Whirlwind Marriage: Overwhelming Love of The Husband

Chapter 1320, my woman is not anyone.

But a few people didn't know, they just got, because of that dialogue, some people guess, what is this woman, is Chen Jianqi to marry, sleep her, then find that Su Night is not the first time, so under Break up, branch, and find other women to make up for it?

Such a rumor is spread quickly.

At this time, Su Night has just arrived at the office of the crew.

The person of the crew said to her, "We are the Director Group of the Allure, just wond down your information, I think you are not suitable for the image of the blue butterfly you expect you."

Su Qing's heart is sinking.

Just call her, say this problem?

However, below ...

"We have been discussing, think you are more suitable for this fence."


Su Ya Na opened his eyes.

Looking at the introduction of the previous script.

The fence is a lot of female three.

Although it is just a female third, it is because it is a role of a friend relationship, so it is also a bit of emotion.

Su Nightly looked at the people in front of you, some are not credible, "I? Give me this role?"

"Yeah, yes."

Su Night is very excited, can't believe it.

However, this role does give her.

When people got, Yu Yu looked at her back.

"Look is good, this role should also be able to control, that is, she is actually the people there, there is something wrong."

"It is said to have signed the past, but no one is holding her, I went to keep there with no two, even a broker didn't give her."

"Well, look at it first, you can also take advantage of this opportunity, make a good face."

Yu Yu said that it was easy to go.

And Su Su didn't know that she just went back, he heard that her rumors were everywhere.

"Hey, look, it is her."

"Hey, don't face it."

"It turned out to be people who were bothered."

"No wonder Chen Jian doesn't want her."

Su Yaai walked over and heard some discussion, and suddenly looked at those displays, suddenly his face was pale.

In the end what happened?

But I don't know, in the day of her leave, the rumors have become more intensified.

Some people say that Chen Jian, she was born, so they will be abandoned by Chen Jian.

Chen Jian only said a word, it was susrtured.

Don't say anything else,

But don't need to say anything more.

When I got a rumor, she was treated as a dirty woman, and she was shaken everywhere, she was hurt, and she was covered, and Chen Jian was also entangled.

I heard these in Su Night, I feel very sad in my heart.

Chen Jian ...

Why, why do you want this ...

Even if you don't make friends, don't do this.

"Look, it is her, Chen Jian said ..."

He heard this voice at Su Night, and immediately pulled up the people who want to talk next.

The man was shocked.

"You ... you do."

"Where is Chen Jian!"

"I ... I don't know."

"You said Chen Jian, when did Chen Jian said to you, where is he!"

"Yes ... in ... in front of the restaurant, I have dinner."

Ki Night knows that Chen Jian likes a restaurant in front, very high-grade, he occasionally take her to eat, solve .

Su Night rushed over there.

When I was entering the door, I walked in the bag, and he would choose there every time he liked.

When I opened the door, the waiters were shocked.

Chen Jian is that it is kissing with that woman, so the two people kisses, so they were scared by the Soviet Night, and they were scared to each other.

Chen Jianyi saw her, his face changed, first blush, then ashamed.

"Su Night, what are you doing."

The woman on the side is anger, "Su Night, have you gone a politeness."

Su Night is too lazy to see the woman, directly to Chen Jian Dao, "Chen Jian, I have been with you for many years, I have been thank you very much, I am very good for me, I will take care of me." "

She really didn't expect, one day, with Chen Jian will become now.

"You forgot that we sprite the college entrance examination, you forgot that we went out to the backpack, you forgot us to rehearsed together, don't eat it in a few days, you forgot us to wish together, will be big red, now you will How can I, how can I say my rumors? "

Chen Jian's face showed a bit of uncomfortable, a bit of embarrassment, but it turned and disappeared.

He looked at Su Night. "I spread your rumors? Oh, I don't know if you don't know, you have done it, you are also worried about others?"

Su Night, "You don't know anything, nothing ..."

The woman on the side looked at Chen Jian's distressed look.

I jumped up, "Hey, you will go out and have sold the people, so I'm looking for our theory, who told you to sell it, he said that you don't want the face, for red, It is really true. "

When I heard this, Chen Jian thought it was again, and I snorted.

Women see, "So you still want to come now, you don't want to delay our Chen Jian, you deliberately come, is it? Do you want to see Chen Jian? Do you think that you are so dirty, Chen Jian still wants to be friends with you? How do you want to be with you? Ha, don't be very clear, you gave me out, don't run again to find Chen Jian, our Chen Jian did not give you more than you, see you I have already feel disgusting! "

"Chen Jian, why do you hide behind? Why don't you come to himself, you said, you said how you are, you have to be like this!" Su La is staring at him, must he want him to give yourself. .

Chen Jian is just a face of a face, really don't want to be asked by her.

Because he didn't know, what is the answer.

"Let people give me the Night." He suddenly spoke.

The woman's eyes are bright, can't wait.

"Well, immediately." She immediately went out to call the security.

The security guard came in.

"Chen Jian, Chen Jian!" Su Night is out of anger.

But I don't want this time ...

"My woman, when I am going to you."

Gu Jing gave it all.

One way to push one side.

Chen Jian stunned.

I stood up at once.

On the one exide, the woman was completely obeyed, looked at Gu Jing, did not expect himself here, and suddenly saw a real idol.

And Su Night.

She looked up and looked at this disgusting man.

They are all intentionally appeared in front of Chen Jian, and they humiliate him, and they let them break.

However, now, come over to help her, but it is him.

What did he want to do!

What she is his woman, she is not!

"Gu Jingqi, what are you doing." Su Night pulled him.

Gu Jing got a sound, frowning at this woman who did not listen, and pulled her behind him.

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