In addition to Gu Jing, there is still a lot of people here.

Just, when she entered the door, she only saw Gu Jing.

Forgive, she can't make Gu Jing to be a normal passerby.

Because, in any case, he is the first man in her life. Once, they have had such a near physical contact.

But now, they have a pair of strangers.

On the side, there are many people around Gu Jing, some are the film and television tycoon, and some of the son brothers are all good hands.

When I saw Su Night, Liu Gongzi, who had a face of Liu Gong, "Hey, come, see, I said, little star, come, come here."

The Night is low, I really want to be used as myself, but I can't avoid it at all.

Standing there half of it, or pushed the past.

I looked at the Night's night and worked.

This Su Night, usually works very much, how can I not adjust today?

In the face of so many people, it will not play.

Su Night was so pushed, and went directly forward.

Liu Gongzi hugged Su Night.

"Hey, my little beauty, let's look at it, long is good, why isn't you not red, you follow your grandfather, let people bring you, affirm red."

Su Ji Ni Jing was not hooked in Su.

Liu Gongzi immediately said, "Hey, right, let us take you, Jing, you know, our domestic and foreign, the most fire idol, the strongest star, there is him, you will be fire. "

Gu Jing was indifferent to look at the front, and it seems that I didn't see the Soviet Night.

At this time, I listened to Liu Gongzi, but it was faintly grabbed the wine glass.

However, drinking a bite, but directly shot on the table and sent a snoring.

The people present in the scene have grinked.

Liu Gongzi's eyesight, suddenly looked at Su Night, immediately said, "Hey, this, this Su Night, you still don't want to pick up our Jing, Jing, you see, this girl is not looking for Come to you. "

Gu Jing, but looked up his scorpion and looked at the Su Night.

"No, this kind of wild flowers, I am not rare."

Su Night's face is on the face.

Liu Gongzi's face, looked at Su Night, I think this is a wild flower, but it is very beautiful.

But since Gu Jingqi doesn't like it, he is just a smile, "it is also, this kind of goods are not in the eyes of Jing Jing, and it is worthy of this grade. It is definitely those Miss Qianjin, the door is right, and we don't Like, let's like this small wild flower, hey, come, what is your name. "

He also moved his hands in Su.

However, the hand touched her shoulders, Gu Jing gave it over, suddenly put the wine glasses, looked up, looked at a few people, "Let me play, and give me a woman."

Several people look at it.

Look each other, then look at Gu Jing.

Although Gu Jing is so not to give face, but they have to give Gu Jing to face.

Who called this unpredictable.

In C, who is a person who comes to the family, this grandfather is still the three masters of Gu Jia.

Liu Gongzi immediately said, "It's good, since we are so quiet, we will accompany it today, walk, women gave me."

Liu Gongzi looked at the night, thinking in his heart, I still can get my hand in the morning and evening, not at this time, then I will hit people.

After the Su Night, there was a tone. Although Gu Jing was a wild flowery, then wounded, but it was precisely because he didn't like wild flowers, but she was free from the disaster this time.

However, the people outside saw Su Night came out, and it was a pleasant.

"How come out."

"Is it not in the same way."

"I said that Gu Jing will like the girl here, people are looking for those high-end."

"Oh, but I am so good to see the real people, I also want to go in a circle."

Su Night, I really don't want to go.

She spit out a sigh of relief and looked at the outside of the outside. It has gone over.

"Su Night, I am so good to let you go, you will reward me, do you know what these people are, you have seen it, Gu Jing is also mixed with Gu Jing, there is no one, you actually I dare to give me a sex, I see you don't want to do it here. "

Gu Jing will come here to come here ...

She does not want to do it.

"I don't do it, I resigned." She grabbed his nameplate and put it on the table.


I didn't expect that this girl was so hard.

"Hey, not letting you go in to entertain, these are all powerful characters, you can climb one, then you are enough for a lifetime, you ..."

"I really don't do it."

Su La Night decided to leave here.

Sitting in the bus all the way, sitting on the subway, so slowly returning to the school.

Just arrived at the door, I saw that Chen Jian was also entering.

"Su Night, you are back."

"How are you here."

Chen Jian said, "I know that you will definitely not obey part-time job, hey, so I am waiting for you."

"You ..." Su Night said, "You don't have to, I resigned, don't do it."

Chen Jian stunned, but did not ask more, and suddenly took out a little from the pocket, "these you should take it."

"Ah? No, no, I will find other work, don't give me money."

"Borrowing you, holding, otherwise, you have no meal at all, starve to death, I am not a friend, you are holding, okay, I will go first." In her pocket,

I know that she doesn't want to accept, do not give her an opportunity to refuse, people ran away.

"Chen Jian!" Su Yaoon called the sound behind, but did not stop.

She stood there, but she looked at it, but she didn't know, a car followed by a car.

Oh, think it is much higher.

Oh, think that there are more orver.

Rejected him, leaving him, and the backhand is not to take the money of others.

Gu Jing was on the car and held the steering wheel and looked here.

Half, he suddenly suddenly took the car.

Su Night sighed, looked at the streets that have been chatting, thinking about it tomorrow, must also return, she will not accept his help again, otherwise, it is too much.

However, just a step, people suddenly stopped by a tall person.

She fell, I feel familiar with the fragrance, then the strong man, the arms are unfold, and when she is in front of her, the body is pushed into strong, she saw, the man in the dark, In the eyes, it is a cruel despise when watching her.

"Why, my money is not, it turns out some objectives."

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