Whirlwind Marriage: Overwhelming Love of The Husband

Chapter 1311 is beautiful than anyone

Three princes laughed, "Look, how is it, it is good."

"It's good."

"Sit down, look at it, the girl here is more good, if you like, you will take back."


"Hey, you didn't see it, how do you know, I am gambling, there will be you like it." The three princes have been looking for a comfortable location, reaching out two times, temptation outside The ultimate beauty took the tray coming in, and the good osmanthus wine is placed there, and it has been warm, and the outside of the outside is also distributed with a point of light.

Gu Jingze took a little bit, put it on one side.

Three kings will be enjoyed, leaning on there, "You said that your ancient Wang Gong noble is like this."

Gu Jingze looked at him, "No, you will enjoy more than they will enjoy."

"That is, I am very tired every day, I have to cooperate with the previous TV speculation, I don't enjoy it. There is any fun."

"Oh, you are idle."

"Who told you a man of these men, no more love, you will win, or your family's money, you should have more enjoyment than I should enjoy, see you, don't enjoy life every day, don't go out, take yourself I am tired. "

Gu Jingzene, "Yes, self-sufficiency."

He will not explain it for himself. In fact, everyone has freedom to choose their own way of life, he likes such a lifestyle, and I like another, there is no way to explain.

At this time, the beautiful woman coming in and shows a one of them.

He first clapped his hand, a few women came into, and the pace of , with a fragrance, the fragrance would not make people feel disgusting, it seems to be tasteful.

Several women have different forms, wearing a simple white skirt, looking like an ancient fairy, floating weak.

And below, Gu Jingze has no expression, just looked at it, then picked up osmanthus wine to drink.

Three kings said, "Come, you choose one."

Gu Jingze looked at a few women, although the gods were different, but they were not interested.

He raised her eyebrows, "Not as beautiful as my wife."

Three princes said, "Ha, what extent, what your wife can be beautiful, I don't believe it, which one is not that I am picking out, absolutely can be said to be a national color."

"You don't know what to say, I will not say anything."

"You ..." The three princes are not angry, and they looked at him there.

Two people are also familiar, so they are more casual.

Three Kings, "Good, Ok, Since this is the next batch."

Then, another style, a few women like the Tang Dynasty, with exquisite makeup, dressed in bright clothes, bustling seems to be written in the clothes, it looks People think that in front of you.

Three Kings said, "This time."

Gu Jingze still shook his head.

Three kings took a table, "Next time you don't choose one, I have to turn face."

Gu Jingze said, "Just turn it."

He picked up the wine glass and went to drink, and the three princes clambles and continued to come in.

Come in, the head is wearing a thin yarn, the face is really can't see. If you look at the flowers in the fog, you can only see a little bit of eyes, but also on the body, it is a beautiful light yarn, it seems like the beauty in the fog. With lotus, it is soft and weak, and I only feel cool, let people be happy.

Three Kings, "Look, these are not bad, I think you have a culture of C., there is a beautiful beauty, it is really beautiful, this, isn't this beauty."

Yes, although I can't see the class, these beautiful people are enough to make the general people instantly.

However, Gu Jingze still does not send a word, sweeping an eye, continuing to shook his head, "Forget it, you can enjoy it yourself, I am enjoying it."

"Hey, you are not so disappointed, since it is coming, you can try it."

"Don't have to come, you don't have to take me yourself."

"That's not, I said, you have to send you one, you will send you one, come, this, you come to serve our Mr., wait for a good time, he will take you back, then you have a long life, you can It is the waist, and it is necessary to rain.

That beautiful woman came over.

Gu Jingze has already frowned, "Going far."

The three princes have a road, "You don't have to worry, I said, I will prepare for you, you can feel relieved."

"I said, it's not a problem, but I won't make anything betrayed my wife."

"Hey, your wife doesn't know."

"But I know, I am my heart."

"That is your wife, there is anything that can't bear it."

"My woman outside her, there is no feeling, only disgusting, but I will give you a face, you take people away, otherwise, if she went into a step, I have a move, I am afraid I will hurt and gas."

"Oh, I am bet you won't."

"I am serious." Gu Jingze fixed.

Three Kings said, "You can try it, you are really hurt, I will be responsible, but if you don't, you will lose today, if you lose, I have to pay."

Gu Jingze frowned again.

The three princes patted the chest, "this beauty is really a color, don't believe you can try."

"What is the best, I don't need it."

"Oh, you tried it, I know that I am not lie to you, go."

Beauty continues to come over, Gu Jingze, "You are approaching, don't blame me."

However, the beauty is still near, Gu Jingze rely on a little, warning the head to look at her.

However, the beauty suddenly jumped, and he flipped directly.

Gu Jingze is a unfair.

I have to avoid it, I only feel that the woman's arm is coming over. I just wanted to pinch her wrist directly, I suddenly felt wrong.

This wrist ... this body ...

"Lin Che?"

He called directly, then, then look at it carefully.

Natural is Lin Che.

Although it is still a smog-like being covered, this figure, this taste, this weight.

When he opened her arm, he pulled off the tulle on her face.

For a time, a brightened face of an emerald, reflecting the fog, showing in front of you.

She looked with a pair of black eyes, looking at him, the eyes were like a star in the same day, trembled.

Let people feel like it.

this is……

Her body is so beautiful, it is beautiful than the fine work of any natural world.

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