Whirlwind Marriage: Overwhelming Love of The Husband

Chapter 1328 Prestige still has been there

This means, they can choose here, they can look here, they should be honored.

But the gardener can only shake his head, and Lin Che has already told it, one more, they don't touch, no one is useless.

"Our students have been saturated, sir, true, you can register early next year ... or some in the middle, I can notify you in the first time, but now really ..."

"What?" The family smiled and looked up. "You didn't understand what I meant."

"No, I understand, but we are here, there is no location."

"Cough, Yuan Chang, who is the investor here, or I can say it directly, I will go find him to say it is more useful."

"This is nothing to do with them, no matter who ..."

"Well, you are probably foreigners, so I don't understand."

"No, I have already asked, the truth, I have already asked in the first time, but they really said that we are still very rigorous. For good education, we must have principles."


The housekeeper stood up and looked at the gardener of this oil salt.

"I will ask now, who is behind you, and the courage is really big."

I snorted, and the housekeeper glaved, I left directly.

The head of the gardens touched forehead.

When you come here to get this kindergarten, you will encounter such a person from time to time, which is very speechless.

However, their ordinary people have been found someone, and there is no news, it seems that it should be told that it is impossible, and it will not appear.

Just this time, people who have been looking for themselves, will they do it?


The people of Gu Jia returned home and immediately said this.

Immediately, they were very angry, "I gave it to check, I don't believe it, a big kindergarten, there is no vulnerability, go to it."

"Yes, sir."

The person below immediately asked, health status, everyone is the first.

Taxes, people are all handed over, or actively.

Teachers, people have documents.

The park, people are buying themselves.

Greening, the green area of ​​people beyond the other kindergarten.

Then, what else?

The key is that there is nothing to pick, but when someone starts to ask, I immediately said privately, "You still count, this is can't afford it."

The people of Gu Jia are very angry. "Oh, in C, there is no one who can't afford it."

They said, "We said that they didn't have anyone before, but they were blocked directly. This home is not, you still count."

"Oh, our remedies have not counted things."

Gu Jia administration immediately went to the top.

"Their kindergarten must have problems, you will check it."

As a result, they really found a problem, that is, the occupied area is too large, and it is not very conforming to the planning regulations.

Planning, a kindergarten, then several students, occupied area, belong to land waste.

At first glance, I'm saying, "So big area, I dare to say that people are already enough. Is this not intentional in hype? I know this sales metro, or less money, money can go in Is this hunger sales? "

The people of the Urban Administration hurry to check.

They found the kindergarten directly and asked the kindergarten to be responsible for it.

When Lin He received a call, I was clear, "they are really, good days are not good, don't come."

Gu Jingze Road, "How, what happened to Gu Jia this time."

Lin Che said that things have been said, "They are really, so I can find it, I am drunk."

Gu Jingze said, "That place, there is a major part of being used as a park, in fact, there is no problem, I need to talk to it over there."

"No, you are not going to cope with the problem of making the group." Lin Che said, "When did they let the group go?"

"It is estimated that it will be taken next."

"How to stay for so long."

"They have too much, need to arrange it."

Lin Ce shook his head.

Although these days did not go back to make the group, they also saw the report from TV, saying that they brought too much, so that they have causing how much onlookers are in front of them.

Even princes took over the chairs in his home, saying that it was uncomfortable to discard this.

Such an ultimate happiness and luxury, it also caused the attention and ridicule of the Chinese, how many people dream of marry this seemingly golden country.

However, it is really married, it is estimated that they will know that the truth is so cruel, some luxury, and it will not be happy.

Lin Ge, "You go to you, I have been looking at it, Gu Jia is separated by us, but it will not know me."

Gu Jingze relatives her forehead, "I will let them know more about you."

On the other side, Gu Jia administrative houses still waited for someone to give them an account.

At this time, some people say, "Weather, you have been waiting, there is a person in charge over the kindergarten."

He huh, smiled, lifted the tea cup, didn't look at the outside, "I said that they still know the power of my house, let people come, I have to ask, what are they doing? , As a big area, it violates such a big taboo, even if there is no one to check, really when the C country is not ruled, is it. "

"Oh, why don't I have a rule? I don't know."

At this time, a voice is a glimpse, then ...

Zhou Zhong suddenly looked up, and saw that Lin Che came into the chair, and people almost fell from the chair.

The tea cup in your hand has taken the lead.

Lin Che!

Gu wife in the past.

Mrs. Gu Jiazhen, who didn't know.

This thing has not been over for a long time, although it is, but the two Gu Jia is still a thousand and rational relationship. How many years have a deep root of the past, the most understanding of Gu's family, is Gu Jingze, most about Gu Jingze, and Gu Jia.

Therefore, they have been afraid of Gu Jingze, and they have been still there. Although he is not a master, it has been separated, but in their hearts, that person is still high, not inviolable.

Then the past is around Gu Jingze, it is also the same as Lin Qing, which is parry.

"Too ... wife ..."

At once, Zhou Zhongji's voice trembled.

Lin He looked at him, and found that I didn't know this housekeeper.

Lin Ca is standing, smiling in the cold, looking at him, obliquely, "What is you?"

"I ... I am a housekeeper of Gu Jia's branch."

"Oh, I know."

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