Whirlwind Marriage: Overwhelming Love of The Husband

Chapter 1331, one day, I will let you ask me.

Lin Che Taoism is getting more and more poisonous. This means that people in kindergartens are also tuned, and Gu Jia can really fall the price.

Xiao Gong Ge has not experienced things, it is also rough there, watching her for a long time, I think it is to fight. "Our houses, things, one point, we can't give people cheap People, this is our principle. "

Lin Ce screamed, "That is a ridiculous, here is what I did, it is what I have made, what is the relationship with your house."

Is she made?

Why don't he don't believe it?

"Hey, what is your money, this must have Gu Jingze's funding, no matter how much, anyway, we have money, you have to give us a house."

Lin He looked at him, "You are a strong word, why don't I have money?"

"Of course, this is this, the light is worth 10 million, it is definitely not you can afford, hurry, less nonsense delay, anyway, we are going to be."

He said, looking at the curious parents behind, still igniting.

"What do you see, this kindergarten is illegal, this kindergarten is us, it is to open our money by this stinky woman, you actually send your child to here, learn a thief?"

Several parents listened, scared, was shocked, I don't know what to say, and I feel unbelievable.

"how come……"

"The kindergarten is so powerful, how can I steal people?"

"Oh, I will not have any questions."

Lin Qing pulled down, they dared to speak with these parents.

"It's enough, you will leave here now, or don't blame me." Lin Chen immediately got the past, raised his head, watching a few people, said directly, "You bullied me a weak woman to build a kindergarten. It is still such a fierce to hinder our normal development. We just want to do something to do. What happens, what happens, women can't have so much money to run schools, you look down on our woman. "

The parents are all mothers, because the family is talking to kindergarten, generally will be a mother's group, so these women have heard Lin Che, and they have also aroused some feminist minds.

"It's, women can have money, how women have money, they must be the evil road."

"I think there will be no problem here. We believe that Lin Qing, people do their schools, must be that you have people to mess."

"Our kindergarten is so good, and the child is here to be safe and sensible, and there are more things. Such a good school, you have to come to destroy, you must have a conspiracy."

"We can't listen to these people's idle words, and we don't know if you have children, the child will not be lie, the child is learning here, English is similar to the mother tongue, not a vague Even the family education does not need to be invited, and it is also very sensible. How can this school may be poor. "

There is a parent to put it up, everyone recalls, and they have echoed together.

At a look at the small daughter son of Gu Jia, I didn't expect myself to be smashed.

Lin Ce is really two brush, and suddenly touch the feelings of these women.

At that point of view, I can't make trouble, I don't have the face, "Lin Che, no matter what you have flowers, it is still a house, you don't force me to come."

He waved directly, and the guys and people who were ready, they followed.

Last time, in the wedding, they also saw these security of their houses, with the gap between the security of the Jingze, know that it is useless to collide, but it is not what they have more.

So this time, they took more people.

Just, I don't want to do it. I will see it. I will directly control the facilities of the people, the absolute army level, will have just welcomed these people's groups, and they are more surprised.

These people, watching it is not Class C.

Lin He looked back, see Saissid has already followed it, watching Lin Ge, "You see, Gu Jingze has now made you bullied?"

Lin Che is frowned, he is nothing to do again.

Lin Che said, "This kind of little thing does not need to do what Gu Jingze is required."

"It is not needed, but it doesn't mean that he can do not exist."

I am not saying anything, Sai Yide has suddenly raised his hand, smiling at her, "Let me see you, what is the most powerful man."

Sai Yide is a cold, looking at the front of the person, arrogant face, full of disdain, Gu Jia, now something is something.

Several people look at this floor, and some reactions do not respond.

Sai Yide waved directly, "Dare to move around in front of the royal family, dare to make our thoughts?"

A group of people looked carefully, these people were Dian Wanghou.

Sai Yide Dawn.

He is visiting in C. However, how can it appear here.

I looked at him to stand around the forest and was more surprised.

Why, the king of the royal family will know with Lin Che.

Lin Che This woman ...

More to make people feel deeply.

If Gu Jingze, then he can't come to the kindergarten, such a small thing, it seems that he follows Lin Che, and he is smiling at the smile, it is more like him. general.

Several people don't know what they do.

Lin Shi didn't want to accept the help of Saisid. I walked forward to two steps, looked at humanity, "Okay, let you go once, give me away, don't close my kindergarten, otherwise, don't blame me. "

Several people don't want to leave, but look at Saisid, think about how much money in your hand, I feel that you will be able to suffer, it is better to go.

Looking at the people left, Sai Yide smiled and looked at Lin Ce. "If in my country, these people dare to bully you, now I have seen God."

Lin Che said, "We are not so overbearing, although they hate, but sin is not dead."

"Oh, when you are with me, you will be Wang Hao, people who dare to move the royal family are all dead. When you arrive, you can experience what is high."

"Sorry, I am not interested."

Lin Ce turned to go.

Saisidao, "Lin Che, the more you refuse me, the more I will feel interesting, one day, I will let you come to me, ask me to come."

Sai Yide looked at Lin Che, squinted, laughing, laughing.

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