What is it? Where is it?"

There is still a little accident on the day, however, the ratings are indeed with weak advantages, and it has exceeded the past.

The next day, Yu Yun once again called.

"Scorpio, we exceed 30% of" Chaoyang Queen "."


The headlines in the news of the ratings, suddenly, the TV series of the Lin Ce again.

"Ray" counterattack, it is an exclamation, playing to half, and begins to counter the anti-super superchard, and the more you look, the more hot, such a TV series, it is really no.

The TV station quickly gave Lin Che, they didn't expect it. It was originally, the ratings were very satisfied. In these years, there are no few TV stations to defeat the panda table. They have a luxury, before this TV series Has been signed by the Panda Taiwan, and later, Lin Che was destroyed, and they had already felt that it was a tart, Lin Che, and even more than their TV series, but the ratio would not be too bad, so they basically I bought it directly.

But now the ratio is a rebellion, which makes them don't work.

The leaders of the TV station said that "our Taiwan is also a lot of scenery. Later, he has been given up by the Panda Taiwan. We have already given up. This time I didn't expect that your TV drama has a counterattack, let us find the possibility. We are now meeting now, saying that there will be no longer so depressed in the future, regardless of the panda table, more than they are not impossible, so the desk calendar is now a hundred times, I feel that we will definitely exceed the panda table, this It is also because of your credit. "

Lin Che said, "No, you are so polite, this is my credit."

"I am too excited. Anyway, this is a relationship with you, the next TV station will organize you, must come."

"Yes, I must go."

At this time, some people are happy with people.

Liang Shan did not lose his temper. He sat there and looked at Wu Yuxi, shook his head, and said, "It's not Lin Ce, it's not Lin Che, OK, I have said, this woman There is magic, if her words, what is likely to happen, we are also relaxed. "

However, this is a great task of being very good, but the heart of Wu Yuxi has caused great huge huge huge.

She only felt that her heart was hit, after hit by the hammer, there was a moment of numbness, and then pain in a little bit of tear.

Because Liang Shan is comforted, there is no comfort, she only heard it, Liang Shan is pre-expected, I have long denyed Wu Yuxi, I have long, I have to be more than Lin Qing, now, everything is just It is expected that he is expected.

So he is not unexpected.

So, in so many days, why do he have to take Wu Yuxi to keep up with Lin Che.

Her efforts of these days, what is her stress?

Wu Yuxi is really uncomfortable, but Liang Shan feels that he has been very good to her, no temper, nor she, did not hit her, but Wu Yuxi is now in this expression, how seems to be very resentant.

Wu Yuxi got up, and once opened the hand of Liang Shan, "Let me let go, let me be quiet."

"Hey, you ..."

Wu Yuxi also rushed out.

Liang Shan was angry there. "You look at you, Wu Yuxi, I can comfort you, what is your attitude, that is, you are not calm, or you are not as good as Lin Qing!"

His words just let Wu Yuxi more quickly.

She didn't think about anyone from the beginning, she didn't think about it.

They have always been compared to Lin Che, and there will be everything today.

Lin Che.

The Celebration of the TV station, they can't participate, the artist is related to TV station, it will have a lot of benefits to himself, so in general, artists will have a good relationship with TV stations, in order to add more exposure rates in TV stations, emotional business Artists will run to TV stations to play big cards, and they will be blocked, they will know how stupid themselves.

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